CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite Administrator’s Guide : Users, Groups, Roles and Permissions : About Users : Moving a User to a Different Organization : Effect of Moving a User on the User's Access to Assets
Effect of Moving a User on the User's Access to Assets
Members of the Users group for an organization have implicit View permission on the organization's assets. Because CentraSite transfers users from one Users group to another during a move, the moved users lose implicit access to the assets in their former organization (except for the assets that they own) and receive implicit access to the assets in the target organization. If users require continued access to the assets in their former organization, consider granting the Asset Consumer role (in the former organization) to them after the move.
If there are any explicit instance-level or role-based permissions assigned to the Users and/or Members groups in their former organization, be aware that users will also lose those permissions when they leave the organization.
Moving users to another organization does not affect any instance-level permissions or role-based permissions that are granted directly to their user accounts or to any non-system groups (i.e., groups besides Users and Members) to which they belong. Therefore, other than losing access to certain assets as a result of leaving the Users and/or Members groups in their former organization, users continue to have access to the same set of assets as they had before the move.
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