Cloning Base Type Profiles in Sub Types
The Clone option for a sub type determines whether the profiles associated with the base type are also applied to the sub type. In addition, this option provides the ability to create, edit, and delete any number of attributes and profiles in a sub type, without affecting its base type.
If the Inherit base type profiles option is not already enabled in the Advanced Settings dialog of a sub type, CentraSite presents a Clone Base Type Profiles dialog that prompts for cloning the base type profiles. After confirming the cloning, the appropriate base type profiles will be cloned in the sub type.
This option lets you make a copy of the base type profiles in the sub type, and save it to the user defined profiles to enable certain permissions (view, create, edit and delete) for one or more users on an instance of that particular type.
Profile cloning enables you to customize the predefined profiles that are shipped with the base type.
To clone the base type profiles in sub types
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Administration > Types.
By default, all of the available types are displayed in the Types tab.
2. In the Types tab, click the name of the sub type whose base type profiles you want to clone.
3. In the Asset Type Details page, click Edit to open the Edit Asset Type wizard.
4. On the Edit Asset Type wizard, click Advanced Settings.
5. Disable the Inherit base type profiles option.
6. Click OK.
7. In the Clone Base Type Profiles dialog, click Yes to make a copy of the base type profiles in the sub type.
8. Click Finish.
9. After you have cloned the base type profiles in the sub type, you can customize the cloned profiles and its attributes to suit your requirements.