Universal Messaging Developer Guide : Universal Messaging Web Client APIs : Adobe Flex : Examples : Flex Example : Peer to Peer Echo Application
Flex Example : Peer to Peer Echo Application
A Sample Adobe Flex Peer to Peer Echo Client
The code shown below is a exert of the echo client, it is the Universal Messaging portion of a echo application.

import com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.*;
import com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.p2p.*;

private var mySession:nSession;
private var factory:nServiceFactory;
private var myNick:String = "";
private var myService:nEventService;

private function startTest():void
var completeString:String = "nhp://";
var appName:String = "Universal MessagingFlexP2PEchoClient";
try {
var attributes:nSessionAttributes = new nSessionAttributes(completeString, 5);
mySession = nSessionFactory.create(attributes, "subject", appName, errorCB);
mySession.init(sessionInitCB, this);
catch(e:SecurityError) {

public function errorCB(error:Error, brokenFunction:Function):void

public function sessionInitCB():void {
var tmpId:String = mySession.getSessionId().toString(10);
tmpId = tmpId.substr(tmpId.length - 5);
myNick = "Flex-Native" + tmpId;
factory = new nServiceFactory(mySession,serviceFactoryCB);

public function serviceFactoryCB():void
var info:nServiceInfo = factory.findService("echo");

public function connectServiceCB(service:nEventService):void
myService= service;
var props:nEventProperties = new nEventProperties();
var byteArray:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
byteArray.writeUTF("This is a test");
myService.write(new nConsumeEvent("",null,byteArray));

public function retry(failureCount:int, realmName:String):Boolean {
return false;

public function disconnected():void {

public function reconnected():void {

public function go(event:nConsumeEvent):void {
trace("Event ID: "+event.eventID);
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