Administration Guide : Universal Messaging Enterprise Manager : Administration Using Enterprise Manager : Universal Messaging Enterprise Manager - DataGroup Administration : Universal Messaging Enterprise Manager - Removing DataGroups from DataGroups
Universal Messaging Enterprise Manager - Removing DataGroups from DataGroups
In this section, we will remove an existing DataGroup from a DataGroup.
Assume that in the following example structure of DataGroups, we would like to remove the existing Customer_Desk_C DataGroup from the EURUSD_Silver DataGroup.
First, choose the DataGroup that is going to be removed from its "parent" DataGroup. In this case, it's the Customer_Desk_C DataGroup we created earlier.
Right-click its icon, and the following context menu appears:
Click the "Remove Customer_Desk_C from EURUSD_Silver" context menu option, then click OK on the confirmation dialog.
The DataGroup, having been removed, will either:
*Be moved to the top level DataGroups node if it has no other parent DataGroups, or
*Appear in other nodes in the tree if it has at least one other parent DataGroup.
In this example, the Customer_Desk_C DataGroup was not a member of any other DataGroups, so having been removed from the EURUSD_Silver DataGroup, it now appears in the top level DataGroups node.
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