Example of Configuring LDAP Authentication
You can set up LDAP Authentication using the command line tool, CentraSiteCommand, which is located in <SuiteInstallDir>/CentraSite/utilities.
The command to start the command line tool is as follows. The example assumes that there is a user AdminUser who has the CentraSite Administrator role, and this user has the password AdminPass.
CentraSiteCommand.cmd set Authentication -domain LDAPDomain
The sample interactive dialog is as follows. During each step of the command, the server prompts you to enter the basic details for LDAP authentication.
Executing the command : set Authentication
Step 1: Basic LDAP Host Information
url - URL of Server (ldap(s)://host:port): ldap://MyServer01:10389
alias - Description of the Configuration [LDAPDomain]:
Do you want to use the LDAP Technical User (Y/N) [N]: Y
prin - Technical User: AdminUser
cred - Password of technical user: AdminPass
Repeat configuration step, Continue, or End? (R/C/E) [C]:
Step 2: Basic User Information
uidprop - User name attribute: cn
personobjclass - Found object is a person: inetOrgPerson
userrootdn - Location to be searched for users: ou=people,ou=gdm,o=sag
dnprefix - Prefix to attach in front of the username [cn=]:
dnsuffix - Suffix to attach after the username [,ou=people,ou=gdm,o=sag]:
memberinfoingroups - Search users in a group (Y/N) [N]: Y
mattr - Member Search Operation: uniqueMember
Repeat configuration step, Continue, or End? (R/C/E) [C]:
Step 3: User Properties Mapping
no mappings defined
Do you want to keep this mapping? (Y/N): [N]:
Please provide your custom mapping (leave blank or enter "--" to unmap)
personName:firstName: givenName
personName:fullName: displayName
emailAddresses:emailAddress:address: mail
personName:lastName: sn
postalAddresses:postalAddress:streetNumber: postalAddress
telephoneNumbers:telephoneNumber:number: telephoneNumber
postalAddresses:postalAddress:postalCode: postalCode
Repeat configuration step, Continue, or End? (R/C/E) [C]:
Step 5: Basic Group Information
gidprop - Group attribute: cn
groupobjclass - Found object is a group: groupOfUniqueNames
grouprootdn - Location to be searched for groups: ou=groups,ou=gdm,o=sag
Repeat configuration step, Continue, or End? (R/C/E) [C]:
Step 6: Basic Group Information Mapping
Please provide your group information mapping
description: description
Repeat configuration step, Continue, or End? (R/C/E) [C]:
Successfully executed the command : set Authentication