This section describes how to browse the contents of the catalog. When you browse the catalog, CentraSite shows you a list of asset types and asset instances belonging to these asset types. The asset types shown are the predefined asset types as well as your custom-defined asset types. For a list of the predefined asset types, refer to the document Object Type Management.
You can select the following options:
View the complete list of assets.
View a list of assets that belong to certain asset types.
View a list of assets whose name attribute contains a certain keyword (character string).
View a list of assets that have been classified according to a specific taxonomy or a category within a taxonomy.
The result view shows various attributes of the assets, such as the name of the asset, the asset type and the description.
You can add or remove asset attributes from the view by choosing the column selection icon that is located above the scroll bar in the view area.
This section describes how to use CentraSite's Browse feature to locate assets using keyword searches and taxonomy searches.
The name search is an easy to use keyword-based search facility.
You can search for all assets that contain one or more specified keywords (i.e., text strings) in the asset's name attribute. You may use the Types panel to restrict the types on which the search is conducted.
You can define the input for the name search in the following ways:
A keyword is treated as partial text which can occur at the beginning of the searched strings. The "contains" semantics are implied.
Example: If the keyword is "customer", then the following matches are returned: "A sample svc for customers" as well as "customerservice".
The search is neither case nor accent sensitive. Example: A search for "abc" will return the same results as a search for "ABC" or "Abc".
If the name search input field is empty when the search is executed, the search returns all available assets.
The name search can include wildcard characters. See Using Wildcards for details.
The available wildcard characters are as follows:
Character | Usage |
* or % |
If you use the percent symbol ("%") or the asterisk ("*"), CentraSite replaces the wildcard symbol with as many characters as necessary to find a match. For example, an entry of "A%n" returns both "Amazon" and "American". If you enter "*al", then "CalcService", "Calendar" and "AustralianPostCode" all fit the search criteria. |
You can use a wildcard character at any point in the keyword text, and multiple times throughout the keyword text. If you enter a wildcard character in the middle of a string, for example "cat*dog", then at least one of the searched attributes must contain the string in order for the asset to be included in the result set.
If a wildcard character between two words is surrounded by spaces, such as "word1 * word2", the wildcard will match one word.
To browse the asset catalog by asset's name attribute
In CentraSite Control, go to
.In the list of asset types shown in Types panel, select the asset types that you want to include in the view. The list of asset types consists of predefined asset types and custom (i.e. customer-defined) asset types.
If new asset types have been added since the last screen update, you may need to click
to see them in the list.Note:
Use the arrow icons in the Types panel to
extend or retract the asset types list as necessary.
In the text box, type the keyword to search for. You can use one or more wildcards to specify the keyword.
If you leave the text box blank, or enter just a wildcard, assets based on the asset type that you select is returned.
CentraSite returns the assets that match the search criteria.
For assets, the search looks for the keyword in the asset's name attribute.
The taxonomy search capability allows you to search assets that have been classified according to a specific taxonomy or a category within a taxonomy.
There are several generic entries in the Browse by dialog. These are:
This lists the currently registered asset instances, according to the
asset types that you have selected.
[By Type]
[By Organization]
This lists all of the currently registered object and asset instances,
sorted according to object/asset type.
[By Type]
[By Organization]
This lists all currently registered object and asset instances, sorted
according to the owning organization.
To browse the asset catalog by taxonomy
In CentraSite Control, go to
.In the list of asset types shown in Types panel, select the asset types that you want to include in the view. The list of asset types consists of predefined asset types and custom (i.e. customer-defined) asset types.
If new asset types have been added since the last screen update, you may need to click
to see them in the list.Note:
Use the arrow icons in the Types panel to
extend or retract the asset types list as necessary.
Choose the Browse By icon on the right side of the page.
In the Browse By dialog, select a taxonomy. As a result, only assets that are classified with this taxonomy will be displayed.
If you do not specify a taxonomy in the Browse By dialog, CentraSite Control displays a list of all assets belonging to the selected asset types. The list can be ordered alphabetically by asset name or by asset type. Use the arrow icons in the column header fields to order the list as necessary.
If you specify a taxonomy in the Browse By dialog, the display changes to a hierarchical display, showing all assets that belong to the specified category and all of its subcategories. To expand or contract the category or a subcategory, use the plus or minus buttons accordingly.
The list of taxonomies displayed contains only the taxonomies
that are currently browsable. Refer to the section Creating a
Taxonomy in document Taxonomies for information
about how to make a taxonomy browsable or non-browsable.