Version 9.6
 —  EntireX MSP  —

Writing JMS Applications with the EntireX Broker

Java Message Service (JMS) is a standard API for enterprise messaging services. This document describes how to write JMS-based applications with the EntireX Broker. It covers the following topics:

EntireX Broker and JMS

The EntireX Broker is enabled for Java Message Service (JMS). JMS is supported with components on top of Java ACI. JMS in general uses two message models: point-to-point messaging and publish-and-subscribe messaging. The EntireX Broker supports both messaging models. JMS connections are mapped to Broker. JMS queues are mapped to services of the Broker. JMS topics are mapped to topics of the Broker.


The Broker must have EntireX version 7.1.1 or higher for point-to-point messaging. For publish-and-subscribe messaging, the Broker must have EntireX version 7.2.1 or higher. For point to point, the implementation uses units of work to communicate with the Broker. The configuration of the Broker for JMS includes enabling units of work and configuration of the persistent store for persistent JMS messages. Publish and subscribe uses publications and topics of the Broker. For the administration of the objects in the JNDI directory, use the Message Service Agent of the System Management Hub. See Message Service Administration using System Management Hub. The files entirex.jar and exxjms.jar are required to run JMS applications with the Broker.

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Writing JMS Applications

Writing JMS applications with the EntireX Broker requires the following steps:

Configure the Broker

Start of instruction setTo enable the Broker for JMS Publish and Subscribe

Edit the Broker attribute file. The following examples show the attributes needed for JMS publish and subscribe. Adapt the numerical values to your needs. The values are examples.

  1. Enable the Broker for publish and subscribe.

    TOPIC-UPDATES              = YES

    Attribute AUTO-COMMIT-FOR-SUBSCRIBER is required because committing messages is controlled by JMS.

  2. Configure the subscriber store for durable subscribers.

    Use PSTORE as subscriber store. For more details of the PSTORE configuration, see the Broker Attributes.

    NUM-TOPIC-TOTAL      = 1000
  3. Define the topics.

    The following example lists the attributes connected to topics. For a detailed description see the Broker Attributes. At least one topic definition with topic "*" is needed to enable the temporary topics of JMS. The names of the topics are restricted to 96 bytes. The lifetime of the messages is controlled by JMS.

    DEFAULTS                       = TOPIC
    ALLOW-DURABLE                  = YES
    UNSECURE-SUBSCRIBE             = YES
    CONVERSION                     = SAGTCHA
    LONG-BUFFER-LIMIT              = UNLIM
    PUBLICATION-LIMIT              = UNLIM
    PUBLISHER-NONACT               = 5M
    SHORT-BUFFER-LIMIT             = UNLIM
    SUBSCRIBER-LIMIT               = UNLIM
    SUBSCRIBER-NONACT              = 3M
    TRANSLATION                    = SAGTCHA
    TOPIC                          = *

Start of instruction set To enable the Broker for JMS point to point

Edit the Broker attribute file as described below:

  1. Set MAX-UOW to some appropriate value greater than 0.

  2. Define the services for JMS.

    JMS queues are mapped to the service class JMS and the service QUEUE (or TMPQUEUE for temporary queues). The name of the queue is used as the server name. The default Broker attribute file that is installed contains the definitions for JMS. This enables the installed default Broker for JMS with non-persistent messages.

    * ------------- ENTIREX/JMS example services -------------------------
    DEFAULTS             =    SERVICE
      CONV-LIMIT         =      UNLIM
      CONV-NONACT        =         4M
      NOTIFY-EOC         =         NO
      SERVER-NONACT      =         5M
     CLASS = JMS,    SERVER = *,      SERVICE = QUEUE,    DEFERRED = yes
    * --------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Configure the persistent store of the Broker (optional).

    Use the Broker attributes STORE, PSTORE, PSTORE-TYPE to configure the persistent store.

    The value STORE=OFF corresponds to DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT and the value STORE=BROKER corresponds to DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT.

    The defaults set for the Broker are overwritten by the STORE attribute of the service and this is overwritten by the value JMS sets.

    If you use DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT in JMS, you have to use PSTORE to define the status of the persistent store and PSTORE-TYPE to define the type of persistent store. See Broker Attributes for details.

Configure the JNDI Provider

To use administered objects of JMS with a JNDI service provider, configure the JNDI service provider as described below:

Start of instruction setTo configure the JNDI Service Provider

  1. Get the JAR files of the service provider and follow the service provider's documentation to deploy these JAR files.

  2. Create or change the file Add the path of this file to the Java classpath.

With the installation of EntireX, the JNDI file system service provider is configured. The JAR files fscontext.jar and providerutil.jar reside in the subfolder classes of the EntireX installation folder. The JNDI configuration is placed in the subfolder etc.

Create the Administered Objects with the JMS Agent of the System Management Hub

See Message Service Administration using System Management Hub.

Coding and Compiling Your Application

Compile your application with the gf.javax.jms.jar. The JAR files from EntireX are not needed. This ensures that the JMS application is portable between JMS providers.

Running Your Application

The following JAR files are required to run your application, in addition to the gf.javax.jms.jar and the JAR files for the JNDI provider.


Examples for JMS are in the subfolder jms of the examples folder. For a detailed description see the README.TXT in this folder. To compile and run the examples use build.bat or the build.xml script with Ant.

Basic Examples and can be used to send and synchronously receive a single text message using a queue. uses a publisher class and a subscriber class to publish and synchronously receive a single text message using a topic.

Intermediate Examples

The intermediate examples show listeners, conversion and types of messages: and send a specified number of text messages to a queue and asynchronously receive them using a message listener (TextListener), which is in the file uses a publisher class and a subscriber class to publish five text messages to a topic and asynchronously get them using a message listener (TextListener). writes and reads messages in the five supported message formats. The messages are not sent, so you do not need to specify a queue or topic argument when you run the program. shows that for some message formats, you can write a message using one data type and read it using another. shows that objects are copied into messages, not passed by reference: once you create a message from a given object, you can change the original object, but the contents of the message do not change. shows how to write, then read a BytesMessage of indeterminate length. It reads the message content from a file.

Advanced Examples

The advanced examples show header fields, selectors, durable subscriptions, acknowledge modes, transacted sessions, and request/reply: and illustrate the use of the JMS message header fields. shows how to use message header fields as message selectors. The program consists of one publisher and several subscribers. Each subscriber uses a message selector to receive a subset of the messages sent by the publisher. shows how you can create a durable subscriber that retains messages published to a topic while the subscriber is inactive. shows that to ensure that a message will not be acknowledged until processing is complete. Use a receiver with AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE. demonstrates the use of transactions in a simulated e-commerce application. uses the JMS request/reply facility, which supports situations in which every message sent requires a response. and demonstrate sending requests and replies. The server uses a message listener and an exception listener.

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Writing Advanced Applications

This section describes the features of JMS and how they are mapped to an EntireX Broker configuration and functions.

Persistent and Non-persistent Messages

For persistent messages, the persistent store of the Broker has to be configured. See Configure the Broker and Broker Attributes for more information. If the persistent store is disabled, only DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT is supported. Sending messages with DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT to a Broker without persitent store results in exception "0078 0388: PSI: UOWs canNOT be persisted".

Acknowledge Modes

The acknowledge modes DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE, AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, and CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE are supported for non-transacted sessions. In the mode CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, the method acknowledge() for a message sends a SYNCPOINT with option EOC to the Broker. For the other modes, the same is done automatically.

Transacted Sessions

For transacted sessions, commit() sends a SYNCPOINT with option EOC to the Broker. This sets the status of the UOW to "accepted" for the sender and "delivered" for the receiver. The rollback() method sends a SYNCPOINT with option BACKOUT to the Broker. This sets the status of the UOW to "backed out" for the sender and "accepted" for the receiver.


EntireX security is supported with the method ConnectionFactory.createConnection(userName, password). This uses a logon to the Broker with user and password.

Receiving Messages with a MessageListener

To receive messages with a MessageListener, implement the onMessage method of the interface MessageListener. Since this method does not throw JMSExceptions, it is appropriate to set up an ExceptionListener for the connection. This listener gets all the exceptions thrown by the MessageListener. If the Broker returns a shutdown to the receiver (BrokerExceptions with class and code 0010 0050 or 0010 0051), the ExceptionListener can handle this exception and stop the connection.


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Connecting JMS Applications and non-JMS Applications

To connect JMS applications with non-JMS applications you need to modify the format of the messages. This is done by a message formatting RRoutine. The Message formatting routine formats the JMS messages sent by the JMS application in such a way that a non-JMS application can receive them. The routine converts messages from the non-JMS application into JMS messages. The message formatting routine is a user-written class which implements the interface com.softwareag.entirex.jms.JMSFormatter. We deliver examples for message formatting routines in the examples folder. These examples can be used as prototypes for your own routines.

The image below illustrates the general concept of JMS-to-non-JMS connections:


To connect JMS applications with non-JMS applications, consider the following aspects:

Message Format

Implement your own format with a class that implements JMSFormatter. This format may include the text (for TextMessage) or other data (for BytesMessage, StreamMessage, MapMessage, and ObjectMessage) and properties of JMS.

Message Encoding

Format all data in the message as strings in the default encoding of the JVM. This ensures that translation inside the Broker works. Obey that the Broker translation may change the number of bytes for a field. A second approach is to use the encoding that the non-JMS application needs in the formatter and disable translation or conversion for the queue in the Broker.

Transaction Handling

The non-JMS application has to send the messages in conversations containing one unit of work. The unit of work may contain one or more messages. The JMS application is not able to receive more than one unit of work in a conversation. Do not use the USTATUS field of the unit of work. This is reserverd for the receiving JMS application.

A receiving non-JMS application receives the messages in units of work. Each unit of work has its own conversation. The unit of work contains one or more messages.


For the JMS queues or topics that should connect to non-JMS applications, set the formatter to the name of the class implementing com.softwareag.entirex.jms.JMSFormatter. This enables customer-specific formatting of the message for the JMS application. The formatter is set for each queue or each topic individually. Queues and topics connecting only JMS applications do not need a formatter. JMS and non-JMS applications can be mixed in a queue with a formatter. The same applies to topics.

The examples show formatting of text messages with a Natural example application and a Java example application. For detailed instructions on how to run these examples, see the examples folder.

Assume the following scenario: a JMS application sends a message and expects the reply in a special queue. The ACI application has to get the name of the queue from the message and send the reply to this queue. This is achieved in the following manner:

The same applies to topics, except that the name of the JMS topic can be used "as is" for the Broker topic.

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JMS Error Handling

For each JMS API interface, the methods which throw a BrokerException wrapped as a JMSException are listed.

If a JMS exception wraps a BrokerException, JMSException.getErrorCode returns the error class and error code from the Broker as ccccnnnn, where cccc is the class and nnnn the code. JMSException.getMessage returns BrokerException.toString. This is Broker Error cccc nnnn: <detailed message>. JMSException.getLinkedException returns the BrokerException. Using references to a BrokerException forces the JMS application to be compiled with the EntireX Java ACI and the application is not provider independent.

A BrokerException with error class 0008 (Security or Encryption errors) is thrown as JMSSecurityException, a subclass of JMSException.

A BrokerException with error class 0021 and error code 0043 is thrown as InvalidDestinationException, a subclass of JMSException.

A JMSException may wrap other JVM exceptions. Then the JMSException.getErrorCode returns "EntireX JMS". JMSException.getMessage returns Exception.toString for the wrapped exception, which is set as a linked exception.

JMS Class Connection

Method stop

Every BrokerException is thrown, except Broker error 0002 0002. The Broker returns this when the Broker user is already gone due to a timeout. This error is ignored. If a session of this connection has a message listener, this listener forwards these exceptions to the exception listener.

JMS Class Session

Method close

Every BrokerException is thrown, except Broker error 0002 0002. The Broker returns this when the Broker user is already gone due to a timeout. This error is ignored. If the session has a message listener, this listener forwards these exceptions to the exception listener of the connection.

Method commit

The error codes 0002 0002, 0003 0003, 0003 0005, 0010 0050, 0010 0051, and 0020 0134 are handled in this method. Every other BrokerException is thrown. If the session has a message listener, this listener forwards these exceptions to the exception listener of the connection.

Method createConsumer

Every BrokerException is thrown.

Method createProducer

Every BrokerException is thrown.

Method createTemporaryQueue

Every BrokerException is thrown.

Method createTemporaryTopic

Every BrokerException is thrown.

Method rollback

Every BrokerException is thrown. If the session has a message listener, this listener forwards these exceptions to the exception listener of the connection.

JMS Class QueueSession

Method createReceiver

Every BrokerException is thrown.

Method createSender

Every BrokerException is thrown.

Method createTemporaryQueue

Every BrokerException is thrown.

JMS Class MessageConsumer

Method close

Every BrokerException is thrown, except Broker error 0002 0002. The Broker returns this when the Broker user is already gone due to a timeout. This error is ignored.

Method receive

This method returns null, which indicates "no message received" on the error codes 0003 0003, 0010 0050, 0010 0051, and 0074 0074. The error codes 0002 0002, 0003 0005, 0020 0134, and 0074 0301 are handled in this method. All other error codes throw a BrokerException wrapped in a JMSException.

Method setMessageListener

Every BrokerException is thrown.

JMS Class MessageProducer

Method send

The error codes 0002 0002, 0007 0493, and 0020 0134 are handled in this method. Every other BrokerException is thrown.

JMS Class QueueSender

Method send

See JMS class MessageProducer, method send.

JMS Class TopicPublisher

Method publish

See class MessageProducer, method send.

JMS Class QueueBrowser

Method getEnumeration

Any error code can occur with the BrokerException that is thrown. The error codes 0003 0003, 0010 0050, 0010 0051, 0074 0074 while the messages are being received signal that no more messages are available. The method returns the messages received so far.

Message Listener

The methods Connection.stop, Session.commit and Session.rollback affect the message listener. If these methods throw exceptions, the message listener will forward those exceptions to the exception listener of the connection.

While the message listener is receiving messages, it handles errors as follows. On error codes 0002 0002 and 0020 0134 the listener retries to receive messages. Error codes 0003 0003, 0003 0005, 0074 0074, and 0074 0301 are ignored. A JMSException is thrown to the exception listener on error codes 0010 0050 and 0010 0051. Any other error codes is forwarded as a JMSException to the exception listener.

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