CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite Administrator’s Guide : Users, Groups, Roles and Permissions : About Groups : System Groups
System Groups
The membership of the following system groups is managed automatically by CentraSite. When you add a new user to CentraSite, CentraSite automatically adds the user to these system groups. When you delete a user from CentraSite, CentraSite automatically deletes the user from these groups. You cannot delete or edit the membership of these groups yourself. You can, however, assign roles and instance-level permissions to these groups.
This system group...
All users.
All users in an organization. Each organization in the registry/repository has a Users group. By default, the Asset Provider and Asset Consumer roles are assigned to this group, which gives these roles to every user in the organization.
All users in an organization or any of its descendant organizations (children, children's children and so forth) Each organization in the registry/repository has a Members group.
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