Run-Time Governance Reference Information
This guide provides details about:
The run-time events and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) metrics that can be collected and reported for each virtualized service or virtualized API deployed in your system.
This section also describes how to configure CentraSite to receive the events and metrics from the policy-enforcement point (such as Mediator) that collects them.
The run-time actions for virtualized services. (There is a separate set of run-time actions for virtualized APIs.)
You use these actions only when you are using CentraSite Control to create run-time policies for virtualized services. This section provides:
An alphabetic reference of all actions and their parameters.
A listing of the action evaluation order and action dependencies.
Some common combinations of actions used to authenticate/identify consumers.
The run-time actions for virtualized APIs.
You use these actions only when you are using the CentraSite Business UI to create policy enforcement rules for virtualized APIs. These actions are similar in functionality to the actions for virtualized services. This section provides:
An alphabetic reference of all actions and their parameters.
A listing of the action evaluation order and action dependencies.