CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite Developer’s Guide : Web Service Interfaces : Approval Service : Retrieving the List of Approval Requests that a User Has Submitted : Getting Details about the Actions of the Approvers Associated with a Request
Getting Details about the Actions of the Approvers Associated with a Request
Once you have an ApprovalRequestList, you can use the getApprovalActions operation to obtain detailed information about the approvers associated with any request in the list.
The getApprovalActions operation takes an approval request key as input (which you can get from the ApprovalRequestList) and returns the set of approvers associated with the specified request. (You can specify multiple keys if you want to get the details for multiple approval requests.)
The getApprovalActions operation returns an ApprovalActionResult message. The ApprovalAction[] array in this message identifies the set of approvers associated with a particular approval request. Each ApprovalAction element in this array contains the following information:
*The key for the approver (that is, the key to the User object that represents the approver)
*The status of the approver's action on this request, as follows
*If the request has not yet been processed to completion (i.e., it has not yet been approved or rejected) and the approver has not taken any action on the request, the status will be "Pending".
*If the approver has approved the request, the status will be "Approved".
*If the approver has rejected the request, the status will be “Rejected”.
*If the request has been processed to completion (i.e., it has been approved or rejected), approvers who did not make the approval decision will have the status "No Action". (If the approval request was auto-approved, all of the approvers will have the status "No Action".)
This operation provides functionality like that of the Approval Requests list when you use CentraSite Control to display the details for an approval request.
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