INMPEE0003 | Namespace {0} does not match any of the possible namespaces {1} |
Explanation |
Service namespace is validated against the set of possible namespaces as specified by the policy. 0 - Namespace of the service 1 - Allowed namespaces from policy. |
Action |
Please ensure that the namespace of the service matches at least one of the allowed namespaces. |
INMPEE0009 | Policy {0} cannot be deactivated since an approval triggered by the policy for {1} {2} is in progress |
Explanation |
Since there is an approval which is in progress, this policy cannot be deactivated. 0 - Name of the policy 1 - Type of the object which is pending 2 - Name of the object which is pending. |
Action |
Please complete the approval flow for the specific object and then deactivate the policy. |
INMPEE0013 | Organization {0} should have Administrator |
Explanation |
Every organization should have an administrator assigned 0 - Name of the organization |
Action |
Please ensure that the organization has an administrator assigned to it. |
INMPEE0016 | {0} {1} must be classified by taxonomy {2} |
Explanation |
The given registry object is validated to be classified by the given taxonomy. 0 - Type name of the object 1 - Registry Object name 2 - Taxonomy node name. |
Action |
Please ensure that the registry object is classified by the given taxonomy. |
INMPEE0021 | Policy without any actions cannot be executed |
Explanation |
A policy without any actions cannot be executed. |
Action |
Please assign some actions to this policy. |
INMPEE0030 | Service WSDL size {0} does not conform with the specified size {1} |
Explanation |
The service WSDL size does not match the size specified by the policy. 0 - WSDL size of the service 1 - WSDL size specified in the policy. |
Action |
Please ensure that the WSDL size of the service conforms with the specified size. |
INMPEE0031 | {0} name {1} does not conform with the pattern {2} |
Explanation |
The registry object name does not match the specified pattern. 0 - Type of the registry object 1 - Name of the registry object 2 - Name pattern specified in the policy. |
Action |
Please ensure that the name of registry object conforms to the specified pattern. |
INMPEE0039 | Service Binding Type(s) {0} are missing in the WSDL. The mandatory bindings specified in the policy are {1} |
Explanation |
The binding types of the service are validated against the specified bindings. 0 - Violating binding types of the service 1 - Binding types specified by the policy. |
Action |
Please ensure that the service binding types conform to the specified binding types. |
INMPEE0043 | User does not have the permission to create {0} |
Explanation |
The user does not have the required permission to create an object of the given type. {0} refers to the object type for which the user is creating an instance. |
Action |
Please assign the necessary permissions to the user before trying to create an object of the type. |
INMPEE0045 | Namespace cannot be empty for {0} {1} |
Explanation |
The namespace of the applied object is empty. {0} - type of the applied object {1} - name of the applied object. |
Action |
Please ensure that the namespace is provided for the object. |
INMPEE0046 | Description is empty for {0} {1} |
Explanation |
The description of the registry object is empty. 0 - Type of the registry object 1 - Name of the registry object. |
Action |
Please make sure that the registry object has a non-empty and valid description. |
INMPEE0047 | Name is empty for {0} |
Explanation |
The name of the registry object is empty 0. - Type of the registry object. |
Action |
Please make sure that the registry object has a non-empty and valid name. |
INMPEE0048 | Policy {0} cannot be activated since there is a newer active version of this policy |
Explanation |
Since there is a newer version of this policy which is active, the policy cannot be activated. |
Action |
Please use the newest active version of the policy for enforcement. |
INMPEE0049 | Policy {0} cannot be activated since the older version of the policy could not be superseded |
Explanation |
The policy which is a newer version of some other policy could not be activated since the older version could not be marked as superseded. |
Action |
Please ensure that the older version policy can be marked as superseded before activating the newer policy. |
INMPEE0052 | {0} description {1} does not conform with the pattern {2} |
Explanation |
The registry object description does not conform to the pattern specified in the policy. 0 - Type of the registry object 1 - Description of the registry object 2 - Description pattern specified in the policy. |
Action |
Please ensure that the description of the registry object conforms to the specified pattern. |
INMPEE0057 | {0} {1} does not belong to an LCM state |
Explanation |
The registry object does not belong to an LCM state. 0 - Type name of the object 1 - Name of the object. |
Action |
Please ensure that the registry object is set to an appropriate LCM state. |
INMPEE0059 | {0} {1} belongs to state {2} which does not conform to the allowed states {3} |
Explanation |
The LCM state of the registry object is validated against the allowed states specified in the policy. 0 - Type name of the registry object 1 - Name of the registry object 2 - Current state name of the registry object 3 - Allowed states specified in the policy. |
Action |
Please ensure that the registry object is set to an appropriate LCM state. |
INMPEE0064 | {0} {1} does not have a value set for attribute {2} |
Explanation |
The registry object does not have a value set of the specified attribute. 0 - Type of the registry object 1 - Name of the registry object 2 - Attribute name specified in the policy. |
Action |
Please ensure that the object has a value set for the specific attribute. |
INMPEE0066 | {0} {1} has value {2} set for attribute {3} which does not conform to the allowed values {4} |
Explanation |
The registry object has a value set of the specified attribute which does not conform to the allowed values. 0 - Type of the registry object 1 - Name of the registry object 2 - Attribute value of the registry object 3 - Attribute name specified in the policy 4 - Allowed attribute values specified in the policy. |
Action |
Please ensure that the object has an appropriate value set for the specific attribute. |
INMPEE0069 | Policy {0} cannot be activated as some mandatory action parameters are not set |
Explanation |
The policy has some mandatory parameters which are not set, so the policy cannot be activated. 0 - Name of the policy. |
Action |
Please ensure that all mandatory parameters of the policy are set before activation. |
INMPEE0071 | Priority for a policy should be between {0} and {1} |
Explanation |
The priority for a policy should be within the specified limits. |
Action |
Please enter a priority within the specified limits. |
INMPEE0072 | Policy action rule {0} is invalid |
Explanation |
The file is not accessible for this policy action rule. 0- name of the policy action. |
Action |
Please enter the correct rule file for the policy action. |
INMPEE0073 | {0} is not a valid Groovy script |
Explanation |
The action file is not a valid Groovy script. 0 – name of the Groovy script. |
Action |
Please upload a valid Groovy script. |
INMPEE0074 | Result message not set for Groovy action {0} |
Explanation |
The Groovy script did not set the result object. 0 – name of the Groovy action. |
Action |
Set the result inside the Groovy action. |
INMPEE0087 | Active user {0} cannot be deleted. |
Explanation |
Only deactivated users can be deleted in CentraSite. {0} specifies the user name. |
Action |
Deactivate the user before deletion. |
INMPEE0089 | Organization level permission for {0} is not created yet for organization {1} |
Explanation |
Firstly we have to create an organization before creating any registry object for an organization. This is because organization level permissions of that organization are used in instance level permission for those registry objects. 0 – name of the registry object 1 – name of the organization. |
Action |
Create the organization first. |
INMPEE0091 | User cannot update the role {0} with permissions that he does not have |
Explanation |
A user can assign permissions that he has to a role. If a user tries to update a role with a permission that he does not have, then this error will be thrown. 0 – name of the role. |
Action |
Please ensure that the user has the permissions that he is assigning to a role. |
INMPEE0092 | {0} cannot be deleted |
Explanation |
The default organization cannot be deleted. |
Action |
Do not try to delete the default organization. |
INMPEE0094 | Policy {0} cannot be activated since an active older version of the policy has a pending approval |
Explanation |
Since there is an older version of this policy which is active and has a pending approval, this newer policy version cannot be activated. 0 – name of the policy. |
Action |
Please ensure that any approval triggered by the older active version of this policy gets completed before activating the newer version. |
INMPEE0102 | Organization Primary Contact has to be an active user |
Explanation |
A deactivated user cannot become the primary contact of an organization. |
Action |
Please assign an active user as the primary contact of an organization. |
INMPEE0104 | User cannot assign the role {0} to a user/group that he cannot manage |
Explanation |
If a user with "Manage Users" permission in one organization tries to assign a role from another organization or a system level role to his own organization's user, then this error message will be thrown. |
Action |
The user needs to have the "Manage Users" permission of the role's organization (if it is an organization level role) or the user should have the "Manage System-wide Roles" permission if it is a system level role. Only then can the user assign that role to a user. |
INMPEE0105 | User cannot create the Role {0} with permissions that the user does not have |
Explanation |
A user can update the role only with the permissions that he possesses. If a user with Organization level "Manage Users" permission or "Manage System-wide Roles" permission tries to update a role then this user can assign only the permission that he/she already has, otherwise this error message will be thrown. |
Action |
Please ensure that the user has the permissions that he/she is assigning to a role. |
INMPEE0106 | Action class {0} not found in {1} |
Explanation |
The action class mentioned in the properties file should be present in the action rule archive. 0 – name of the executable class, 1 – name of the action rule archive. |
Action |
The action class mentioned in the properties file is not present in the action rule archive. Please make sure the class mentioned in the property file is present in the archive. |
INMPEE0110 | WS-I actions should not be combined with other actions in a single policy |
Explanation |
A policy containing WS-I actions cannot contain any actions other than WS-I policy actions |
Action |
Make sure WS-I actions are not combined with other actions in a single policy. |
INMPEE0111 | Dependent actions {0} for {1} is not included |
Explanation |
Dependent actions of a WS-I action are not included. 0 – name of the missing dependent WS-I action, 1 - name of the included WS-I action. |
Action |
Dependent actions of a WS-I action should be included in a policy. |
INMPEE0113 | There are no lifecycle states associated with the {0} event for the policy {1} and hence this policy cannot be activated |
Explanation |
The pre/post state change policy does not have any lifecycle states associated with it and hence the policy will not be executed for any state transition. Hence this policy cannot be activated. 0 - Pre/Post State Change event, 1 - Name of the policy. |
Action |
Please ensure that the policy is associated with the appropriate lifecycle states for the pre/post state change events |
INMPEE0114 | Lifecycle state {0} from {1} does not match the scope of the policy {2} |
Explanation |
The lifecycle state associated with the policy does not correspond to the object types specified in the scope of the policy. 0 - Name of the lifecycle state associated with this policy, 1 - Name of the lifecycle model to which this state belongs, 2 - Name of the policy. |
Action |
Please ensure that the lifecycle states associated to the policy belong to a lifecycle model whose object type conform to the object types specified in the policy scope |
INMPEE0115 | Consumer Registration Request {0} is not associated with any asset |
Explanation |
A consumer registration request object must be associated with an asset. 0 – Name of the consumer registration request. |
Action |
Associate the consumer registration request object with an asset using an association with the association type "relatedTo". The source object of the association is the consumer registration request. The target object of the association is the asset. |
INMPEE0118 | {0} {1} is pending on state change. So it cannot be modified or deleted. |
Explanation |
The object has a pending state change. So this object cannot be modified or deleted. 0 - Type of the object 1 - Name of the object. |
Action |
If you want to modify or delete the object, release the object from the pending state. If there are pending approvals, get them completed. |
INMPEE0120 | Attribute {0} is read only and hence cannot be set for {1} {2} |
Explanation |
Since the attribute is read only, the given attribute value cannot be set for the registry object. 0 - Name of the read only attribute, 1 - Type of the registry object, 2 - Name of the registry object. |
Action |
Please ensure that the chosen attribute is not a read only attribute. |
INMPEE0129 | Initial State {0} cannot be used to define policy on Pre-State Change event |
Explanation |
Pre-state change policies cannot be defined on initial states of any lifecycle model. 0 - Name of the initial state associated with the policy. |
Action |
Please use a lifecycle state other than the initial state to define the pre-state change policy. |
INMPEE0136 | Policy action {0} is used, so it cannot be edited or deleted |
Explanation |
If the policy action is used by any other policy, the policy action can't be edited or deleted. |
Action |
Before editing or deleting any policy action, the user has to verify whether any policy is using this action or not. |
INMPEE0142 | {0} {1} has a pending approval and hence cannot be moved |
Explanation |
The registry object has an approval in pending state. So it cannot be moved to a new owner and/or organization. 0 - Type of the registry object 1 - Name of the registry object. |
Action |
Please complete the pending approval for the registry object before moving it. |
INMPEE0143 | {0} {1} has a pending consumer registration request and hence cannot be moved |
Explanation |
The registry object has a pending consumer registration, so it cannot be moved to a new owner and/or organization. 0 - Type of the registry object 1 - Name of the registry object. |
Action |
Please complete the consumer registration request for the registry object before moving it. |
INMPEE0144 | {0} {1} is an internal object of CentraSite and hence cannot be moved |
Explanation |
Internal objects of CentraSite cannot be moved. |
Action |
Internal objects of CentraSite cannot be moved. |
INMPEE0145 | {0} {1} cannot be moved to inactive or internal users of CentraSite |
Explanation |
Ownership of the registry object cannot be transferred to inactive or internal users of CentraSite. 0 - Type of the registry object 1 - Name of the registry object. |
Action |
Please ensure that the new owner for the registry object is an active and non-internal user of CentraSite. |
INMPEE0146 | The mandatory attribute {0} does not have value for this object |
Explanation |
An attribute should have a value for a registry object if it is marked as required. |
Action |
Provide appropriate value(s). |
INMPEE0148 | Only user with CentraSite Administrator role can do the change ownership action |
Explanation |
Only a user with the CentraSite Administrator role can do the change ownership action. |
Action |
Please make sure that you log in as a user who has CentraSite Administrator role to perform the ownership change. |
INMPEE0149 | Only user with CentraSite Administrator role can do the change organization action |
Explanation |
Only a user with the CentraSite Administrator role can do the change organization action for assets. |
Action |
Please make sure that you log in as a user who has the CentraSite Administrator role to perform the organization change. |
INMPEE0150 | Internal users cannot be moved across organizations. |
Explanation |
If the user is trying to move any of the predefined or internal users from one organization to another organization, this error message will be displayed. |
Action |
Remove the predefined/internal users from the list for moving users across organizations. |
INMPEE0151 | Owner for the object {0} of type {1} is not present in CentraSite |
Explanation |
The owner for the object is not present in CentraSite. {0} - Name of the object {1} - Type of the object. |
Action |
The owner should not be allowed to be removed from CentraSite while owning some objects. So, identify how the owner was removed from CentraSite with this object dependency and report a bug. |
INMPEE0153 | View permission on {0} {1} is not available for {2} {3} |
Explanation |
The view permission on the registry object is not available for the specific user or group. 0 - Type of the registry object for which the profile permissions are being set 1 - Name of the registry object 2 - User or Group 3 - Name of the user or group. |
Action |
Please set the view permission on the registry object for the specific user or group before setting the profile permissions. |
INMPEE0154 | Modify permission on {0} {1} is not available for {2} {3} |
Explanation |
The modify permission on the registry object is not available for the specific user or group. 0 - Type of the registry object for which the profile permissions are being set 1 - Name of the registry object 2 - User or Group 3 - Name of the user or group. |
Action |
Please set the modify permission on the registry object for the specific user or group before setting the profile permissions. |
INMPEE0156 | The new owner {0} does not have create asset permission in organization {1} |
Explanation |
An attempt was made to move an asset to a user who does not have "create assets" permission in the asset's organization. |
Action |
Assign the Asset Provider role or any custom role which contains the "create assets" permission in the asset' organization to the target user. |
INMPEE0167 | The RejectHandler policy prohibited the operation for {0} {1} |
Explanation |
Operations like "move", "delete", etc. are only allowed for specific object types. |
Action |
Correct the application program. |
INMPEE0175 | Virtual Service {0} cannot be deleted because it has been deployed to the target. |
Explanation |
This error message is thrown when you are attempting to delete the virtual service which is deployed to a target. |
Action |
Undeploy the virtual service before attempting to delete. |
INMPEE0176 | Target Information not available for the Deployment Operation |
Explanation |
A target is mandatory for depoyment operations of Virtual Service/Virtual XML service/Virtual REST service/Consumer Application. |
Action |
Trigger deployment from the deployment profile. |
INMPEE0180 | IS Service Interface {0} should have at least one associated IS Service Object, hence the corresponding REST service is not created. |
Explanation |
The IS Service Interface object should have at least one associated IS Service Object. |
Action |
Make sure at least one IS Service Object (HTTP methods get, put, post and delete) is associated to the IS Service Interface and also make sure the name of the IS Service Object should contain the following strings (get, put, post and delete) appropriate to the method definition. |
INMPEE0181 | REST Service {0} should have at least one native endpoint, hence the corresponding REST service is not created. |
Explanation |
The REST service published from the webMethods product suite should have at least one native endpoint. |
Action |
Make sure the port attribute (IS Server object) has a value defined. |
INMPEE0184 | Cannot remove the existing life cycle state from the object {0} |
Explanation |
It is not possible to remove the existing life cycle state from the given object |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEE0185 | {0} {1} must be classified by at least one of {2} |
Explanation |
The given registry object is validated to be classified by the given taxonomy or category. 0 - Type name of the object 1 - Registry Object name 2 - Taxonomy node name or category node name. |
Action |
Please ensure that the registry object is classified by the given taxonomy or category. |
INMPEE0190 | Unable to delete the exported archive file |
Explanation |
The intermediate archive file created for asset promotion could not be deleted. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEE0204 | The mandatory attribute {0}, of {1} "{2}" does not have a value |
Explanation |
The mandatory attribute {0} of {2} created from type {1} does not have a value. Attribute {0} has been marked "required" in the definition of type {2} and hence should have a value. |
Action |
Provide a value for the attribute {0} or provide a default value for the attribute in the definition of type {2}. |
INMPEE0206 | The validation pattern "{0}" is invalid for policy "{1} at {2}". Repair the regular expression pattern. |
Explanation |
The validation policy action of the specified policy contains an invalid/unsupported regular expression pattern. |
Action |
Specify a syntactically correct regular expression for the policy action. |
INMPEE0210 | Key Generator Policy is not enabled for the API {0} |
Explanation |
The Key Generator Policy for the given API is not generated. |
Action |
Contact the API provider. |
INMPEE0211 | Onboarding Organization {0} with Administrator User {1} has failed |
Explanation |
Onboarding the given organization with the given administrator user of that organization has failed. |
Action |
Contact the CentraSite administrator. |
INMPEE0212 | Onboarding User {0} in Organization {1} has failed |
Explanation |
Onboarding of the given user has failed in the given organization. |
Action |
Contact the organization administrator. |
INMPEE0218 | API key revocation failed. |
Explanation |
The specified API key could not be revoked. This problem can occur because the requestor does not have the required permisison to revoke API key. |
Action |
Only a user with Administrator or Asset Provider role can revoke API keys. |
INMPEI0002 | Namespace {0} matches one of the possible namespaces {1} |
Explanation |
The service namespace validated against the set of possible namespaces as specified by the policy. 0 - Namespace of the service 1 - Allowed namespaces from policy. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0004 | User {0} does not have the role specified in the policy |
Explanation |
Since the user does not have the role specified in the policy, the role group policy is not applicable for the user 0 - Name of the user. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0005 | Attribute {0} is not applicable for {1} {2} |
Explanation |
The specified attribute is not applicable for the given object. 0 - Name of the attribute 1 - Type of the object 2 - Name of the object. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0006 | Policy {0} was successfully validated for activation |
Explanation |
The policy was successfully validated for activation. 0 - Name of the policy. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0007 | LC Model {0} was successfully validated for activation |
Explanation |
The lifecycle was successfully validated for activation. 0 - Name of the lifecycle model. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0008 | Policy {0} was successfully validated for deactivation |
Explanation |
The policy was successfully validated for deactivation. 0 - Name of the policy. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0010 | Permissions assigned successfully for {0} {1} |
Explanation |
Default permissions were assigned successfully for the given registry object. 0 - Type of the object 1 - Name of the object. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0012 | User {0} was assigned to organization groups successfully |
Explanation |
The user was assigned to organization groups successfully. 0 - Name of the user. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0014 | Organization {0} has Administrator |
Explanation |
The given organization has an administrator assigned to it. 0 - Name of the organization. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0015 | {0} {1} is classified by taxonomy {2} |
Explanation |
The given registry object is validated to be classified by the given taxonomy. 0 - Type name of the object 1 - Registry object name 2 - Taxonomy node name. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0017 | Default Roles, Permissions and Groups created successfully for Organization {0} |
Explanation |
Default roles, permissions and groups were created successfully for the given organization. 0 - Name of the organization. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0018 | Default Roles, Permissions and Groups deleted successfully for Organization {0} |
Explanation |
Default roles, permissions and groups were deleted successfully for the given organization. 0 - Name of the organization. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0019 | Adding {0} privilege for {1} {2} on {3} {4} |
Explanation |
The chosen privilege on the given registry object was successfully added for the particular user/group. 0 - View/Modify 1 - User/Group 2 - Name of the user/group 3 - Type of the registry object 4 - Name of the registry object. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0022 | Default roles, groups, permissions and SDL for organization {0} created successfully |
Explanation |
Default roles, groups, permissions and SDL were created successfully for the given organization. 0 - Name of the organization. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0023 | Default roles, groups, permissions for organization {0} removed successfully |
Explanation |
Default roles, permissions and groups were removed successfully for the given organization. 0 - Name of the organization. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0024 | User creation policy for User {0} was successful |
Explanation |
The user was successfully added to the default groups of the organization to which the user belongs. 0 - Name of the user. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0025 | Request Approval Flow {0} for {1} created successfully |
Explanation |
Request approval flow with the specified name was created successfully for the object. 0 - Approval Flow Name 1 - Name of the object for which approval is triggered. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0026 | Default instance level permissions for Asset {0} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
Default instance level permissions were successfully assigned for the given asset. 0 - Name of the asset. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0027 | Email with subject {0} successfully sent to {1} |
Explanation |
An email with the given subject was successfully sent to the recipients. 0 - Subject of the sent email 1 - email address of the recipient(s). |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0029 | Service WSDL size {0} conforms with the specified size {1} |
Explanation |
The service WSDL size validated against the size specified by the policy. 0 - WSDL size of the service 1 - WSDL size specified in the policy. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0032 | {0} name {1} conforms with the pattern {2} |
Explanation |
The registry object name matches the specified pattern. 0 - Type of the registry object 1 - Name of the registry object 2 - Name pattern specified in the policy. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0033 | Default instance level permissions for Group {0} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
Default instance level permissions were successfully assigned for the given group. 0 - Name of the group. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0034 | Default instance level permissions for Lifecycle Model {0} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
Default instance level permissions were successfully assigned for the given lifecycle model. 0 - Name of the lifecycle model. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0035 | Default instance level permissions for Policy {0} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
Default instance level permissions were successfully assigned for the given policy. 0 - Name of the policy. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0036 | Default instance level permissions for Report Template {0} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
Default instance level permissions were successfully assigned for the given report template. 0 - Name of the report template. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0037 | Default instance level permissions for Role {0} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
Default instance level permissions were successfully assigned for the given role. 0 - Name of the role. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0038 | Default instance level permissions for Taxonomy {0} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
Default instance level permissions were successfully assigned for the given taxonomy. 0 - Name of the taxonomy. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0040 | Service Binding Type(s) conform with the specified bindings {0} |
Explanation |
The binding types of the service validated against the specified bindings. 0 - Binding types specified by the policy. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0041 | Default instance level permissions for User {0} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
Default instance level permissions were successfully assigned for the given user 0 - Name of the User |
Action |
No action required |
INMPEI0042 | Default instance level permissions for Policy Action {0} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
Default instance level permissions were successfully assigned for the given policy action. 0 - Name of the policy action. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0050 | {0} {1} successfully classified by specified taxonomies {2} |
Explanation |
The given registry object has been classified with the specified taxonomy nodes. 0 - Type name of the registry object 1 - Name of the registry object 2 - Name(s) of the taxonomy nodes. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0051 | {0} {1} successfully unclassified from specified taxonomies {2} |
Explanation |
The given registry object has been unclassified from the specified taxonomies. 0 - Type name of the registry object 1 - Name of the registry object 2 - Name(s) of the taxonomies. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0053 | {0} description {1} conforms with the pattern {2} |
Explanation |
The registry object description validated with the specified pattern. 0 - Type of the registry object 1 - Description of the registry object 2 - Description pattern specified in the policy. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0054 | {0} {1} was triggered to change to initial state {2} |
Explanation |
The registry object has been triggered to change to initial state of the corresponding lifecycle model. 0 - Type name of the object 1 - Name of the registry object 2 - Name of the initial state of the corresponding lifecycle model. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0055 | Object type of {0} - {1} is not LCM-enabled |
Explanation |
The type of the registry object is not lifecycle-enabled. 0 - Name of the object 1 - Type name of the object. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0056 | {0} {1} was triggered to change activation to {2} |
Explanation |
The registry object has been triggered to change activation to Active/Inactive. 0 - Type name of the object 1 - Name of the object 2 - Change activation to Active/Inactive. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0058 | {0} {1} belongs to state {2} which conforms to the allowed states {3} |
Explanation |
The lifecycle state of the registry object is validated against the allowed states specified in the policy. 0 - Type name of the registry object 1 - Name of the registry object 2 - Current state name of the registry object 3 - Allowed states specified in the policy. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0060 | State change to {0} is not applicable for {1} {2} |
Explanation |
The state change to the specified state is not applicable for the given object. 0 - Change to state name specified in the policy 1 - Type of the registry object 2 - Name of the registry object. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0061 | State change to {0} is initiated for {1} {2} |
Explanation |
The state change to the specified state has been initiated for the given object. 0 - Change to state name specified in the policy 1 - Type of the registry object 2 - Name of the registry object. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0062 | {0} {1} cannot be applied role groups policy |
Explanation |
Role groups policy can be applied only to user objects. 0 - Type of the registry object 1 - Name of the registry object. |
Action |
No action required |
INMPEI0063 | User {0} was added or removed from group {1} |
Explanation |
The given user was added or removed from the specified group. 0 - Name of the user 1 - Name of the group where the user was added or removed. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0065 | {0} {1} has value {2} set for attribute {3} which conforms to the allowed values {4} |
Explanation |
For the specified attribute of the given registry object, a value has been set which conforms to the allowed values. 0 - Type of the registry object 1 - Name of the registry object 2 - Attribute value of the registry object 3 - Attribute name specified in the policy 4 - Allowed attribute values specified in the policy. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0067 | Attribute {2} of {0} {1} was set to value {3} |
Explanation |
The specified attribute of the registry object was set to the specified value. 0 - Type of the registry object 1 - Name of the registry object 2 - Attribute name specified in the policy 3 - Attribute value specified in the policy. |
Action |
No action required |
INMPEI0068 | LC Model {0}'s enabled object type instances were initiated into initial state {1} |
Explanation |
The instances of the object types which are LCM enabled by the given LC Model have been triggered to change to the initial state of the LC Model. 0 - Name of the LC Model 1 - Name of the initial state of the LC Model. |
Action |
No action required |
INMPEI0076 | Default instance level permissions for Target {0} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
Default instance level permissions were successfully assigned for the given target. 0 - Name of the target |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0077 | Default instance level permissions for Lifecycle State {0} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
Default instance level permissions were successfully assigned for the given lifecycle state. 0 - Name of the lifecycle state. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0078 | Default instance level permissions for Asset Type {0} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
Default instance level permissions were successfully assigned for the given asset type. 0 - Name of the asset type. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0079 | Default instance level permissions for Taxonomy {0} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
Default instance level permissions were successfully assigned for the given taxonomy. 0 - Name of the taxonomy. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0080 | Default instance level permissions for Event Type {0} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
Default instance level permissions were successfully assigned for the given event type. 0 - Name of the event type |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0081 | Default instance level permissions for Profile {0} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
Default instance level permissions were successfully assigned for the given profile. 0 - Name of the profile |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0082 | Default instance level permissions for UDDI Subscription {0} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
Default instance level permissions were successfully assigned for the given UDDI subscription. 0 - Name of the UDDI subscription |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0083 | Default instance level permissions for Federation {0} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
Default instance level permissions were successfully assigned for the given federation. 0 - Name of the federation. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0084 | Default instance level permissions for Concept {0} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
Default instance level permissions were successfully assigned for the given concept. 0 - Name of the concept. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0085 | Taxonomy {0} instance level permissions were assigned successfully to its child objects |
Explanation |
The instance level permissions of the taxonomy were successfully assigned to its children concepts. 0 - Name of the taxonomy. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0086 | Policy {0} instance level permissions were assigned successfully to its child objects |
Explanation |
Policy has child objects like Policy Condition and Policy Parameter. When we assign the instance level permission to a Policy, the permission should be assigned also to its child objects. The message states that this action was performed successfully. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0088 | User {0} is not active |
Explanation |
The user is not active and hence can be deleted. 0 - Name of the user. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0095 | Pending state transition was terminated by CSA |
Explanation |
The CentraSite administrator has terminated the pending state transition on the registry object. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0103 | Organization Primary Contact is an active user |
Explanation |
The primary contact of the organization is an active user and hence the validation for updating the organization is successful. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0119 | Default instance level permissions for ConsumerRegistrationRequest {0} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
Default instance level permissions for the consumer registration request were assigned successfully. 0 – Name of the consumer registration request. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0134 | Default instance level permissions for ExternalLink {0} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
Default instance level permissions were successfully assigned for the given external link. 0 - Name of the external link. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0135 | Default instance level permissions for ExtrinsicObject {0} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
Default instance level permissions were successfully assigned for the given extrinsic object. 0 - Name of the extrinsic object. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0137 | Collector was successfully executed for {0} {1} |
Explanation |
The collector policy was executed successfully for the given object. 0 - Type of the object 1 - Name of the object. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0138 | Default delete handler was successfully executed for {0} {1} |
Explanation |
The default delete handler policy was executed successfully for the given object. 0 - Type of the object 1 - Name of the object. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0140 | WSDL regeneration skipped for Service {0} since the service is not a VirtualService, VirtualXMLService or VirtualRESTService |
Explanation |
WSDL regeneration can be performed only for a virtual service, virtual XML service or virtual REST service. |
Action |
Make sure the asset is a virtual service, virtual XML service or virtual REST service. |
INMPEI0141 | {0} {1} moved successfully |
Explanation |
The registry object has been moved successfully to the new owner and/or organization. 0 - Type of the registry object 1 - Name of the registry object. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0147 | Registry Object {0} has been validated successfully against its mandatory attributes of type Classification, File and Relationship |
Explanation |
All the mandatory classification, file and relationship attributes for the given registry object have been populated. 0 - Name of the registry object. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0155 | Profile permissions for {0} {1} were assigned successfully |
Explanation |
The profile level permissions for the given registry object were successfully assigned. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0158 | Organization export handler was successfully executed for {0} |
Explanation |
The organization export handler was executed successfully for the given organization. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0159 | Taxonomy/Concept export handler was successfully executed for {0} {1} |
Explanation |
The Taxonomy/Concept export handler was executed successfully for the given object. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0160 | Default export handler was successfully executed for {0} {1} |
Explanation |
The default export handler policy was executed successfully for the given object. 0 - Type of the object 1 - Name of the object. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0161 | Asset type export handler was successfully executed for {0} {1} |
Explanation |
The asset type export handler policy was executed successfully for the given object. 0 - Type of the object 1 - Name of the object. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0164 | Metrics does not contain serviceKey hence will not be saved in Runtime Metrics Collection |
Explanation |
Metrics must be saved against a service. But the user is trying to save a metrics object without classifying it with a proper service key. This metrics will be discarded. |
Action |
Please classify the metrics objects with the classificationScheme “”. The value of the classification must be the key of the service to which the metrics belongs. |
INMPEI0168 | The required permissions are already available for {0} {1} |
Explanation |
The permissions to be set by the policy are already available in the registry object. 0 - Type of the registry object 1 - Name of the registry object. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0169 | Request Approval Flow {0} for {1} was automatically approved |
Explanation |
The approval flow for the registry object was automatically approved since the triggering user is part of the approver group. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0170 | CentraSite does not contain an object of type {0} and with name {1} |
Explanation |
The policy executed successfully, since CentraSite does not contain an object of the specified type and with specified name. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0171 | CentraSite already contains an object of type {0} and with name {1} |
Explanation |
This policy enforces uniqueness in names of the object. As the user tried to create an object using a name which already exists in CentraSite, this policy failed. |
Action |
Please use a different name |
INMPEI0173 | Notified Webservice endpoint {0} hosted in application server {1} successfully. |
Explanation |
A Webservice request has been published to the endpoint successfully. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0174 | Failed to notify Webservice endpoint {0} hosted in application server {1}: Error Message {2} |
Explanation |
The Webservice request could not be published to the specified endpoint. |
Action |
Provide a valid webservice endpoint which can accept the SOAP message configured in the notify policy. |
INMPEI0177 | {0} {1} has kept the current LCM state |
Explanation |
The LCM state has been retained during the import. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0178 | Successfully deleted the rest service of IS Service Interface '{0}' |
Explanation |
Rest service deletion has completed successfully while retracting the IS Service Interface from the Designer. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0179 | Failed to delete the rest service '{0}' ({1}) used by IS Service Interface '{2}' |
Explanation |
The deletion of the Rest Service failed while retracting the IS Service Interface from the Designer. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0182 | IS Service Interface {0} object has been transformed successfully into REST service {1}. |
Explanation |
The IS Service Interface object has been transformed successfully into a REST service in CentraSite. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0183 | The given object {0} does not contain the state |
Explanation |
The given object 0 does not contain the state. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0186 | Target Group not applicable for the operation |
Explanation |
The target group is not applicable for the operation. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0187 | Target Group created for the Target |
Explanation |
The target group was created for the target. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0188 | Target Group not created for the Target |
Explanation |
The target group was not created for the target. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0189 | {0} {1} promoted successfully |
Explanation |
The registry object has been promoted successfully to the specified target stage. 0 - Type of the registry object 1 - Name of the registry object. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0191 | Not updating Consumer WSDL for VirtualService {0} as it does not contain WSDL or Consumer WSDL is already contains the proper WSDL file. |
Explanation |
The Consumer WSDL attribute will not get updated if the Virtual Service does not have WSDL associated with it. Also the attribute will get updated if it contains the proper value in it. |
Action |
No Action Required, as this policy get triggered when WSDL is attached to the Virtual Service |
INMPEI0193 | Consumer WSDL attribute is populated with proper WSDL |
Explanation |
Policy Action successfully executed by populated the Consumer WSDL attribute with proper WSDL |
Action |
No action required |
INMPEI0194 | Not updating Consumer WSDL for {0} since it is not a Service |
Explanation |
Consumer WSDL attribute is applicable only for Virtual Service and hence it can't be updated for other objects |
Action |
Please make sure applicable object for "Consumer WSDL Generator" policy is set only to Virtual Service |
INMPEI0201 | , |
Explanation |
This is a user display name separator. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0202 | {0} {1} {2} |
Explanation |
This is a user display name. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0203 | Ownership of {0} {1} was changed successfully to user {2} |
Explanation |
The ownership of the given asset was changed successfully to the specified user. 0 - Type of the object; 1 - Name of the object; 2 - New owner of the object. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0205 | {0} of type {1} has been validated for all mandatory Slot, Classification, File and Relationship attribute types. |
Explanation |
The "required" attributes of the registry object {0} of type {1} have been identified and all such "required" attributes have been provided with values. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0207 | The API Key is deployed successfully to target {0} |
Explanation |
The specified API key was successfully deployed to the specified target. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0208 | A new API Key is generated. |
Explanation |
A new API key has been generated. |
Action |
No action required. |
INMPEI0209 | Onboarded user {0} proceeds with consume API request for {1} |
Explanation |
The onboarding of the user was successful, and the consume API request for the API has been triggered. |
Action |
User registration completion information will be sent as an email. |
INMPEI0213 | Onboarding User {0} in Organization {1} is successful |
Explanation |
Onboarding of the user in API Management solution was successful. |
Action |
The Consume API request will be generated automatically for the onboarded user. |
INMPEI0214 | Onboarding Organization {0} with Administrator User {1} is successful |
Explanation |
Onboarding of the given Organization with the given User in API Management solution was successful. |
Action |
The Consume API request will be generated automatically for the the onboarded administrator user. |
INMPEI0215 | Congratulations from API management team |
Explanation |
Email subject for successful onboarding of user. |
Action |
No action. |
INMPEI0216 | API key deleted successfully from target {0}. |
Explanation |
The API key is deleted successfully from the target {0}. |
Action |
None. Informational only. |
INMPEI0220 | WSDL Regeneration skipped for virtual service {0} as WSDL related objects are not modified |
Explanation |
WSDL Regeneration is needed only if JAXR Binding is updated. Else no need to update the WSDL. Updating WSDL is costly. So CentraSite updates it only if it really requires |
Action |
No Action required from user |
INMPEI0221 | API key has been renewed successfully. |
Explanation |
API key has been renewed successfully. |
Action |
No action required |
INMPEI0222 | A new OAuth2 Client is generated |
Explanation |
A new OAuth2 Client has been generated |
Action |
No action required |
INMPEI0223 | The OAuth2 Client is deployed successfully to target {0} |
Explanation |
The specified OAuth2 Client was successfully deployed to the specified target |
Action |
No action required |
INMPEW0028 | WSDL URL is empty for {0} |
Explanation |
The service WSDL URL is empty. 0 - Name of the service. |
Action |
Please ensure that the service has a WSDL URL. |
INMPEW0172 | Could not send notification to application server as it is not configured with APG_SERVICE_ENDPOINT |
Explanation |
The notification will be send only if the application server is configured with APG_SERVICE_ENDPOINT in the object specific property. |
Action |
Configure a valid webservice endpoint to the application server which is associated to the registry object. |
INMPEW0192 | Consumer WSDL attribute is not found Virtual Service type |
Explanation |
This policy action will update the Consumer WSDL attribute with WSDL which may contain WS Policy in it. So this policy action requires Consumer WSDL attribute |
Action |
Please make sure Consumer WSDL file attribute exists for Service type |
INMPEW0217 | Failed to delete API key from target {0} . |
Explanation |
The specified API key could not be deleted from the target {0}. This problem can occur because the requestor does not have the required permisison to delete API key. |
Action |
Only a user with Administrator role can delete API key from targets. |
INMPEW0219 | The API key has already been revoked. |
Explanation |
The API key could be revoked only once per session. |
Action |
None. Informational only. |