HTTP Proxy Configuration
If you use an HTTP proxy to access the Internet, add the following Java system properties to the custom_wrapper.conf file in <SuiteInstallDir>/profiles/CTP/ configuration folder on the machine where the Software AG Runtime is installed. For information about setting Java system properties in custom_wrapper.conf, see the webMethods cross-product document Working with the webMethods Product Suite and the Java Service Wrapper .<n>=-Dhttp.proxyHost=httpprox.
<3rd-level-domain>.<2nd- level-domain><n>=-Dhttp.proxyPort=<proxy_port_number><n>=-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts="*.<3rd-level-domain>.
<2nd- level-domain>|*.<domain_1>.<extension>|*.
<n> is a unique sequence number that you assign to each property associated with the Java Service Wrapper. For more information about assigning this sequence number, see the property description in the webMethods cross-product document Working with the webMethods Product Suite and the Java Service Wrapper . Working with the webMethods Product Suite and the Java Service Wrapper .
The -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts setting should specify at least the name of the host on which the Software AG Runtime is running. If there is more than one entry in this list, separate the entries with the vertical bar character |.
The following are cases of particular interest in which you may need to set the proxy settings:
In order to have access to or to import WSDL files from the Internet.
In the
Software AG Runtime where
CentraSite Control is running.
If you embed the importer in an application, then these setting will also apply.