Bulk Loading Users from the External Authentication System
You use the following procedure to add multiple users from the external authentication system to CentraSite in a single step. You can specify which organization you want to add the users to.
To bulk load users into CentraSite
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Administration > Users > Users.
2. Click Bulk Load Users from External Source.
3. In the Bulk Load Users from External Source dialog box, select the users that you want to add to CentraSite.
4. In the field Import to Organization, specify the organization into which the users will be added.
5. Scroll through the user list to confirm that the selected users were added successfully.
6. Examine each new user that you added to the specified organization and update the user's attributes as necessary. (If you selected users from an Active Directory or LDAP system, many of the new users' attributes will already be populated.)