CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : Built-in Portlets Reference : Built-in Portlets for Run-Time Category : Top X Monitoring Events per Service
Top X Monitoring Events per Service
The Top X Monitoring Events per Service portlet presents the top X services based on monitoring events for the given number of days.
Input Parameters
The following table describes the set of input parameters that you can use with the Top X Monitoring Events per Service portlet:
Required. Integer. The number of services you want to display in the portlet.
Required. Integer. The date range to retrieve services that had the maximum number of invocations.
Result Attributes
The Top X Monitoring Events per Service portlet presents the following information for each service it contains:
*Service Name – The fully qualified name of the service.
*Service Key – The Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) that is assigned to the service and uniquely identifies it within the registry.
*Service Description – The comment or descriptive information about the service.
*Service Version – The user-assigned version identifier for the service.
*Monitoring Event Count for Service – The number of monitoring events made on the service.
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