Version 9.6
 —  EntireX Wrapper for Enterprise JavaBeans  —

Software AG IDL to EJB Mapping

This document covers the following topics:

Mapping IDL Data Types to Java Data Types

In the table below, the following metasymbols and informal terms are used for the IDL.

Software AG IDL Description Java Data Types Note
Anumber Alphanumeric String 1, 3
AV Alphanumeric variable length String  
AV[number] Alphanumeric variable length with maximum length String 1
B number Binary byte[] 1, 6
BV Binary variable length byte[]  
BV[number] Binary variable length with maximum length byte[] 1
D Date java.util.Date 5
F4 Floating point (small) float 2
F8 Floating point (large) double 2
I1 Integer (small) byte  
I2 Integer (medium) short  
I4 Integer (large) int  
K number Kanji String 1
KV Kanji variable length String  
KV[number] Kanji variable length with maximum length String 1
L Logical boolean  
N number [.number] Unpacked decimal java.math.BigDecimal 4
NU number [.number] Unpacked decimal unsigned java.math.BigDecimal 4
P number [.number] Packed decimal java.math.BigDecimal 4
PU number [.number] Packed decimal unsigned java.math.BigDecimal 4
T Time java.util.Date 5
U number Unicode String 7
UV Unicode variable length String 7
UV number Unicode variable length with maximum length String 7


  1. The field length is given in bytes.
  2. If floating-point data types are used, rounding errors can occur. Therefore, the values of sender and receiver might differ slightly.
  3. If you use the value null (null pointer) as an input parameter (for IN and INOUT parameters) for type A, a blank string will be used.
  4. If you use the value null (null pointer) as an input parameter (for IN and INOUT parameters) for types N/P, the value 0 (or 0.0) will be used.
  5. If you use the value null (null pointer) as an input parameter (for IN and INOUT parameters) for types D/T, the current date/time will be used. You change this with the property Setting will map the value null to the invalid date 0000-01-01 of the RPC marshalling. This is the invalid date value in Natural, too. With this setting the invalid date as an output parameter will be mapped to null. The default is to map the invalid date to 0001-01-01.
  6. If you use the value null (null pointer) as an input parameter (for IN and INOUT parameters) for type B, all binary values will be set to zero.
  7. The length is given in 2-byte Unicode code units following the Unicode standard UTF-16. The maximum length is 805306367 code units.

Please note also hints and restrictions on the Software AG IDL data types valid for all programming language bindings. See IDL Data Types.

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Mapping Library Name and Alias

The library name in the IDL file is mapped to the class name of the generated bean. See library-definition under Software AG IDL Grammar. For the bean, the names of the classes have the format library-nameBean.

The special characters '#' and '-' in the library name are replaced by the character '_'.

If there is an alias for the library name in the library-definition, this alias is used "as is" to form the bean class name. Therefore, this alias must be a valid Java class name.


The library name is sent - without changes - to the server. The library alias is never sent to the server.

In the RPC server the library name sent may be used to locate the target server.

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Mapping Program Name and Alias

The program name in the IDL file is mapped to method names within the generated Enterprise JavaBeans. See program-definition under Software AG IDL Grammar. To adhere to Java naming conventions, the program name is converted to lowercase.

The special characters '#' and '-' in the program name are replaced by the character '_'.

If there is an alias for the program name in the program-definition, this alias is used "as is" for the method name. Therefore, this alias must be a valid Java method name.

The program name is converted to uppercase before it is sent to the server. The program alias is never sent to the server.

The program name sent to the RPC server is used to locate the target server.

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Mapping Parameter Names

The parameter names are mapped to fields inside the serializable input and output classes (see Mapping the Direction Attribute IN, OUT, and INOUT). The name of the input class is made up of the library name and the program name <library-name><program-name>Input and for the output class is <library-name><program-name>Output.


public class LibPgmInput implements Serializable {
 public String myInputString;
 public String myOutInString;


public class LibPgmOutput implements Serializable {
 public String myOutputString;
 public String myOutInString;

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Mapping Fixed and Unbounded Arrays

Arrays in the IDL file are mapped to Java arrays. If an array value does not have the correct number of dimensions or elements, this will result in a NullPointerException or an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. If you use the value null (null pointer) as an input parameter (for IN and INOUT parameters), an array will be instantiated.

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Mapping Groups and Periodic Groups

Groups are mapped to serializable classes. The class name is the <library name><program name> <parameter name>,

For example, the following Software AG IDL

Library 'Lib1130' Is
 Program 'X201G0' Is
  Define Data Parameter
   1 MyGroup
    2 MyLong (I4)
    2 MyFloat (F4)
   1 MyGroupAsString (A253)
   1 function_result (I4) Out

is mapped to the class

public class Lib1130X201g0MyGroup implements Serializable {
 public int mylong;
 public float myfloat;

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Mapping Structures

Structures are mapped to serializable classes. The class name is the <library name><struct name>.

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Mapping the Direction Attributes IN, OUT and INOUT

IDL syntax allows you to define parameters as IN parameters, OUT parameters, or INOUT parameters (the default). This specification of the direction is reflected in the generated Enterprise JavaBeans as follows:

Only the direction information of the top-level fields (level 1) is relevant. Group fields always inherit the specification from their parent. Any different specification is ignored.

See the attribute-list under Software AG IDL Grammar for the syntax on how to describe attributes in the Software AG IDL file and refer to the direction attribute.

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