Version 9.6
 —  RPC-ACI Bridge  —

Writing ACI Servers for the RPC-ACI Bridge in COBOL

The RPC-ACI Bridge is prepared for ACI servers written in COBOL.

This document covers the following topics:


The RPC-ACI Bridge is prepared for ACI servers written in COBOL.

Writing an ACI server consists of two tasks:

Using Arrays of Groups

If your programs use arrays of groups, you have to adjust the marshalling.

Start of instruction setTo adjust the marshalling for arrays of groups

  1. Use the property entirex.rpcacibridge.marshalling for the configuration.

  2. Set the property to "cobol".

If your programs do not use arrays of groups, you do not need to set entirex.rpcacibridge.marshalling.

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Data Types

Data Type Format Remarks
A<number> Alphanumeric <number> bytes, encoding the characters  
AV[number] Alphanumeric variable length with maximum length Bytes up to the end of the buffer, maximal length <number> Only as last value
K<number> Kanji Same as data type A  
KV[number] Kanji variable length with maximum length Same as data type AV[number] Only as last value
I1 Integer (small) Sign (+, -) and 3 bytes (digits)  
I2 Integer (medium) Sign (+, -) and 5 bytes (digits)  
I4 Integer (large) Sign (+, -) and 10 bytes (digits)  
N<number1>[.number2] Unpacked decimal Sign (+, -), <number1> bytes (digits) [number2] bytes (digits), no decimal point.  
NU<number1>[.number2] Unpacked decimal unsigned <number1> bytes (digits) [number2] bytes (digits), no decimal point.  
P<number1>[.number2] Packed decimal Sign (+, -), <number1> bytes (digits) [number2] bytes (digits), no decimal point.  
PU<number1>[.number2] Packed decimal unsigned <number1> bytes (digits) [number2] bytes (digits), no decimal point.  
L Logical 1 Byte: X for true, all other false  
D Date YYYYMMDD YYYY year, MM month, DD day
T Time YYYYMMDDhhmmssS YYYY year, MM month, DD day, hh hour, mm minute, ss second, S tenth of a second.

Data Types not supported:

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Declaring the Variables for the Data Types

This section describes how to declare the variables for the data types.

Use these declarations to map the receive buffer and the send buffer to variables.

Data Type Declaration and Marshalling
A<number> Alphanumeric Declaration for receive and send buffer:
PIC X(n)
AV[number] Alphanumeric variable length with maximum length Declaration for receive and send buffer: PIC X(n)
K<number> Kanji Declaration for receive and send buffer: PIC X(n)
KV[number] Kanji variable length with maximum length Declaration for receive and send buffer: PIC X(n)
I1 Integer (small) Declaration for receive and send buffer: PIC S9(3)
I2 Integer (medium) Declaration for receive and send buffer: PIC S9(5)
I4 Integer (large) Declaration for receive and send buffer: PIC S9(10)
N<number1>[.number2] Unpacked decimal Declaration for receive and send buffer: PIC S9(number1)V(number2) SIGN LEADING SEPARATE
NU<number1>[.number2] Unsigned unpacked decimal Declaration for receive and send buffer: PIC 9(number1)V(number2)
P<number1>[.number2] Packed decimal Declaration for receive and send buffer: PIC S9(number1)V(number2) SIGN LEADING SEPARATE
Declare local variable PIC S9(number1)V(number2) PACKED DECIMAL Move from receive buffer to local variable before computation and from local variable to send buffer afterwards.
PU<number1>[.number2] Unsigned packed decimal Declaration for receive and send buffer: PIC 9(number1)V(number2)Declare local variable PIC 9(number1)V(number2) PACKED DECIMAL
Move from receive buffer to local variable before computation and from local variable to send buffer afterwards.
L Logical Declaration for receive and send buffer: PIC X(1)
D Date Declaration for receive and send buffer: PIC X(8)
T Time Declaration for receive and send buffer: PIC X(15)

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