CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : CentraSite Business UI Pluggable Architecture : Customizing the Welcome Page : Installing the Customized Welcome Page
Installing the Customized Welcome Page
To install your customized Welcome page, you need to modify the CentraSite Business UI configuration in the Software AG Runtime environment.
The required steps are described in the following table:
Stop Software AG Runtime
Before you make any changes, stop the Software AG Runtime process.
Updating the centrasite.xml configuration file
If you need to customize the Welcome page for the CentraSite Business UI, make your changes in the custom configuration file located in the <CentraSiteInstallDir>\cast\cswebapps\BusinessUI\custom\conf directory.
Start Software AG Runtime
After you have made the changes, restart Software AG Runtime.
The changes you have made should now be visible when you view the Welcome page.
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