CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : CentraSite Business UI Pluggable Architecture : Customizing the Login Page : Installing the Customized Login Page : The CentraSite Business UI Configuration Files
The CentraSite Business UI Configuration Files
The configuration files for the CentraSite Business UI reside in the following directory.
When you start Software AG Runtime, property settings in the following files determine the features of the CentraSite Business UI.
Configuration File
<CentraSiteInstallDir>\cast\cswebapps\BusinessUI\system\conf directory
The standard (system) configuration file contains the default settings that are preshipped with CentraSite. These settings control the default installation of Business UI. Throughout this document, we use the term system configuration file when referring to this standard file.
Do not modify the contents of this file unless asked to do so by Software AG.
<CentraSiteInstallDir>\cast\cswebapps\BusinessUI\custom\conf directory
The custom configuration file contains the default settings that are available with the system configuration file. In addition, these settings are customizable with respect to customizing Business UI. Throughout this document, we use the term custom configuration file when referring to this customizable file.
If you need to modify the property settings for the CentraSite Business UI, you make your changes in this file.
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