Version 9.6
 —  Adapter Services Wrapper for Natural  —

Introduction to the Adapter Services Wrapper for Natural

As a developer of webMethods Integration Server services (formerly webMethods ESB) you use this wrapper to connect Natural subprograms with adapter services. At runtime, the adapter services use EntireX RPC connections or EntireX Direct RPC connections to call Natural subprograms via Natural RPC server. Connection type Reliable RPC is supported if there are inbound parameters only. For EntireX RPC connections, an EntireX Broker is used.

At design time, the Service Development perspective with the Package Navigator is used to start the wizard, which extracts the interface definitions from Natural subprograms and generates adapter connections and adapter services in one step.


The "Adapter Services from Natural" wizard is an "Eclipse New Wizard". It supports extraction of the interface definition from Natural subprograms from a Natural RPC server or local files.

The wizard can extract subprograms in one library. Each subprogram corresponds to an adapter service and the library corresponds to an adapter connection. If the interface of one subprogram is modified, the extraction has to include all subprograms from the first extraction. If a connection is overwritten, all adapter services that depend on this connection are deleted before creating the new connection and the new adapter services.

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