CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite Administrator’s Guide : Customizing Lifecycle Management : Creating a Lifecycle Model : Defining the States and State Transitions of the Model
Defining the States and State Transitions of the Model
To define the states and state transitions of the model
1. Click the States tab, if it is not already selected.
2. Click Add State.
3. In the field State Name, supply the name of your state.
4. In the field Description, you can optionally enter a comment that describes the purpose of the state.
5. In the area labeled Transitions, specify a state than can be reached as a result of a transition from the current state. In the column Target State, you can select the target state from a drop-down list containing all of the states defined so far.
You may find it more convenient to define all of the states before you start to define the state transitions.
If you wish to define more than one target state from the current state, select the + icon to create a new line.
If you have more than one target state, select one of the target states as the default target state by choosing the radio button in the column labeled Default.
You can show or hide the transition area for a state by choosing the triangle icon in the header line of the Transitions area.
6. Use the Add State button to define additional states as required.
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