Before You Begin
Multiple parameter types exist - the most widely used parameters are path and query parameters.
Path parameters, which are integral part of the request URL, and correspond to the URL path variable names.
The following example shows the different path parameter representations and the results expected:
GET /phones/phone-412456 - Returns the details for a specific phone whose product code is 412456.
In the above snippet, the URL path variable name 412456 is passed as a parameter to the GET method.
Query parameters, which are passed as the request URL query parameters.
The following examples show the different query parameter representations and the results expected:
GET /phones/?make=apple - Returns a list of all the phones that match the specified brand
GET /phones/phone-412456?format=JSON - Returns the details for phone whose product code is
412456 in the JSON format.
Header parameters, which are passed as custom HTTP headers.
The following example shows the header parameter representation:
GET /phones?phone-412456
Accept-Encoding: application/json