Version 9.6
 —  EntireX XML/SOAP Wrapper  —

Migration Considerations for XML/SOAP Components

The migration strategy depends on the version of EntireX you have been using. This document covers the following topics:

Migrating XML/SOAP Components for EntireX Version 8 and above

This section covers the following topics:

Migrating XML/SOAP RPC Server

Update the start script to set the paths to current installation. If the properties file contains a path to the configuration file, you may need to adjust the path. The properties and configuration files can be used as before. See Configuration File for the XML/SOAP RPC Server under UNIX | Windows for more information.

Migrating XML/SOAP Wrapper

Update the start script to set the paths to current installation.

Migrating XML/SOAP Listener

Using the Software AG Web Server based on Apache Tomcat / Software AG Runtime from Software AG Installation

Save your Web services (AAR files) and modified configuration files (i.e. axis2.xml). You do not need to re-generate your Web services (AAR files). If the configuration was modified, perform the same modifications for the new installation and restart Software AG Web Server. Redeploy the web services (AAR files).

The new installation will use another port by default, which means that the Web clients need to be adjusted.

Using another Web Server

Save your Web services (AAR files) and modified configuration files (i.e. axis2.xml). You do not need to re-generate your Web services (AAR files). For deployment of file wsstack.war and copying file entirex.jar to Web Services Stack, see the separate Web Services Stack documentation, also available under webMethods Product Documentation on the Software AG Documentation website.

If configuration was modified, perform the same modifications for new installation and restart the Web server. Redeploy the Web services (AAR files).

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Migrating XML/SOAP Components from EntireX Version 7.n

The architecture of the EntireX XML/SOAP Listener (formerly known as XML Servlet) and EntireX XML/SOAP RPC Server was changed with version 8.0. The previous version worked as a Web application running directly in the Web server; the current version works as part of Software AG Common Web Services Stack (WSS), which is a Web application running in a Web server. This change has impact on configuration, packaging and deployment of EntireX Web services.

This section describes migration from a version earlier than 8.

Migrating XML/SOAP RPC Server from Version 7.n

The XML/SOAP RPC Server requires the directory of a Software AG Common Web Services Stack installation. The JAR file wsstack-client.jar located in <WS_STACK_HOME>/lib must be added to classpath. (Note: the JAR file wsstack-client.jar must remain in this lib directory). File entirex.jar from EntireX installation must also be present in classpath.

The XML parser required has changed. Therefore, the (optional) properties file (if used) must be modified by redefining the parameter for the XML stream parser in the following way:


The configuration file can be used as before. To make use of the latest features, some extensions in the configuration file are required. See Configuration File for the XML/SOAP RPC Server under UNIX | Windows for more information.

Migrating XML/SOAP Wrapper from Version 7.n

The used XML parser has changed. XML/SOAP Wrapper uses XMLStreamParser, so the classpath must contain the JAR files of XMLStreamParser. The EntireX installation comes with stax-api.jar and wstx-asl.jar. The two XMLStreamParser JAR files are located in <EntireX Home>/classes.

If you are compiling source using the class XMLRPCService, you require an additional JAR file axiom-api-<version>.jar. This JAR file is located in <WebservicesStack>/lib.

Migrating XML/SOAP Listener from Version 7.n - Introduction

The XML/SOAP Listener requires a Software AG Common Web Services Stack (WSS) installation. The WSS Web application is the container of XML/SOAP Listener. In previous EntireX versions (lower than version 8) the XML/SOAP Listener was referred to as "XML Servlet" and was a Web application itself. The file entirex.jar containing the XML/SOAP Runtime is placed in directory lib of the WSS Web application. An EntireX Web service is created using the XML Mapping Editor as in previous versions, and using a Packaging Wizard to build an AAR file. The AAR file contains all information for this Web service and must be deployed to the Web application.

The following new terms are applicable:

The following scenarios are available for migrating a service offered by XML Servlet of earlier EntireX versions (lower than version 8):

Migrating from Version 7.n to one or more Listener Services with new URL(s)

You can migrate a service offered by XML Servlet of earlier EntireX versions (lower than version 8) to one or more services in the context of XML/SOAP Listener with new URL(s). That means you can split the original service into different services, each with its own URL. However, this means you need to update the address in the Web client.

Start of instruction setTo migrate a service with new URLs

  1. Copy all the IDL-XML mapping files (XMMs) listed in file xml-init.xml to one Eclipse project.

  2. Select multiple XMM files that are to be bundled in one service, and from the context menu choose Generate Web Service from EntireX Mapping ....

  3. Modify the service name if required.

  4. Uncheck Use of defaults.

  5. Check General service parameters (xml-init.xml) if you have any XMM-independent settings in file xml-init.xml.

  6. Check Set connection and security parameters in mapping file.

  7. Follow the wizard.

  8. Modify the setting if required. The included XMM files can be selected with combo box at the top.

  9. Deploy the service.

  10. Change the target URL of calling instances (Web clients).

Migrating from Version 7.n to one Listener Service, Keeping the URL used by Applications

The first step is to generate one service archive with all XMM files listed in file xml-init.xml. The second step is the configuration and usage of entirex-forward.war. This section covers the following topics:

Step 1: Generate Service Archive

Start of instruction setTo generate a service archive

  1. Copy all IDL-XML mapping files (XMMs) listed in xml-init.xml to one Eclipse project.

  2. Select all XMM files, and from the context menu choose Generate Web Service from EntireX Mapping ....

  3. Modify the service name if required. This service name is used for configuring of servlet entirex-forward later.

  4. Uncheck Use of defaults.

  5. Check General service parameters (xml-init.xml)' if you have any XMM-independent settings in file xml-init.xml.

  6. Check Set connection and security parameters in mapping file.

  7. Follow the wizard.

  8. Modify the setting if required. The included XMM files can be selected with combo box at the top.

  9. Deploy the service.

Step 2: Use File entirex-forward.war

This Web application delivered as entirex-forward.war allows you to forward a SOAP/XML request from an endpoint used in an older EntireX version (e.g. http://hostname:port/entirex/xmlrt) to an endpoint used in the current EntireX version (e.g http://hostname:port/wsstack/services/example).

The steps below explain how to forward, for example, from the endpoint http://localhost:10010/entirex/xmlrt to the endpoint http://localhost:10010/wsstack/services/example.

The servlet entirex-forward forwards the calls to exactly one service and replaces the old EntireX Web application; it does not run in parallel (old EntireX XML Servlet and the new servlet entirex-forward).

You cannot use the file entireX-forward.war to forward a call from one Web application server to another.

Start of instruction setTo forward a SOAP/XML request

  1. Rename entirex-forward.war to entirex.war.

  2. Deploy entirex.war into the webapps folder of your application server (e.g. Tomcat).

  3. Make sure that the Web Services Stack Web application (wsstack.war) is still deployed in the same webapps folder.

  4. Make sure that a service with the name "example" is deployed into the Web Services Stack Web application. See Step 4 under Step 1: Generate Service Archive.

  5. Make sure that your application server allows cross-context access. Set the crossContext attribute of all Context implementations to "true". In Apache Tomcat you can modify the file $CATALINA_HOME/conf/context.xml:




    <Context crossContext="true">
  6. Make sure that the file web.xml (located in webapps/entirex/WEB-INF) contains the following entries:

      This is the EntireX ForwardServlet</description>
       This is the targetURI</description>
       <!--replace the servicename with service name defined in aar -->
       This is the target context i.e. /wsstack</description>

The old endpoint http://hostname:port/entirex/xmlrt is built from the name of the Web application ("entirex.war") and the url-pattern of the servlet entirex-forward ("/xmlrt"). The new endpoint is built from the targetContext(/wsstack) and the targetURI(/"services/servicename").

You can modifiy these parameters to adopt your Web service.

Example of Migrating with Servlet entirex-forward

This section describes how a migrated service interacts with servlet entireX-forward.

For this example, the Tomcat installation that comes with the EntireX installation (Version 8.2) is used. The assumed endpoint from the previous XML Servlet installation is http://localhost:10010/entirex/xmlrt. The endpoint of the migrated service will be http://localhost:10010/wsstack/services/exampleXML.

The start point is file xml-init.xml (below), with its mapping file example.xmm.

Follow the steps above for generating a Web service archive file (*aar) with service name "exampleXML" (see Step 1: Generate Service Archive). The installation contains the generated exampleXML.aar in directory <installation home>/EntireX/examples/RPC/basic/example/XMLClient. File exampleXML.aar is also deployed during installation if the Software AG Common Platform was selected.

The last step is to configure and deploy the servlet entirex-forward.

Start of instruction setTo configure and deploy the servlet entirex-forward

  1. Rename entirex-forward.war to entirex.war.

  2. Deploy entirex.war to the webapps folder of your application server (e.g. Tomcat).

  3. Make sure that the Web Services Stack Web application (wsstack.war) is still deployed in the same webapps folder.

  4. Make sure that a service with the name "exampleXML" is deployed into the Web Services Stack Web application. If the Web server is running, start a browser session and enter URL http://localhost:10010/wsstack/services. The service "exampleXML" should be listed.

  5. Make sure that your application server allows cross-context access. Se the crossContext attribute of all Context implementations to "true". In Apache Tomcat you can modify file $CATALINA_HOME/conf/context.xml:




  6. Make sure that file web.xml (located in webapps/entirex/WEB-INF) contains the following entries:

      This is the EntireX ForwardServlet</description>
       This is the targetURI</description>
       This is the target context i.e. /wsstack</description>

    The old endpoint http://hostname:port/entirex/xmlrt is built from the name of the Web application ("entirex.war") and the URL pattern of the servlet entirex-forward ("/xmlrt"). The new endpoint is built from the targetContext(/wsstack) and the targetURI(/"services/exampleXML").

  7. Restart Tomcat.

  8. Open the Software AG Designer and change to the EntireX perspective.

  9. Choose Windows > Show View > XML Tester to open the XML Tester.

  10. Browse for <installation home>/EntireX/examples/RPC/basic/example/XMLClient/example.xmm.

  11. Create a sample request document.

  12. Start Java RPC server with script jrpcserver.bat or jrpcserver.bsh (depending on platform) in directory bin of the EntireX installation that is used as a back-end.

  13. Select HTTP Test (XML/SOAP listener).

  14. Set HTTP URI to "http://localhost:10010/wsstack/services/exampleXML".

  15. Send request to see the service works.

  16. Set HTTP URI to "http://localhost:10010/entirex/xmlrt".

  17. Send request again (the request is sent to "old" address and will be processed in the XML/SOAP Listener embedded in Web Services Stack).

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