Version 9.6
 —  Administration under Windows  —

EntireX Trace Utility

This document covers the following topics:

Introduction to the EntireX Trace Utility

Broker traces, as well as traces produced from applications communicating with the Broker (so-called "stub traces"), contain a lot of details of the particular Broker calls. However, their layout is different and not easy to understand. The EntireX Trace Utility reads these Broker kernel as well as stub traces and produces a file with a common layout, where one line corresponds to a Broker call. The file layout is a standard CSV file (comma-separated values).

The request (Broker call sent from the stub to the kernel) and the corresponding reply (response sent back from the kernel to the stub) are merged together and presented as one logical Broker call in one row of the output file. Line numbers in the trace file and times for the request and reply are provided. It is also possible to specify filters so only the specified subset of the Broker calls are extracted. Since the Broker trace file contains all activities from both clients and servers and since it is possible to filter the calls, an end-to-end analysis of a conversation is simple to analyze.

The EntireX Trace Utility is divided into two separate elements: Process Trace and Show Trace.

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Process Trace

Process Trace is used to process the information contained in the Broker trace file, saving the requested output to a simple text file.

Using the Tool

Start of instruction setTo open the EntireX Trace Utility under Windows

  1. Choose "Trace Utility" in your EntireX program group.


  2. Enter command


Start of instruction setTo process the trace information

File Selection

The following window is displayed.

The dark gray display section - the wizard window - shows you which step is required. File Selection has a large green dot, so the input and output files are required.


In the display section Options is green.

See Output Field Options for information on Full, Standard and Overview.

See Options under Using the EntireX Trace Utility in Batch Mode for information on type of trace file and error codes not to display.

The defaults of Process Trace are:

The default separator character is ",", you can change this character.


For the Standard and Full output options you can set filters to reduce the amount of information written to the output file, to create a more focused collection of information.

You can set filters for the Conversation ID (for example: 000000000041596), the Broker service (for example: int/catsbeb3/internet) and the User (for example: S_94).

The User filter does not correspond to the User ID or Physical User ID from the trace, but a generated value from Process Trace. This filter can only be used after already analyzing an output file and deciding which User to filter for.

If more than one filter is specified only those entries which satisfy all conditions will be displayed.

Start of instruction setTo generate the output file

At this point any errors from processing the trace file are shown.

Start of instruction setTo display the results from the processing

Start of instruction setTo leave the program

Start of instruction setTo process another trace file

A new processing wizard is started.

Output Field Options

You may select between three levels of output to be written to the output file:

Option Output Fields


Phys Userid, Userid, Token, User, Service


Thread, Req, Reply, Phys Userid, Userid, Token, User, Function, Error, Service, Convid, Uowid, Uowstatus, Slen, Retl, Cuid


Thread, Req, Reply, Phys Userid, Userid, Token, User, Function, Error, Service, Convid, Uowid, Uowstatus, Slen, Retl, Cuid, Time1, Time2, Api, Rlen, Cstat, Charset, SecurityToken, Security, TimeDiff, ReplyTime, Seqid, AppName, Node, Stub, Library, Program, Brokerid

Description of the columns in the CSV file (comma-separated values).

Output which is the result of stub trace files does not contain entires for all columns.

Column Explanation
Thread The name of the Java thread executing the Broker call. Only available for trace files produces by the EntireX Java runtime.
Req The line number in the trace file where the request part of the Broker call starts. 0 if the request cannot be found in the trace file.
Reply The line number in the trace file where the reply part of the Broker call starts. 0 if the reply cannot be found in the trace file.
Phys.User ID The physical user ID (Unique ID) which is displayed as a binary value in the Broker trace, nicely formatted. In case of a C stub trace file, the real physical user ID is not available; instead of this the thread ID is used to construct a replacement for the physical user ID.
User ID The user ID of the Broker call.
Token The token of the Broker call.
User An artificial identifier for a user session (using physical user ID, user ID, and token). This is a unique number prefixed with either C- or S- . The latter will be used if the caller can be identified (using the available data in the trace) as a server application.
Function The Broker function. If an option is specified it is appended to the function name. If a wait timeout is specified for the send or receive function it is appended.
Error Error class, error number and error text. Error 0000 0000 is not displayed. The text "Successful response" is not displayed.
Service The service address in the form class/server/service.
Convid The conversation ID prefixed with *. If the conversation ID in the reply is different from the one in the request, the one from the reply is used.
Uowid The unit of work ID prefixed with *. If the unit of work ID in the reply is different from the one in the request, the one from the reply is used.
Uowstatus The unit of work status
Slen The send length, i.e. the length of the data sent to the Broker.
Retl The return length, i.e. the length of the data returned from the application.
Cuid The client user ID (only for servers).
Time1 The time of the request entry in the trace file.
Time2 The time of the reply entry in the trace file.
Api The API version.
Rlen The (maximum) receive length specified in the send/receive call.
Cstat The conversation status (only for servers).
Charset The character used by the caller. Typical values are ascii, ebcdic siemens. If a value for the locale string has been specified, it is added using / as a separator.
An interpretation of the security token of the request part. If the reply also contains a security token it is added using / as a separator. The interpretation of the prefixes is as follows:
unknown The security token cannot be identified as a security token valid for EntireX Security
enc The send/receive data is encrypted.
pwd A password is specified in the call
newpwd A new password is specified in the call.
stub The security token has been built by an EntireX stub.
server The security token has been processed by the Broker, the part which distinguishes security tokens is added.
Security Some security-relevant control block fields of the call. If Forcelogon is enabled "fl:" is displayed. If encryption level has been specified either "broker" or "target" is displayed. If a password has been specified an artificial password is displayed. If in addition a new password has been specified, it is added using / as a separator. The artificial password is displayed as "pwd" followed by a number (starting with 0).
TimeDiff The elapsed time between the request and the reply (Time2 - Time1).
ReplyTime Server response time (difference in time between the server receiving a request and sending the reply).
Seqid The internal sequence ID of the Broker call. Only available for Broker version 7.3 or higher.
AppName Name of the application communicating with the Broker. Only available if API version 9 or greater is used.
Node Node name of the application which is communicating with the Broker, e.g. the TCP/IP hostname. Only available if API version 9 or greater is used.
Stub Stub name and version used by the application communicating with the Broker. Only available if API version 9 or greater is used.
Library Library name if Broker call is an RPC call. Only available for RPC clients, or for server version 8.0 or higher.
Program Program name if Broker call is an RPC call. Only available for RPC clients, or for server version 8.0 or higher.
Brokerid The Broker ID of the Broker call.

Error Messages

The utility will only produce a meaningful result if the trace file is not corrupt. When transferring a trace from a mainframe, make sure all columns of the trace file are transferred, otherwise the utility might report errors (e.g. 2, 4 or 9). It is also possible that no errors are reported but the resulting CSV file has columns which contain invalid data.

Number Message Explanation
1 {0} Text of a Java exception thrown at runtime.
2 Trace has incomplete entry for Binpart, expected length = {0}, actual length = {1} Will be displayed a maximum of 5 times. Output for Security Token, Password, and New Password may be corrupted. Typical reason: columns in the trace file were lost when copying the trace from the mainframe.
3 Physical user ID {0} has wrong length Trace file is corrupt.

Trace has incomplete entry for Key or Reply string

Will be displayed a maximum of 5 times. Output for any value may be corrupted. Typical reason: columns in the trace file were lost when copying the trace from the mainframe.
5 More then one request per user: {0} This is an error condition similar to the Broker error 0037 0197.
6 does not include prefix Trace file is corrupt.
7 does not include unique ID Trace file is corrupt.
8 does not include reply or key Trace file is corrupt.
9 Trace output might be incomplete and/or erroneous Output for any value may be corrupt.
10 Problem with file {0} Problem with trace or output file.
11 Not enough memory to process trace, try increasing -Xmx or split trace The Java runtime does not have enough memory to process the trace file. Increase the memory or delete unnecessary sections in the trace file.
12 SeqID "{0}" does not match "{1}" The sequence ID of the request and the reply do not match. This may happen if the trace file is incomplete or corrupted. Otherwise contact Software AG support and provide the trace file.
13 Found: {0} The text of a Broker error message found in the trace file is displayed. All non-zero return codes and the result of KERNELVERSION calls are displayed. This can be configured using a tool parameter.

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Show Trace

Show Trace enables you to display the values of a CSV file in a table (CSV=comma-separated values).

The first row of the file is used as the headers for the file.

Sorting the Information

The information in the tables can be sorted by descending or ascending order. The sorting is done alphabetically, not numerically.

Start of instruction setTo sort the information in a column by ascending order

Start of instruction setTo sort the information in a column by descending order

Loading and Saving a CSV File

You can load and save a CSV file using the options located in the File menu.

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Using the EntireX Trace Utility in Batch Mode

The EntireX Trace Utility is a graphical tool to process and display trace information. It can also be used as a command-line tool to process trace information.

Start of instruction setTo use the EntireX Trace Utility in batch mode

This specifies an initial and maximum memory allocation pool for the Java runtime (with Java 1.3 the defaults are 2 MB and 64 MB).

The exxutil.jar file is located in the classes subdirectory of the EntireX installation. filename is the name of the trace file. The output will be written to the file specified with the parameter output file or, if no name is specified there, output will be written to the file filename.csv.


Option Description
-version to display the version information
-short to generate an overview
-long to generate the full output
-sep char the separator character used in the resulting CSV file, default is ","
-type type
By default the EntireX Trace Utility tries to infer the type of the trace file from the contents. If this is not possible (output shows "Processed 0 Broker calls") the type can be explicitly specified as follows:
java The trace has been written by the EntireX Java runtime.
cstub The trace has been written by the C-based Broker stub.
dotnet The trace has been written by the .NET ACI stub.
broker The trace has been written by the Broker kernel.
directrpc The trace has been written by the Direct RPC component of webMethods EntireX Adapter.
-noshow param The utility displays all Broker errors found in the trace. To prevent this either all errors or a set of specified errors can be excluded from the display. To prevent the display of all errors specify "all" as parameter. To prevent the display of specific errors specifiy the 8 digit error class and number. Multiple errors can be specified separated by ":". Examples: -noshow 00020002:00070007 or -noshow "0074 0074".

For the default and long display, filters can be specified:

Option Description
-user < user > to get entries for a particular user
-conversation < convid > for a particular conversation ID
-service for a particular service

If more than one filter is specified, only those entries which satisfy all conditions will be displayed.


 java -jar exxutil.jar -long -sep ";" trace.txt

will generate all columns in a file trace.txt using ";" as separator character, the result will be in the file trace.txt.csv.

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Usage Tips

Invalid or Incomplete Data in the Resulting CSV File

The utility will only produce a meaningful result if the trace file is not corrupt. When transferring a trace from a mainframe, make sure that all columns of the trace file are transferred. Otherwise the utility might report errors, e.g. error 2, 4 or 9. It may also happen that no errors are reported but the resulting CSV file has columns which contain invalid data.

Open the CSV File in Microsoft Excel

The CSV file can usually be opened in Microsoft Excel by double-clicking on the file name in the Windows Explorer. If the data is not displayed correctly, the separator character used by the utility (default is ",") does not match the list separator character used by Windows. Use the -sep option to specify a different separator character. To check the list separator used by Windows, go to Control Panel > Regional Options > Numbers.

Alternatively you may use the import functionality of Microsoft Excel. Open a spreadsheet, use Data > Get External Data > Import Text File. After selecting the file name (change default file type *.txt) the Text Import Wizard starts, which allows you to specify the delimiter (separator) character.

Displaying and Analyzing the CSV File in Microsoft Excel

The following are some tips how to use Microsoft Excel as a tool for displaying and analyzing the CSV file. They refer to Microsoft Excel 2000.

Formatting the spreadsheet: use CTRL A to select all data, change the font size e.g. to 8, then use Format > Column > AutoFit Selection to format all columns. Make the first line a "header line": select the 2nd line, use Window > Freeze Panes. Now, when scrolling through the entries the header line always stays on top.

Enable filtering: select the 1st line, use Data > Filter > AutoFilter. Now you have a drop-down box on each header entry that allows you to select a subset of the Broker calls.

Sorting Order

You can sort the entries in the generated CSV file using the Reply column. Thus the ordering corresponds to the time when the Broker kernel sends back the reply for the Broker call. Calls where no reply can be found in the trace appear at the end. If you use the Request column as the sorting criteria, the Broker calls will be ordered corresponding to the time when the Broker call arrives at the Broker kernel.

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