Version 9.6
 —  Software AG IDL Extractor for webMethods Integration Server  —

Using the IDL Extractor for Integration Server

This document describes following sections:

Step 1: Start the IDL Extractor for Integration Server

Start of instruction setTo start the IDL Extractor for Integration Server

  1. The IDL Extractor is a New Wizard in Eclipse. Choose New from the file menu, select IDL Extractor for webMethods IS in the following page and choose Next.

    You can also chose New from the toolbar or context menu of a view showing resources. Also Ctrl-N starts the selection of the New Wizards.

  2. If you are using the wizard for the first time without any predefined Integration Server connections, continue with Step 2a: Create a New Integration Server.

    If Integration Server connections are already defined (see Integration Server Connections), or you want to communicate with an additional Integration Server, continue with Step 2b: Use an Existing IDL Extractor for Integration Server Connection.


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Step 2a: Create a New Integration Server Connection


Start of instruction setTo create a new Integration Server connection

  1. Define the new Integration Server connection on the following wizard page.


    1. The only required field is Server. Enter the hostname of the Integration Server including an optional port number. If no port number is specified, port number defaults to "5555". The Integration Server Authentication can be passed with the User and Password fields.
    2. Optional settings are for secure connections. The Truststore for HTTPS contains all signed certificates and must be a valid truststore.
    3. The check box Verify host name checks that the hostname is entered in the stored certificate.
    4. When the Integration Server has Client Authentication enabled, you can specify your Keystore file and keystore Password.
    5. For managing Integration Server connections, see Integration Server Preferences in the Integration Server Wrapper documentation.
  2. Choose Next and continue with Step 3: Select the Integration Server Package to Extract.

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Step 2b: Use an Existing IDL Extractor for Integration Server Connection


Start of instruction setTo use an existing Integration Server connection

  1. Select Choose an existing Integration Server Connection and an Integration Server connection from the list.

    The selected connection is verified by a ping command. If the response is valid, the Next button is enabled. If invalid, an error message is displayed.

  2. Continue with Step 3: Select the Integration Server Package to Extract.

Start of instruction setTo create an additional Integration Server connection

  1. Select Create a new Integration Server Connection and continue with Step 2a: Create a New Integration Server.

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Step 3: Select the Integration Server Package to Extract


Start of instruction setTo extract the IDL from the selected package

  1. Select the package to extract (from the field indicated by Source), for example the package "Default" in the screen above.

  2. Specify the target. By default, the wizard tries to find a valid container based on your position in the Navigator or Package Explorer View.

    Choose Browse... to select a container from your workspace.


    1. The IDL file name is based on the selected Integration Server package from the list below, but this is only a proposal and can be changed.
    2. If the file name already exists in your container, a warning will be displayed in the title area of the wizard page.
    3. If the extension "idl" is not specified, it will be added automatically.
  3. Optimize the extracted IDL for usage with the COBOL Wrapper, Natural Wrapper, PL/I Wrapper or other EntireX Wrapper (see EntireX Wrappers). Use the combo-box and select the target programming language:

  4. If Prefer Alias names to ensure library/program names with a maximum length of eight characters is checked, IDL library and program names are generated with eight uppercase characters and the original name is used as an alias.

  5. Clear Create Listener Objects in Integration Server to only extract the IDL file from the package. The wizard finishes after extracting the IDL.

    This is useful if you want to modify the IDL (manually) before generating clients. In this case, the connections and listeners have to be created in a separate step. See Step 4b: Define Adapter Services for an RPC Listener or a Reliable RPC Listener.

  6. Choose Next to store the IDL file in the selected container in the Eclipse workspace.


    1. All Integration Server data types are mapped to "alphanumeric", except for binary data. See Mapping Software AG IDL to Integration Server Data Types for details.
    2. When you go to the next page, the Back button is disabled, because the IDL file has already been created and this step cannot be reverted.

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Step 4: Select the Connection Type


Start of instruction setTo select the connection type

As a prerequisite, the IDL file has been stored in the workspace and the Back button is now disabled.

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Step 5: Define a Listener


Start of instruction setTo define a listener

  1. Select an Integration Server package where the listener will be stored.

  2. Specify the names for Folder Name (default: library name), Connection Name (default: library nameConnection) and Listener Name (default: library nameListener).

  3. (This step is not recommended. Only perform it if required.) You can alter the Integration Server services in the table headed by the RPC Program Name and IS Service Name. Note that a selected service must exist in some package of the Integration Server!

  4. If necessary, edit the Broker settings for the Listener (Broker ID, Server Address, User ID, Password, and Encoding).

  5. The check box Overwrite existing Objects in Integration Server can be used to re-generate the objects after you have changed the IDL file.


    1. The check box Overwrite existing Objects in Integration Server is useful for re-generating objects created previously. However, you cannot overwrite an RPC Listener Connection or a reliable RPC Listener Connection with a connection of a different type. If the connection is deleted with the Adapter Administration UI, it is not possible to overwrite the objects. In this case, you have to delete the adapter services in the Designer.
    2. When creating a connection, a package dependency is added such that the selected package depends on webMethods EntireX (the package WmEntireX) with the version currently used.
  6. Choose Finish.

    As a result, the following objects will be created:

    For a connection of type EntireX Reliable RPC Listener the following objects will be created in addition for each IDL program:

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