To log on to SMH on Windows
Navigate to the <product> menu under the Windows
.Type your user name and a password to log on. If you are using a Windows domain, specify the user name in the "DomainName\UserID" pattern.
SMH verifies that the user is registered on that machine, using that machine's operating-system-specific (native) method.
After logon, SMH activity screen is displayed. Your current user name (with domain, where applicable) and profile are displayed under
on the left of the screen.The screen is divided into two frames: the navigation frame on the left; and the content frame on the right. The following screenshot illustrates the information about the product provided in the content frame, such as the product's version, the installation path, and the installation parameters:
To log out, choose the Log out option in the upper left corner of the screen.
If you select About, you see information on the plug-ins currently registered in your environment.