CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite Developer’s Guide : Application Framework : Association Types
Association Types
Usage Sample for Association Type Management
In general, registry objects can be related to each other via associations. An association belongs to a specified association type. CentraSite supports predefined association types, such as HasParent and Uses; in addition, you can create custom association types.
In CentraSite, an association type is uniquely identified by its value (for example: HasParent, Uses, etc.). The value is specified when the association type is created; it cannot be subsequently modified.
An association type can optionally have one or more locale-specific display names. If no locale-specific display names are specified, the association type's value is used by default.
Each association type has a forward label; this is shown, for example, when a corresponding association is displayed by the impact analysis.
You can optionally specify a backward label. Multiple association types can share forward and/or backward labels.
The CentraSite Application Framework type management feature provides methods for creating, updating, deleting and finding association types.
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