INOQJE0001 | XQConnection for {0} is closed! |
Explanation |
The connection to the specified database is closed. |
Action |
Make sure that the connection in use is not closed prior to any later operation. |
INOQJE0002 | XQExpression is closed! |
Explanation |
The underlying expression is already closed. |
Action |
Make sure that the expression / connection in use is not closed prior to any later operation. |
INOQJE0003 | XQItemType mismatch! Item is not of type {0}. |
Explanation |
The specified item is not of the declared item type. |
Action |
Check for the compatibility of item types. |
INOQJE0004 | No cursor handle given! |
Explanation |
The cursor associated with the query handle was not found. |
Action |
This happens if there is no proper result set associated with the specified query. |
INOQJE0005 | Error reading from file - {0} |
Explanation |
This exception is thrown by the Java run-time architecture when an input error has occurred while reading from the specified file. |
Action |
Possible causes for this exception are an error reading from the specified file or the specified file is not found. |
INOQJE0006 | Error while parsing the XMLStream - {0} |
Explanation |
This is an error for unexpected errors during processing / XML handling, namely, to report well-formedness errors as well as unexpected processing conditions. |
Action |
The error message contains the explanation from the StAX parser. Modify the XML accordingly. |
INOQJE0007 | Parser configuration error - {0} |
Explanation |
Indicates a serious configuration error. An exception occurred during configuration of the XML parser being used. |
Action |
Add the corresponding XML parser jars in the CLASSPATH. |
INOQJE0008 | Factory Configuration Error - {0} |
Explanation |
A problem with configuration of the Parser Factories exists. This error will typically be thrown when the class of a parser factory specified in the system properties cannot be found or instantiated. |
Action |
Add the XML parser jars to the CLASSPATH and set the JAXP factory names. |
INOQJE0009 | Cannot access the XQItem of type XQITEMTYPE_ATTRIBUTE |
Explanation |
Indicates that the base item type of the current item is an attribute while writing the current item to a SAX stream. |
Action |
The current item should not be of type attribute. |
INOQJE0010 | SAX Parse Error - {0} |
Explanation |
Represents a general SAX error or warning. |
Action |
Possible causes for this error are if the value of the "org.xml.sax.driver" system property is null or the class cannot be loaded and instantiated. |
INOQJE0011 | I/O Error - {0} |
Explanation |
This exception is thrown by the Java run-time architecture when an input / output error of some kind has occurred while reading from the specified input source. |
Action |
Refer to the Java documentation for the error message. |
INOQJE0012 | End of the sequence is reached |
Explanation |
Execution of an XQuery returns a sequence of results. You can traverse the sequence of results using the XQResultSequence API. |
Action |
Reading or trying to modify items in the sequence after reaching the end of the sequence will result in this error. |
INOQJE0013 | Positioned before the start of the sequence |
Explanation |
Execution of an XQuery returns a sequence of results. You can traverse the sequence of results using the XQResultSequence API. Invoking the next() method for the first time will get to the first item in the sequence. If any operations are tried before this, this will result in this error. |
Action |
Invoke the next() method to get the first item. |
INOQJE0014 | Server {0} unavailable |
Explanation |
The specified database or server is not running. |
Action |
Provide the correct database URL, and check if the database is stopped. |
INOQJE0015 | Error when attempting to change the transaction mode |
Explanation |
The attempt to change the transaction mode failed. |
Action |
Check the Server documentation for the specified error code in the error message. |
INOQJE0016 | Error closing the {0} |
Explanation |
An attempt to close the underlying connection or result sequence that is specified along with the error failed. |
Action |
Make sure that the underlying connection is not closed before closing the result sequence. |
INOQJE0017 | Transaction failed while committing the changes |
Explanation |
Committing the changes failed. |
Action |
Check the Server documentation for the specified error code in the error message. |
INOQJE0018 | Transaction failed while rolling back the changes |
Explanation |
Rolling back the changes failed. |
Action |
Check the Server documentation for the specified error code in the error message. |
INOQJE0019 | The scrollability type {0} is not supported |
Explanation |
The mentioned scrollability type is not supported. |
Action |
Set a valid value for the scrollability type. |
INOQJE0020 | The property {0} is not supported |
Explanation |
The mentioned property is not supported. |
Action |
Provide a valid property. |
INOQJE0021 | A property mentioned in the list is not supported |
Explanation |
One of the mentioned properties in the property list is not supported. |
Action |
Check if all the properties in the property list are supported by the current implementation. |
INOQJE0022 | Error executing the server command : {0} |
Explanation |
An error occurred while executing the specified database command. |
Action |
Please refer to the documentation of the specified command. |
INOQJE0023 | XQTypeException thrown - Error Code : {0} Message : {1} |
Explanation |
External variable binding to XQuery failed. |
Action |
Check the server documentation for the error code displayed in the error. |
INOQJE0024 | Error fetching cursor |
Explanation |
Indicates a cursor based failure when fetching a number of documents from a cursor. |
Action |
Check the server documentation for the error code displayed in the error. |
INOQJE0025 | XQuery exception: {0} |
Explanation |
Error in the XQuery. |
Action |
Please check the XQuery for errors. |
INOQJE0026 | Error while opening cursor |
Explanation |
Indicates a failure when opening a cursor. |
Action |
Check the server documentation for the error code displayed in the error. |
INOQJE0027 | Error executing XQuery {0}: {1} |
Explanation |
Executing the XQuery failed. See the error code for more information. |
Action |
Check the server documentation for the error code displayed in the error. |
INOQJE0028 | Sequence is non-scrollable |
Explanation |
Cannot scroll on a non-scrollable sequence. |
Action |
Avoid scrolling, because the sequence is non-scrollable. |
INOQJE0029 | Failed because of following exception |
Explanation |
The cause of the exception is specified in the error message. |
Action |
Check the server documentation for the specified error code in the error message. |
INOQJE0030 | Error creating the cached item |
Explanation |
Creating a cached item failed. |
Action |
Check if the items are closed. |
INOQJE0031 | Error binding the {0} Message - {1} |
Explanation |
Binding the specified value to the expression / prepared expression failed. |
Action |
Check if the values declared and bound to the query are the same. |
INOQJE0032 | Error executing the request with error [{0} {1} {2} {3}] |
Explanation |
The message appears with the specific error code and information from the server. |
Action |
Refer to the server documentation for the specified error code. |
INOQJE0033 | Sequence not scrollable |
Explanation |
Cannot scroll a non scrollable sequence. |
Action |
Avoid scrolling, because the sequence is non-scrollable. |
INOQJE0034 | Expected type {0} Current type {1} Location {2} |
Explanation |
The expected type and the current type specified do not match. |
Action |
Check the types mentioned in the error at the specified location. |
INOQJE0035 | Expected start or end tag {0} |
Explanation |
When trying to move to the next tag in the resulting XML Stream, any white space , COMMENT, or PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION is skipped until a START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT is reached. If anything other than white space characters, COMMENT, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION, START_ELEMENT, END_ELEMENT is encountered, this error is thrown along with the location number. |
Action |
Check the error message for the missing start or end in the XML. |
INOQJE0036 | {0} cannot be null! |
Explanation |
The underlying object specified is null. |
Action |
Make sure that the underlying object is properly initialized. |
INOQJE0037 | The {0} method is not supported |
Explanation |
The method specified in the error message is not supported. |
Action |
The specified method is not supported by the current XQJ implementation. |
INOQJE0038 | XQPreparedExpression is closed! |
Explanation |
The underlying prepared expression is already closed. |
Action |
Make sure that the XQPreparedExpression is not closed before any usage. |
INOQJE0039 | XQSequence is closed! |
Explanation |
The underlying sequence is already closed. |
Action |
Make sure that the XQSequence is not closed before any usage. |
INOQJE0040 | XQItem is closed! |
Explanation |
The underlying item is already closed. |
Action |
Make sure that the XQItem is not closed before any usage. |
INOQJE0041 | The value for the property {0} cannot be null |
Explanation |
The value for the specified property in the error message cannot be null. |
Action |
Mention a property value for the specified property name in the error message. |
INOQJE0042 | Access Failure Exception - {0} |
Explanation |
The cause for the exception is specified in the error message. |
Action |
Check the server documentation for the specified error code in the error message. |
INOQJE0043 | Invalid user ID or password |
Explanation |
The supplied user ID and password combination is invalid. |
Action |
Check the user ID and password. |
INOQJE0044 | Cannot access the XQItem of type XQITEMKIND_ATTRIBUTE |
Explanation |
This indicates that the item kind of the current item is an attribute while writing the current item to a SAX stream. |
Action |
The current item should not be of type attribute. |
INOQJE0045 | Error creating the XQ item |
Explanation |
An error occurred while creating an XQ item. |
Action |
Check if the items are closed. |
INOQJE0046 | Binding to {0} not supported |
Explanation |
While binding an external variable to an XQuery, the type specification was not valid. Either the type is not supported at all for binding external variables, or it was used with a binding method that does not support this specific type. |
Action |
Use one of the supported types with a proper binding method. |