CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite Administrator’s Guide : Users, Groups, Roles and Permissions : About Groups : Creating Custom Groups : Adding a Locally Managed Custom Group to CentraSite
Adding a Locally Managed Custom Group to CentraSite
Use the following procedure to add a locally managed custom group to CentraSite.
To create a locally managed group
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Administration > Users > Groups.
2. Click Add Group.
3. In the Group Information panel, specify the following fields:
In this field...
Do the following...
Enter a name for the new group. A group name can contain any character (including spaces).
The group name must be unique within an organization.
Optional. Enter a short description for the new group. This description appears when a user displays the list of groups on the CentraSite Control.
Specify the organization to which this group belongs. (The drop-down list only displays organizations for which you have Manage Users permission.)
Choose the organization carefully. You cannot change this assignment after the group is created.
4. To add users to the group, do the following:
a. Click Add User.
b. Select the users that you want to add to the group.
If you want to filter the list, type a partial string in the Search field. CentraSite applies the filter to the Name column.
If you type...
CentraSite displays...
Names that contain b
All names
c. Click OK.
5. Update the Roles profile as necessary to assign roles to this group. If you need procedures for this step, see Assigning Roles to a Group.
Verify that the Organization field specifies the correct organization for this group before you proceed to the next step.
6. Click Save.
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