CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : Built-in Portlets Reference : Built-in Portlets for Design/Change-Time Category : Number of Instances per Category (Taxonomy)
Number of Instances per Category (Taxonomy)
The Number of Instances per Category (Taxonomy) portlet presents a count of all the instances for each category (taxonomy).
Input Parameters
The following table describes the set of input parameters that you can use with the Number of Instances per Category (Taxonomy) portlet:
Required. Integer. The Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) that is assigned to the taxonomy (category) and uniquely identifies it within the registry.
Result Attributes
The Number of Instances per Category (Taxonomy) portlet presents the following information for each category (taxonomy) it contains:
*Category – The category (taxonomy) whose instance count you want to display in the portlet.
*Instance Count for Category – The number of asset instances of that particular category (taxonomy).
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