Version 9.6
 —  Administration under Windows  —

Introduction to Broker Administration using SMH

Before you log in to the System Management Hub for the first time, see Initial Login Considerations. See also Broker Service 'etbsrv'.

EntireX Broker instances are administered from the EntireX Broker System Management Hub node. The EntireX Broker node is located below the EntireX node in the System Management Hub tree view. When the EntireX Broker node is expanded, all of the brokers that are known to the current System Management Hub host are listed. The list consists of all the broker instances configured on the host running the System Management Hub ("local" brokers) and broker instances configured on other hosts that the user has defined to the System Management Hub ("remote" brokers). The node of a broker instance can be expanded if its broker is currently running. Below the node you can see the list of all Command and Information Services. The broker stub nodes allow a detailed runtime administration of the broker.

managed brokers

The list of the known brokers is maintained by a special administrative service. The SMH agents communicate with it or directly with the listed brokers to perform all necessary actions. For more information see Configuring the Administration Service.

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