Optimize for Infrastructure Version 9.6
 —  Guide for Enterprise Transaction Systems  —

Setting Up the EntireX Adapter

The EntireX Adapter automatically supports application monitoring for the following connection types:

If you want to use application monitoring with the following connection types, you have to change the configuration of the EntireX Adapter as described below:

Start of instruction setTo enable application monitoring for Direct RPC, IMS Connect and CICS ECI

  1. In the administration menu of the EntireX Adapter, choose Application Monitoring.

  2. In the Configuration section, enable Application Monitoring.

  3. In the configuration entry Application Monitoring Data Collector ID, enter the address of the Application Monitoring Data Collector.

    The address has the format host-name:port-number, where host-name is the host on which the Application Monitoring Data Collector is running and port-number is the port number of the Application Monitoring Data Collector. The default port number is 57900.

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