 nChannelConnectionListener This interface should be implemented by classes wishing to register to receive callbacks when connections are added or removed to a nirvana channel
 nConnectionListener This interface should be implemented by any object that wishes to handle disconnects and reconnects with the Nirvana server/s
 nDataGroupListener The nDataGroupListener class is a Listener interface used to manage changes to membership of data groups
 nDataStreamListener The nDataStreamListener class is used to receive events asynchronously from a data group
 nEventListener This interface should be implemented by any object that wishes to register itself as a subscriber to a nirvana channel or queue
 nNamedPriorityListener This interface should be implemented by any object that requires a callback when the subscription to a channel with a named object and priority enabled reaches the top.
 nRegisteredEventListener This interface should be implemented by any object that wishes to register itself as an asynchronous subscriber and receive update events and complete merged events from a registered event Depreciated as of Version 6.0, use a standard nEventProperties merge if you wish to have complete messages.
 nRegisteredEventUpdateListener This interface should be implemented by any object that wishes to register itself as an asynchronous subscriber and only receive update events only from a registered event Depreciated as of Version 6.0, use a standard nEventProperties merge if you wish to have complete messages.
 nChannel This class is a Nirvana channel, offering the Nirvana channel related services it can only be made by calling the appropriate method in nSession
 nChannelAttributes This class is a container for the attributes necessary to create or locate a Nirvana channel
 nChannelPublishKeys This class contains the information about a single channel key.
 nConflationAttributes This class represents the conflation attributes that can be used when creating resources which allow conflation.
 nConsumeEvent This class represents a Nirvana event, which consists a tag and some data.
 nDataGroup This class represents a individual data group object.
 nDataGroupIterator Used to iterate through the nDataStreams contained within an nDataGroup
 nDataStream The nDataStream class is a single instance of a data stream.
 nEventAttributes The nEventAttributes class is used by the nConsumeEvent object in order to store standard header values associated with nirvana client, p2p and JMS events.
 nEventListenerHelper This class is a helper class for the nEventListener class
 nEventProperties This class contains a collection of key-value pairs, defining event meta data which can be used to create filter rules.
 nFindResult This class represents the results of the nSession.find(nChannelAttributes[]) call.
 nNamedObject This class represents a client context on a RealmServer.
 nProtobufEvent This class is a Protocol Buffer event.
 nProtobufEventFactory This class is used to create nProtobufEvent's.
 nQueue This class is a Nirvana queue, offering the Nirvana queue related services it can only be made by calling the appropriate method in nSession
 nQueueAsynchronousTransactionalReader This class extends the asynchronous queue model by adding the transactional ability to the reader.
 nQueueAttributes This class is a container for the attributes necessary to create or locate a Nirvana queue
 nQueueDetails Container class, containing statistics on the queue
 nQueueReader This class is the base class for all Queue Readers and provides a generic reader interface.
 nQueueReaderContext This class is used to construct a Queue Reader.
 nRegisteredEvent This class enables a client to maintain a copy of an event, make changes to the properties and then when commit is called only the changes are published to the server.
 nSession This class represents a Nirvana session, the logical connection between the client API and the Nirvana realm.
 nSessionAttributes This class is a container for the attributes necessary to create a Nirvana session.
 nSessionFactory This class is used with a nSessionAttributes object to create a Nirvana session.
 nStore This is the base class of nChannel and nQueue, when ever a channel or queue is found it will be returned as this type.
 nStoreAttributes This is the base class of nChannelAttributes and nQueueAttributes, it will be returned in most cases from the server it can then be cast to its derived classes To check which type it is call isChannel or isQueue to find out.
 nSubscriptionAttributes This class represents the attributes used for channel subscriptions.
 nTransaction This class enables the client to perform transactional publishing, representing a nirvana transaction
 nTransactionAttributes This class is a container for the attributes necessary to create a Nirvana transaction
 nTransactionFactory This class is used with a nTransactionAttributes object to create a Nirvana transaction.