Recent version of Java contain a JMX MBeanServer that can be requested by the ManagementFactory class.
If no other MBeanServer is running, you can have a look at the CentraSite Java management interface by registering the MBean by the MBeanServer of a Java process. Add the following three lines to the Java code:
MBeanServer mbs = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
ObjectName csAdmin = new ObjectName("CentraSite:id=CentraSiteAdminImp");
mbs.createMBean("com.centrasite.jmx.admin.CentraSiteAdminImpl", csAdmin);
For correct operation of the MBean, the following points must be fulfilled:
The name of the MBean must be an ObjectName. In our case, it is
CentraSite:id=CentraSiteAdminImpThe CLASSPATH must include the following JAR files:
The PATH must include the following directory
Other system properties may be required, depending on the environment. For example, to use JConsole, the Java process must be started with the following Java system property:
Note: | The above example shows how the CentraSite Java management interface works for the default MBean server of a JVM. In a production environment the integration in a MBean server may be different. |
The CentraSite Java management interface works with Java version 5.0.