Version 9.6
 —  EntireX Java Wrapper  —

Writing RPC Clients for the RPC-ACI Bridge in Java

The RPC-ACI Bridge enables RPC-based client applications to be used with ACI servers.

The EntireX RPC-ACI Bridge reports errors from the RPC server side and the ACI side to the RPC clients. Errors from the ACI side include errors by the Broker for ACI. The RPC-ACI Bridge reports the same error classes and error codes for the RPC server side as the XML/SOAP RPC Server. The RPC-ACI Bridge reports errors of the ACI side in a client-specific way as described below.

Start of instruction setTo write a Java client

  1. Generate the Java RPC client stub from the IDL file as described in Using the Java Wrapper.

  2. Implement the client with this stub.

All errors are reported as BrokerExceptions. Errors on the ACI side of the RPC-ACI Bridge are BrokerExceptions in class 1018. See Message Class 1018 - EntireX RPC-ACI Bridge.

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