Version 9.6
Quick Reference

 —  Administration under z/OS  —

Operator Commands

This document covers the following topics:

Command Syntax

The following command format is required to communicate with EntireX Broker, using the operator console. Parameters in UPPERCASE must be typed "as is". Parameters in lowercase must be substituted with a valid value. Operator commands have the following format:

F task_name,APPL=command[parameter]
where task_name is the name of the EntireX Broker started task or job at your installation
  command is the operator command
  parameter is an optional parameter allowed by the operator command you are issuing

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General Broker Commands

The following broker commands are available:


Alias of broker command TRACE. Modifies the setting of the broker-specific attribute TRACE-LEVEL.


Start of instruction setTo set a trace level 2 for broker

See TRACE-LEVEL under Broker Attributes.


Lists all memory pools currently allocated by EntireX Broker. Start address, pool size in bytes and name of pool are provided. There can be multiple entries for a specific type of pool.

Sample Output

ETBM0720 Operator typed in: DPOOL
ETBM0657 Broker pool usage: 
ETBM0657 0x2338FFB8   16781380 bytes COMMUNICATION POOL 
ETBM0657 0x243A9EB8     368964 bytes CONVERSATION POOL 
ETBM0657 0x24404F38     233668 bytes CONNECTION POOL 
ETBM0657 0x2443EF38    4395204 bytes LONG MESSAGES POOL 
ETBM0657 0x24870BB8    3703876 bytes SHORT MESSAGES POOL 
ETBM0657 0x24BF9398     134244 bytes PARTICIPANT POOL 
ETBM0657 0x24C1AF78      36996 bytes PARTICIPANT EXTENSION POOL
ETBM0657 0x24C24798      26724 bytes PROXY QUEUE POOL 
ETBM0657 0x24C2BDA8     131668 bytes SERVICE ATTRIBUTES POOL 
ETBM0657 0x24C4CB98      54372 bytes SERVICE POOL 
ETBM0657 0x24C5AF78      32900 bytes SERVICE EXTENSION POOL 
ETBM0657 0x24D31FA8     344148 bytes SUBSCRIPTION POOL 
ETBM0657 0x24D865A8     129620 bytes TOPIC ATTRIBUTES POOL 
ETBM0657 0x2338F420       2952 bytes TOPIC POOL 
ETBM0657 0x24DA6778      30852 bytes TOPIC EXTENSION POOL 
ETBM0657 0x24C63B18      87268 bytes TIMEOUT QUEUE POOL 
ETBM0657 0x24C79398     179300 bytes TRANSLATION POOL 
ETBM0657 0x24CA5F38     176324 bytes UNIT OF WORK POOL 
ETBM0657 0x24CD1798     391268 bytes WORK QUEUE POOL 
ETBM0657 0x24DAEB98      33892 bytes PSTORE SUBSCRIBER POOL 
ETBM0657 0x24DB73A8      19540 bytes PSTORE TOPIC POOL 
ETBM0582 Function completed


Displays EntireX Broker's resource usage for conversations, message buffers, participants, services, topics, the timeout queue, units of work, and the work queue. Resource usage provides the total number, the number of free elements, and the number of used elements.

Sample Output

ETBM0720 Operator typed in: DRES
ETBM0581 Broker resource usage: 
ETBM0581 Resource ------------------ Total # --- Free # --- Used #
ETBM0581 Conversations                  4096        852       3244
ETBM0581 Long message buffers              0          0          0
ETBM0581 Short message buffers          8192       7384        808
ETBM0581 Participants                    256        235         21
ETBM0581 Services                        256        240         16
ETBM0581 Topics                            0          0          0
ETBM0581 Timeout Queue                  1280        845        435
ETBM0581 Units Of Work                     0          0          0
ETBM0581 Work Queue                      256        239         17
ETBM0582 Function completed


Displays the total number of active elements, and an optional high watermark for services, clients, servers, conversations, message buffers, topics, publishers, subscribers, and publications.

Sample Output

ETBM0720 Operator typed in: DSTAT
ETBM0580 Broker statistics: 
ETBM0580 NUM-SERVICE ............... 0
ETBM0580 Services active ........... 7
ETBM0580 NUM-CLIENT ................ 0
ETBM0580 Clients active ............ 10 
ETBM0580 Clients active HWM ........ 10 
ETBM0580 NUM-SERVER ................ 0 
ETBM0580 Servers active ............ 10 
ETBM0580 Servers active HWM ........ 10 
ETBM0580 NUM-CONVERSATION .......... 0 
ETBM0580 Conversations active ...... 607 
ETBM0580 Conversations active HWM .. 968 
ETBM0580 NUM-LONG-BUFFER ........... 0 
ETBM0580 Long buffers active ....... 0 
ETBM0580 Long buffers active HWM ... 0 
ETBM0580 NUM-SHORT-BUFFER .......... 0 
ETBM0580 Short buffers active ...... 1219 
ETBM0580 Short buffers active HWM .. 1928 
ETBM0580 NUM-TOPIC ................. 0 
ETBM0580 Topics active ............. 0 
ETBM0580 NUM-PUBLISHER ............. 0 
ETBM0580 Publishers active ......... 0 
ETBM0580 Publishers active HWM ..... 0 
ETBM0580 NUM-SUBSCRIBER ............ 0 
ETBM0580 Subscribers active ........ 0 
ETBM0580 Subscribers active HWM .... 0 
ETBM0580 NUM-PUBLICATION ........... 0 
ETBM0580 Publications active ....... 0 
ETBM0580 Publications active HWM ... 0
ETBM0582 Function completed


If broker attribute DYNAMIC-WORKER-MANAGEMENT=YES is activated, use command DWM=OFF to switch off dynamic worker management, or DWM=ON to reactivate it.


Start of instruction setTo deactivate dynamic worker management

See Dynamic Worker Management under Broker Resource Allocation.


Processing stops immediately. Current calls to the EntireX Broker are not allowed to finish.


Alias of ETBEND.


Flush all trace data kept in internal trace buffers to stderr (DD:SYSOUT). The broker-specific attribute TRMODE=WRAP is required.


Modifies the trace level for the Adabas persistent store (Adabas-specific attribute TRACE-LEVEL).


Start of instruction setTo set a trace level 2 for the Adabas persistent store

See TRACE-LEVEL under Broker Attributes.

SHUTDOWN class,server,service

Shuts down the specified service immediately and stops all servers that have registered this service.


Start of instruction setTo shutdown service CLASS=RPC, SERVER=SRV1, SERVICE=CALLNAT


Modifies the setting of the broker-specific attribute TRACE-LEVEL.

Sample Commands

Start of instruction setTo modify the trace level

See TRACE-LEVEL under Broker Attributes.


Modifies the setting of the broker-specific attribute TRAP-ERROR.

Sample Command

Start of instruction setTo modify the setting for TRAP-ERROR

See TRAP-ERROR under Broker Attributes.

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Participant-specific Commands

Within EntireX Broker nomenclature, a participant is an application implicitly or explicitly logged on to the Broker as a specific user. A participant could act as client, server, publisher or subscriber. The following participant-specific commands are available:

CANCEL parameter

Operator command CANCEL is used to delete participants from EntireX Broker. The following parameters are supported:

Parameter Description
[USER=]user_id Cancel all participants with the specified user_id. Non-persistent resources will be freed by the timeout manager. Prefix "USER=" is the default value and may be omitted.
SEQNO=seqno Cancel the participant with the sequence number seqno. Non-persistent resources will be freed by the timeout manager. Operator commands USERLIST and USERS display sequence numbers of all selected participants.

Sample Commands

Start of instruction setTo cancel all participant entries of user "DOE"

Start of instruction setTo cancel participant with sequence number "11"


Operator command USERLIST displays a list of selected participant entries. The following parameters are supported:

Parameter Description
none | * Display all participants.
user_id Display all participants with user ID user_id. Wildcard characters are supported.

Sample Commands

Start of instruction setTo display all participants

Start of instruction setTo display all participants with user ID "DOE"

Start of instruction setTo display all participants with user ID starting with uppercase "D"

Start of instruction setTo display all participants with 4-character user ID, starting with uppercase "D" and with uppercase "E" as third character

Description of USERLIST Output Columns

Keyword Description
USER-ID User ID (32 bytes, case-sensitive). See USER-ID under Broker ACI Fields.
C Client.
Y Participant is a client, otherwise "N".
S Server.
Y Participant is a server, otherwise "N".
P Publisher.
Y Participant is a publisher, otherwise "N".
U Subscriber.
Y Participant is a subscriber, otherwise "N".
E Big endian.
Y Participant is on a big-endian machine.
N Participant is on a little-endian machine.
CHR Character set.
ASC Participant is an ASCII user.
EBC Participant is an EBCDIC user.
SEQNO Sequence number of participant. Can be used for operator command CANCEL parameter.

USERS parameter

Operator command USERS displays selected user data of participant entries. The following parameters are supported:

Parameter Description
none | * Display all participants.
user_id Display all participants with user ID user_id. Wildcard characters are supported.

Sample Commands

Start of instruction setTo display all participants

Start of instruction setTo display all participants with user ID "DOE"

Description of USERS Output Columns

Keyword Description
USER-ID User ID (32 bytes, case-sensitive). See USER-ID under Broker ACI Fields.
Y Participant is a client, otherwise "N".
Y Participant is a server, otherwise "N".
Y Participant is a publisher, otherwise "N".
Y Participant is a subscriber, otherwise "N".
Y Participant is on a big-endian machine.
N Participant is on a little-endian machine.
ASC Participant is an ASCII user.
EBC Participant is an EBCDIC user.
PUID Internal unique ID of participant. Hexadecimal 28-byte value in printable format.
TOKEN Optionally identifies the participant. See TOKEN under Broker ACI Fields.

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Security-specific Commands


Displays the number of successful and failed Security authentications and Security authorizations.

Sample Output

ETBM0720 Operator typed in: DSECSTAT
ETBM0579 Security Authentications - successful: 20 failed: 0
ETBM0579 Security Authorizations  - successful: 0 failed: 0

RESET userid

Resets the Security context for the specified user ID.

Sample Output

ETBM0720 Operator typed in: RESET EXXBATCH
ETBM0578 Reset ACEE for SAF-ID EXXBATCH : 20 instances found


Modifies the trace level for the EntireX Security (security-specific attribute TRACE-LEVEL). Broker-specific attribute SECURITY=YES must be set.


Start of instruction setTo set a trace level 2 for EntireX Security

See TRACE-LEVEL under Broker Attributes.

Top of page

Transport-specific Commands

Transport-specific commands are available for Adabas/Entire Net-Work communicators, SSL communicators and TCP communicators; the COM command can be used for all communicators. The following command syntax applies:


COM parameter

This command is executed by all configured transport communicators. The following parameters are supported:

Parameter Description
STATUS Displays the current status of the transport communicator.
SUSPEND Used to suspend the transport communicator. The transport communicator is halted but will not shut down. User requests receive response code 148.
RESUME Resume a suspended transport communicator. If the communicator was not suspended before, an error message will be displayed.
STOP Stop an active or suspended transport communicator. The transport communicator will shut down. All transport-specific resources will be freed. User requests receive response code 148.
START Start a transport communicator that was previously stopped. If the communicator was not stopped before, an error message will be displayed.

Sets the trace level for the transport method. If the global trace level (see TRACE) is set with command
/F taskname,APPL=TRACE=n
this applies to all transport methods. This command will also override any existing transport-specific settings. If you subsequently enter command
/F taskname,APPL= TCP TRACE=n
only the trace level for TCP/IP transport is modified.

With commands TCP Tnn, and SSL and Snn, the trace level is set for all TCP and SSL communicators respectively. Setting a trace level for a single TCP or SSL instance is not supported. For example: although it is possible to submit the command
/F taskname,APPL=T01 TRACE=1
this command sets the trace level for all TCP communicators.

Sample Output

ETBM0720 Operator typed in: COM STATUS
ETBW0718 TCP Communicator 0 currently active
ETBW0718 TCP Communicator 1 currently active
ETBW0718 SSL Communicator 0 currently suspended
ETBW0718 NET Communicator 0 currently suspended 
XCO0039I 00113 Total number of commands = 17 
XCO0057I 00113 Operator entry active 
ETBM0720 Operator typed in: COM SUSPEND
ETBM0721 TCP Communicator 0 suspended
ETBM0721 TCP Communicator 1 suspended
ETBM0721 SSL Communicator 0 suspended
ETBM0721 NET Communicator 0 suspended

NET parameter

This command is executed by X-COM, the Adabas/Entire Net-Work communicator. See command COM above for a list of supported parameters.

Sample Output

ETBM0720 Operator typed in: NET STATUS
ETBW0718 NET Communicator 0 currently active 
XCO0039I 00113 Total number of commands = 17 
XCO0057I 00113 Operator entry active

SSL parameter

This command is executed by all SSL communicators. See command COM above for a list of supported parameters.

Sample Output

ETBM0720 Operator typed in: SSL STATUS
ETBW0718 SSL Communicator 0 currently active

To manipulate a specific communicator instance (max. five instances can be started), use the command S00, S01, S02, S03 or S04 for the respective SSL instance.

TCP parameter

This command is executed by TCP communicators. See command COM above for a list of supported parameters.

Sample Output

ETBM0720 Operator typed in: TCP STATUS
ETBW0718 TCP Communicator 0 currently active
ETBW0718 TCP Communicator 1 currently active
ETBM0720 Operator typed in: TCP RESUME
ETBM0721 TCP Communicator 0 resumed
ETBM0721 TCP Communicator 1 resumed

To manipulate a specific communicator instance (max. five instances can be started), use the command T00, T01, T02, T03 or T04 for the respective TCP instance.

Sample Output

ETBM0720 Operator typed in: T00 STATUS
ETBW0718 TCP Communicator 0 currently active
ETBM0720 Operator typed in: T01 STATUS
ETBW0718 TCP Communicator 1 currently active

Sample Transport Commands

Start of instruction setTo display status of all transport communicators

Start of instruction setTo suspend first TCP communicator

Start of instruction setTo stop all SSL transport communicators

Top of page

XCOM-specific Commands

All operator commands beginning with "X" belong to X-COM, the Adabas/Entire Net-Work communicator. The following commands operate only on the Adabas transport mechanism: XCQES, XHALT, XPARM, XSTART, XSTAT and XUSER. These commands have no effect on functions not related to the Adabas transport mechanism.

XEND and XSTOP function independently of the transport mechanism. (They stop the Broker's processing immediately, whereby existing calls to the EntireX Broker are not allowed to finish.)


Displays the current number, and the highest number, of used bytes in the Adabas attached buffer pool to the console.

This command operates on the Adabas transport mechanism only. It has no effect on functions not related to the Adabas transport mechanism.

Sample Output

ETBM0720 Operator typed in: XABS
XCO0090I 00113 Attached buffer usage
XCO0091I 00113 Number of bytes in use = 0 
XCO0092I 00113 Highest number of bytes in use = 6400


Displays the current number, and the highest number, of Adabas command queue elements to the console.

This command operates on the Adabas transport mechanism only. It has no effect on functions not related to the Adabas transport mechanism.

Sample Output

ETBM0720 Operator typed in: XCQES
XCO0030I 00113 Number of active CQEs = 0 
XCO0031I 00113 Highest number of active CQEs = 1


Alias of ETBEND.


New calls to the EntireX Broker are temporarily rejected. Processing is resumed by issuing the XSTART operator command. XHALT is an alias for command NET SUSPEND.

This command operates on the Adabas transport mechanism only. It has no effect on functions not related to the Adabas transport mechanism.

Sample Output

ETBM0720 Operator typed in: XHALT
ETBM0721 NET Communicator 0 suspended


Displays the values of Adabas SVC, database ID, number of CQEs, number of attached buffers, and the application name for the Adabas transport to the console.

This command operates on the Adabas transport mechanism only. It has no effect on functions not related to the Adabas transport mechanism.

Sample Output

ETBM0720 Operator typed in: XPARM
XCO0032I 00113 Parameters for this session: 
XCO0033I 00113 SVC = 249
XCO0034I 00113 NODE = 00113
XCO0035I 00113 NCQE = 00100
XCO0036I 00113 NABS = 10000
XCO0037I 00113 User application = ETBNUC


Processing of new calls to the EntireX Broker, interrupted with the XHALT command, is resumed. XSTART is an alias of command NET RESUME.

This command operates on the Adabas transport mechanism only. It has no effect on functions not related to the Adabas transport mechanism.

Sample Output

ETBM0720 Operator typed in: XSTART
ETBM0721 NET Communicator 0 resumed


Displays the EntireX Broker statistics as console messages.

This command operates on the Adabas transport mechanism only. It has no effect on functions not related to the Adabas transport mechanism.


Alias of ETBEND.


Displays the current number, as well as the highest number, of users actively issuing commands using the Adabas transport mechanism to the console.

The number of users displayed with this operator command will not represent all of the Broker clients and servers but only the subset of users issuing commands using the Adabas transport mechanism. Command and Information Services provides comprehensive information about all Broker clients and servers.

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