Version 9.6
 —  Installation under z/VSE  —

General Information

This document covers the following topics:

Installation and system prerequisites for z/VSE and other EntireX platforms are described centrally. See Prerequisites. For communication using Entire Net-Work, Adabas SVC is required (delivered on medium in library WAL826.LIBR). See your Adabas documentation for details.

See also Administration of Broker Stubs under z/VSE.

Contents of Installation Medium

The installation medium contains the following base files for z/VSE:

File Library Sublibrary Description
EXP960.LIBR SAGLIB EXP960 RPC Server sublibrary.
EXX960.LIBR SAGLIB EXX960 EntireX sublibrary.
EXX960.LICS     License file.
EXX960.DC01     Readme file.
WAL826.LIBR SAGLIB WAL826 WAL sublibrary.
MLC127.LIBR SAGLIB MLC127 MLC sublibrary.

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Migrating from EntireX Version 7.2.3

Perform the following steps to migrate from EntireX version 7.2.3:

Change the Attribute File

New functionality in EntireX version 9.6 led to changes and enhancements of various Broker attributes. This requires the attribute file to be brought up-to-date. A sample attribute file is delivered in EXX960.LIBR(ETBnnn.ATR), which you can use as a basis. If, for example, dynamic memory management is turned on (default and recommended), all NUM-* parameters can be omitted. See Broker-specific Attributes under Broker Attributes.

Check the License File

Ensure the correct license file is referenced in your EntireX Broker startup job control. A sample startup job control is delivered in EXX960.LIBR(RUNETB.J).

Replace the EntireX Broker Stubs used by your Applications

Although existing applications will still run after the migration of EntireX Broker, they should be relinked or replaced, if dynamically loaded, with stubs from version 9.6. See also Administration of Broker Stubs under z/VSE.

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