Version 9.7
 —  Reference Guide  —

Printer Session Properties




A suitable description for the session.

Use application configuration

Select Use application configuration to implement the offline configuration as set in the application printer properties.


Select Online when you want to connect online and do not want to use a trace file. Enter a device name.

Offline (using trace files)

Indicate whether to simulate a printer session by using a pre-recorded file. Select Offline (using trace files) and browse and select a replay file from a folder.

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General Properties


Session ID

Custom session ID

Session password

Custom session password.

Use default configuration

Select Use default configuration to implement the Application Trace File configuration as set in the application properties.

Don't create trace file

Select Don’t create trace file if you do not want to create a trace file.

Create a trace file

Indicates whether to log the communication with the host into a file. Select Create a trace file and insert the trace file name. If you include %u or %t (or both) in the File name, you can create files for diverse users with different session ID and time information. Check Session ID if you want to override the files of the same session ID. Check time to add a time stamp to the file name. This does not override previous files. Check Connection ID to add full connection ID (application, service, connection) to the file name.

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Printer Properties


Enter values in the value column. Using the Printer Properties it is possible to set and test various printing jobs

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