INMRAE0001 | Cannot obtain {0} from closed Resource Access Manager. |
Explanation |
The Resource Access Manager is closed and thus not yet initialized. |
Action |
Make sure that the Resource Access Manager is opened before using it. |
INMRAE0002 | No configuration set. |
Explanation |
No configuration info set was found. |
Action |
Please provide a configuration info set. Refer to the Resource Access javadoc for additional information. |
INMRAE0003 | No valid credentials found. |
Explanation |
No valid credentials were found. |
Action |
Please provide valid credentials. |
INMRAE0004 | Found {0} while expecting instance of XmlServerRoleManager. |
Explanation |
Failed authentication against CentraSite server or absence of XmlServerLoginModule from security configuration. |
Action |
Check logs and security configuration. |
INMRAE0005 | SagRoleManagementPrincipal instance not available for the authenticated subject. |
Explanation |
The SagRoleManagementPrincipal security artefact is missing. |
Action |
Check the security configuration. |
INMRAE0006 | Authenticated Subject cannot be null. |
Explanation |
After successful authentication, the Subject instance was not found. |
Action |
Contact your software supplier. |
INMRAE0007 | No representation of the Group to be associated in external user repository. |
Explanation |
The external group, to be associated with a local group, is no longer present in the external repository. |
Action |
External user repositories are managed outside of CentraSite. |
INMRAE0008 | Error during System level permission copy. |
Explanation |
Error during System level permission copy. |
Action |
Contact your software supplier. |
INMRAE0009 | An organization must be set. |
Explanation |
A permission has to belong to an organization. |
Action |
Assign an organization to the permission instance. |
INMRAE0010 | Organization level permission needs to have a corresponding system level permission. |
Explanation |
An organization level permission needs to have a corresponding system level permission. |
Action |
Assign the system level permission to the organization level permission instance. |
INMRAE0011 | A Role needs to belong to an Organization. |
Explanation |
A role needs to belong to an organization. |
Action |
Assign an organization to the role instance. |
INMRAE0012 | The user does not have a working Organization set. |
Explanation |
The user does not have a working organization set. |
Action |
Set the working organization of the user. |
INMRAE0013 | Roles can be assigned only to registered users. |
Explanation |
Roles can be assigned only to registered users associated with an external user repository. |
Action |
Register a user instance to CentraSite. |
INMRAE0014 | Unsupported collection type. |
Explanation |
The passed collection is of an unsupported type. |
Action |
The collection expected is a list-backed one. |
INMRAE0015 | Got {0} while expecting {1} |
Explanation |
Passed in Registry Object instance is not of group type. |
Action |
Make sure that passed in Registry Object instance is of group type. |
INMRAE0016 | Cannot obtain external user repository type. |
Explanation |
Cannot retrieve the currently effective external user repository type. |
Action |
Check the security configuration. |
INMRAE0017 | Unsupported external user repository type {0}. |
Explanation |
The currently effective external user repository type is unknown. |
Action |
Check the security configuration. |
INMRAE0018 | Currently effective external user repository type {0} does not support custom predicate. |
Explanation |
Currently effective external user repository type does not support custom predicate. |
Action |
Use predicates instead. |
INMRAE0019 | Currently effective external user repository type {0} does not support predicates. |
Explanation |
Currently effective external user repository type does not support predicates. |
Action |
Use custom predicate instead. |
INMRAE0020 | SagUserPrincipal instance not available for the authenticated subject. |
Explanation |
The SagUserPrincipal security artefact is missing. It is possible that authentication against the external user repository is not performed, for example internal user accounts such as the Guest user account. |
Action |
Check the security configuration. |
INMRAE0021 | PersonName must be added |
Explanation |
A user instance must have PersonName. |
Action |
When creating a User object, the first name, middle name and last name of the user object need to be provided. |