INMJRE0001 | Database access error: {0} |
Explanation |
An error occurred while accessing the database. The corresponding stack trace contains a "caused by" message with the reason of the failure. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier if you can't analyze the reason of the database access error. |
INMJRE0002 | Expected {0} objects |
Explanation |
Certain operations that accept a collection of input objects (such as for example LifeCycleManager.saveOrganizations()) expect certain object types ("Organization" in this example). The affected operation can be found in the stack trace. |
Action |
Correct the client program. |
INMJRE0003 | Invalid property name ''{0}'' |
Explanation |
The name of a property must be a valid NCName as in XML schema, e.g. it must not contain colon or whitespace. |
Action |
Correct the name. |
INMJRE0004 | Invalid object in {0} parameter |
Explanation |
Certain operations that accept a collection of input objects expect certain object types. The affected operation can be found in the stack trace. |
Action |
Correct the client program. |
INMJRE0005 | Mutually exclusive find qualifiers: {0}, {1} |
Explanation |
The listed find qualifiers are mutually exclusive with respect to the performed operation. |
Action |
Correct the client program. |
INMJRE0006 | Found multiple matches |
Explanation |
The performed query method is supposed to return zero or one result object, however the database contains multiple matches. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0007 | The javax.xml.registry.queryManagerURL property is not set |
Explanation |
Before creating a new Connection, the javax.xml.registry.queryManagerURL property has to be set to a non-null value. |
Action |
Correct the client program. |
INMJRE0008 | The credentials parameter must not be null |
Explanation |
The setCredentials() method was called with a null value for the credentials parameter. |
Action |
Correct the client program. |
INMJRE0009 | Re-connect failed |
Explanation |
An error occurred while recreating the database connection according to the given credentials. The stack trace contains a "caused by" message with the reason of the failure. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0010 | Invalid credentials: expected PasswordAuthentication |
Explanation |
The credentials have to be passed as an instance of |
Action |
Correct the client program. |
INMJRE0011 | User name is not unique: {0}, only readonly access granted |
Explanation |
For each user, there should be only one user object in the database. For the given user however, several objects with the same name were found. When the user tries to log in he is granted readonly access. |
Action |
Log in using a different user (probably an administrator) and delete or rename the duplicate user objects. |
INMJRE0012 | The declarative query manager is not supported by this implementation |
Explanation |
The declarative query manager is not supported by this implementation. |
Action |
See the documentation for the available query functionality. |
INMJRE0013 | Invalid interface name parameter: {0} |
Explanation |
The method LifeCycleManager.createObject() was called with an illegal interface name. |
Action |
Correct the client program. |
INMJRE0014 | Invalid XML response when saving documents |
Explanation |
This is an internal error. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0015 | The object to be undeprecated ({0}) is not in deprecated state |
Explanation |
Only deprecated objects may be undeprecated. |
Action |
Select only deprecated objects for undeprecation. |
INMJRE0016 | Illegal object type: {0} |
Explanation |
A delete operation was called with an illegal object type. |
Action |
Correct the client program. |
INMJRE0017 | Internal error: object with key "{0}" lost from cache |
Explanation |
This internal error indicates an inconsistency in the object cache. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0018 | Invalid null value in {0} parameter |
Explanation |
The method QueryManager.getRegistryObjects() was called with a null value. |
Action |
Correct the client program. |
INMJRE0019 | The object identified by the ConnectionFactory property {0}="{1}" is not a classification scheme |
Explanation |
The default postal scheme was not specified correctly. |
Action |
Specify a correct default postal scheme. |
INMJRE0020 | This implementation does not support makeRegistrySpecificRequest() |
Explanation |
This implementation does not support makeRegistrySpecificRequest(). |
Action |
See the documentation for the available query functionality. |
INMJRE0021 | Invalid schema name ''{0}'', please consult the documentation for correct syntax |
Explanation |
The schema name of a type must be a valid NCName as in XML schema, e.g. it must not contain colon or whitespace. |
Action |
Correct the name. |
INMJRE0022 | An association cannot have itself as source object |
Explanation |
An association cannot have itself as source object. |
Action |
Specify a correct association. |
INMJRE0023 | An association cannot have itself as target object |
Explanation |
An association cannot have itself as target object. |
Action |
Specify a correct association. |
INMJRE0024 | Association type must not be null |
Explanation |
When creating a new association the association type must not be null. |
Action |
Specify a correct association. |
INMJRE0025 | The object to be deleted is not of type {0} |
Explanation |
The delete operation specified that only objects of a particular type should be deleted, however at least one of the given keys points to a different object. |
Action |
Specify only keys of the requested type. |
INMJRE0026 | An auditable event object cannot be deleted |
Explanation |
It is not allowed to delete an auditable event. |
Action |
Correct the client program. |
INMJRE0027 | Concept must have a classification scheme ancestor |
Explanation |
The concept used for an internal classification has to belong to a classification scheme. |
Action |
Supply a correct concept for an internal classification. |
INMJRE0028 | {0} parameter must not be null |
Explanation |
The function shown on the call stack must not be called with a null value. |
Action |
Correct the client program. |
INMJRE0029 | Concept must not have a parent |
Explanation |
If a ClassificationScheme is created from a concept, then this concept must not have a parent. |
Action |
Supply a correct concept. |
INMJRE0030 | Invalid value type: {0} |
Explanation |
ClassificationScheme.setValueType() was called with an invalid value type. |
Action |
Supply a valid value type. |
INMJRE0031 | The classification scheme to be deleted still has children |
Explanation |
A classification scheme cannot be deleted if it has child concepts. |
Action |
Delete the child concepts before deleting the classification scheme. |
INMJRE0032 | Parent not allowed for concept |
Explanation |
The parent of a concept has to be a classification scheme or another concept. |
Action |
Supply a valid parent. |
INMJRE0034 | The concept to be deleted still has children |
Explanation |
A concept cannot be deleted if it has child concepts. |
Action |
Delete the child concepts before deleting the concept. |
INMJRE0035 | Invalid value for {0} ({1}) |
Explanation |
An internal error occurred during the XML serialization of Java objects. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0036 | Invalid string value for {0} ({1}) |
Explanation |
An internal error occurred while deserializing an XML document to a Java object. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0037 | The external link to be deleted still has linked objects |
Explanation |
An external link cannot be deleted if it has linked objects. |
Action |
Remove the external link from its linked objects before deleting it. |
INMJRE0039 | Cannot add a non-KeyRef to a KeyRefList |
Explanation |
Internal error. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0040 | toArray failed with attached JAXRException while resolving an object reference |
Explanation |
An exception occurred while copying a collection to an array. See the "caused by" message in the stack trace for the cause of the problem. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0041 | RegistryObjectIterator failed with attached JAXRException while resolving an object reference |
Explanation |
An exception occurred while iterating a query result. See the "caused by" message of the stack trace for the cause of the problem. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0042 | Invalid locale |
Explanation |
An internal error occurred while deserializing an XML document to a Java object. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0043 | The organization to be deleted still has child organizations |
Explanation |
An organization cannot be deleted if it has child organizations. |
Action |
Delete the child organizations before deleting the organization. |
INMJRE0044 | The organization to be deleted still has services |
Explanation |
An organization cannot be deleted if it has child services. |
Action |
Remove the services before deleting the organization. |
INMJRE0045 | The organization to be deleted still has users |
Explanation |
An organization cannot be deleted if it has users. |
Action |
Remove the users before deleting the organization. |
INMJRE0046 | Invalid stability value: {0} |
Explanation |
The setStability() method was called with an invalid stability value. |
Action |
Supply a valid stability value. |
INMJRE0047 | This registry provider does not support client supplied keys |
Explanation |
This registry provider does not support client supplied keys. |
Action |
Do not call the setKey() method. |
INMJRE0048 | Internal error: duplicate key in object cache "{0}" |
Explanation |
This internal error indicates an inconsistency in the object cache. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0049 | Cannot modify object type classification |
Explanation |
An instance of a user-defined type cannot be assigned another object type classification. |
Action |
Correct the client program. |
INMJRE0050 | Duplicate object type classification |
Explanation |
An instance of a user-defined type can only be classified with one concept from the "ObjectType" classification scheme. |
Action |
Correct the client program. |
INMJRE0051 | Cannot remove object type classification |
Explanation |
For instances of user-defined types it is not allowed to remove the classification that represents the object type. |
Action |
Correct the client program. |
INMJRE0052 | This object ({0}) is deprecated and must not be referenced |
Explanation |
A deprecated object must not be referenced in any way by another object. |
Action |
Do not create references to deprecated objects. |
INMJRE0053 | An object to be deleted has not been previously saved |
Explanation |
Only objects that have been previously saved can be deleted. |
Action |
Correct the client program. |
INMJRE0054 | The "{0}" object to be deleted ({1}) is the target of the "{2}" association "{3}". The source of the association is the {4} object "{5}" with key "{6}". |
Explanation |
An object cannot be deleted if it is still the target of an association. |
Action |
Delete the association before deleting the object. |
INMJRE0055 | The registry package to be deleted still has members |
Explanation |
A registry package cannot be deleted if it has member objects. |
Action |
Remove the member objects from the package before deleting it. |
INMJRE0056 | Cannot modify the name of a slot after it was added to a registry object |
Explanation |
The name of a slot cannot be changed after the slot was added to a registry object. |
Action |
Correct the client program. |
INMJRE0057 | Invalid namespace ''{0}'' of type |
Explanation |
The namespace of a type must be a valid URI. |
Action |
Correct the namespace. |
INMJRE0058 | Invalid XML stream |
Explanation |
An internal error occurred while deserializing an XML document to a Java object. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0059 | XML parsing error |
Explanation |
An internal error occurred while deserializing an XML document to a Java object. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0060 | STAX configuration error |
Explanation |
An internal error occurred while deserializing an XML document to a Java object. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0061 | Invalid URL value |
Explanation |
An internal error occurred while deserializing an XML document to a Java object. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0062 | Invalid boolean value for attribute {0} |
Explanation |
An internal error occurred while deserializing an XML document to a Java object. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0063 | Incomplete object ({0} is missing or does not have a value) |
Explanation |
The indicated required part of an object was missing when an object was to be saved. |
Action |
Correct the client program. |
INMJRE0064 | Cannot add an existing association to another object |
Explanation |
It is not possible to add the same association object to several separate registry objects. |
Action |
Create a new association object. |
INMJRE0065 | Cannot add an existing classification to another object |
Explanation |
It is not possible to add the same classification object to several separate registry objects. |
Action |
Create a new classification object. |
INMJRE0066 | Cannot add an existing external identifier to another object |
Explanation |
It is not possible to add the same external identifier object to several separate registry objects. |
Action |
Create a new external identifier object. |
INMJRE0067 | Unexpected owner type |
Explanation |
This is an internal error. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0068 | Cannot delete the pre-defined object with key "{0}" |
Explanation |
The CentraSite Registry/Repository database is installed with some pre-defined JAXR objects that are required for CentraSite operation. These objects must not be deleted. |
Action |
Do not delete pre-defined objects. |
INMJRE0069 | Incomplete principal |
Explanation |
A CentraSitePrincipal has to be either an href representing a user or a group, or an "all" indicator, or an "authenticated" indicator, or an "unauthenticated" indicator. None of these were set. |
Action |
Create a correct CentraSitePrincipal object. |
INMJRE0070 | Cannot set instance based security for objects of type {0} |
Explanation |
Instance based security cannot be set for the following object types: AuditableEvent, Association, Classification, ExternalIdentifier, ServiceBinding and SpecificationLink. |
Action |
Do not try to set instance based security for these object types. |
INMJRE0071 | Failed with attached JAXRException |
Explanation |
Comparison of two key references failed. See the "caused by" message in the stack trace for the cause of the failure. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0072 | A ServiceBinding cannot have both a TargetBinding and an AccessURI |
Explanation |
For a ServiceBinding object, TargetBinding and AccessURI are mutually exclusive. |
Action |
Choose either TargetBinding or AccessURI. |
INMJRE0073 | Expected empty XML element {0}, but found content "{1}" |
Explanation |
An internal error occurred while deserializing instance based security information to a Java object. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0074 | Trying to use a closed connection (created by {0} at "{1}", closed at "{2}") |
Explanation |
A previously closed connection must not be used any more. |
Action |
Open a new connection. |
INMJRE0075 | A concept object must not have a HasParent association |
Explanation |
In order to allow for a proper mapping between JAXR and UDDI, a concept object must not have a HasParent association. |
Action |
Do not create HasParent associations for concept objects. |
INMJRE0076 | Internal error: object type concept not found |
Explanation |
Internal error. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0077 | The operation "{0}" can only be called for objects of type "{1}" |
Explanation |
Each operation belongs to one object type, and it can only be executed on objects of that type. |
Action |
Call the operation only for objects of the correct type. |
INMJRE0078 | Internal error: method should not be called |
Explanation |
Internal error. |
Action |
Do not call this method. |
INMJRE0079 | Invalid status value: {0} |
Explanation |
An invalid status value was specified. |
Action |
See the JAXR javadoc for correct status values. |
INMJRE0080 | The status of the deprecated object ({0}) cannot be modified |
Explanation |
The status of a deprecated object cannot be modified. |
Action |
Undeprecate the object before modifying its status. |
INMJRE0082 | A concept ({0}) in the ObjectType classification scheme is to be saved without an external link to an XML schema file |
Explanation |
Concepts in the ObjectType classification scheme represent JAXR object types. These concepts have to have an external link to an XML schema file (XSD). |
Action |
Supply an XSD file for this concept. |
INMJRE0087 | Invalid value ''{0}'' of property ''{1}'' |
Explanation |
The given value does not match the declared datatype of the property. |
Action |
Correct the value. |
INMJRE0088 | The concept to be deleted ({0}) is used by a classification ({1}). The classification belongs to the {2} object with key "{3}". |
Explanation |
A concept must not be deleted if it is used by a classification. |
Action |
Remove the classification before deleting the concept. |
INMJRE0089 | Trying to add a concept with the already existing value "{0}" under the parent object with key "{1}". |
Explanation |
Concepts under the same parent object must have unique values. |
Action |
Choose a different value for the new concept. |
INMJRE0090 | Invalid slot name: "{0}" |
Explanation |
In the CentraSite JAXR implementation a JAXR slot name has to have the format {uri}localname, where the {uri} part is optional. The localname has to be a valid NCName according to the XML specification. Basically this means it may start with a letter or an '_' character, followed by letters, digits, or the characters '_', '.', '-'. In particular, the localname must not contain any whitespace characters. |
Action |
Supply a valid slot name. |
INMJRE0091 | Invalid concept used as association type: "{0}" |
Explanation |
Only concepts from the classification scheme "AssociationType" may be used as association types. |
Action |
Choose a valid concept. |
INMJRE0092 | Commit or rollback not allowed if connection does not have client controlled transactions |
Explanation |
Only JAXR connections that were created with com.centrasite.jaxr.ClientTransaction=yes support commit and rollback operations. |
Action |
Correct the JAXR client program. |
INMJRE0093 | The value "{0}" of slot "{1}" is not a valid "{2}". |
Explanation |
The given value does not conform to the datatype as specified in the type definition. |
Action |
Specify a valid value. |
INMJRE0094 | Trying to modify the value of the ObjectType concept "{0}". |
Explanation |
It is not allowed to modify the value of a concept in the classification scheme ObjectType. |
Action |
Correct the client program. |
INMJRE0095 | Invalid concept value: {0} |
Explanation |
As described in the JAXR standard, a concept value has to be a valid NCName. |
Action |
Provide a valid concept value. |
INMJRE0096 | Trying to use an internal classification scheme ({0}) for an external classification. |
Explanation |
An external classification requires an external classification scheme. |
Action |
Supply a correct classification scheme. |
INMJRE0097 | Trying to save object "{0}" which is marked to be modified without lock. |
Explanation |
Objects which are marked to be modified without lock cannot be saved. |
Action |
Correct the client program. |
INMJRE0098 | Trying to modify an outdated object ("{0}") |
Explanation |
The application tried to modify a registry object which has been modified by someone else in the meantime. |
Action |
Make sure to modify only the latest version of a registry object. |
INMJRE0099 | Repository access error. |
Explanation |
An error occurred accessing the repository. |
Action |
Ensure the repository is available. Check there are no resource issues (e.g. lack of disk space). |
INMJRE0100 | Lock not available for object "{0}" |
Explanation |
The requested lock could not be granted. |
Action |
Wait until the lock is available. |
INMJRE0103 | Cannot handle a collection of values with a simple ParameterInstance |
Explanation |
A simple non-array ParameterInstance is associated with a single value. |
Action |
Use a single value. |
INMJRE0104 | ParameterType mismatch: requested {0}, present {1} |
Explanation |
The value(s) of a ParameterInstance have to correspond to the type of the respective ParameterTemplate. |
Action |
Read / set values according to the ParameterType. |
INMJRE0105 | The readonly property "{0}" must not be modified. |
Explanation |
Readonly properties can only be added to new objects. Existing property values must not be changed. |
Action |
Do not modify readonly properties. Do not add readonly properties to existing objects. |
INMJRE0106 | Login rejected, user "{0}" not registered |
Explanation |
Each user has to be registered before being used for login. |
Action |
Register the user. |
INMJRE0107 | The "login user" option must not be modified for existing users. |
Explanation |
The "login user" option can only be assigned to new users. |
Action |
Do not modify an existing user's "login user" option. |
INMJRE0108 | For an existing user with "login user" option, the name must not be changed. |
Explanation |
A user with "login user" option has to keep his name. |
Action |
Do not modify the name of a user with "login user" option. |
INMJRE0109 | Invalid URI specified for principal: {0}. |
Explanation |
The URI specified for the principal is not valid. It must be an absolute URI or one with an absolute path. The scheme of "ino:" is not a valid scheme. |
Action |
Ensure that the URI is valid. |
INMJRE0110 | "post insert" policy event failed for RegistryObject ("{0}") |
Explanation |
The enclosed exception explains the reason of the failure. |
Action |
Analyze the enclosed exception. |
INMJRE0111 | "post update" policy event failed for RegistryObject ("{0}") |
Explanation |
The enclosed exception explains the reason of the failure. |
Action |
Analyze the enclosed exception. |
INMJRE0112 | "post delete" policy event failed for RegistryObject ("{0}") |
Explanation |
The enclosed exception explains the reason of the failure. |
Action |
Analyze the enclosed exception. |
INMJRE0113 | Please set the mandatory parameter {0} before activating the policy |
Explanation |
The policy activation verifies whether all mandatory paramters are set. 0 - Name of the mandatory parameter which was not set. |
Action |
Please set all the mandatory parameters before activating the policy |
INMJRE0114 | Action {0} does not match the scope of the policy {1} |
Explanation |
The selected action does not match the scope of the policy 0 - Name of the action 1 - Name of the policy. |
Action |
Please ensure that the selected action matches the scope of the policy. |
INMJRE0115 | The name of the default organization must not be changed. |
Explanation |
The name of the default organization must not be changed. |
Action |
None |
INMJRE0117 | Name not specified for user with "login user" option |
Explanation |
A user without a name cannot have the "login user" option. |
Action |
Specify a user name. |
INMJRE0119 | Enumeration not allowed for data type {0} |
Explanation |
Enumerations are not allowed for data types InternationalString and InternationalRichText. |
Action |
Do not specify the enumeration option for these data types. |
INMJRE0120 | Internal error: missing ExternalLink to schema document |
Explanation |
This is an internal error. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0121 | Internal error: target of {0} external link does not exist. |
Explanation |
This is an internal error. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0122 | Duplicate type name {0} |
Explanation |
Each object type is identified by a name consisting of a namespace and a schema name. This name has to be unique. |
Action |
Provide a unique type name. |
INMJRE0123 | Trying to remove the primary contact from organization {0} ({1}). |
Explanation |
Each organization has to have a primary contact. It is not allowed to remove the primary contact. |
Action |
Do not remove the primary contact from an organization. |
INMJRE0124 | Cannot delete an ObjectType concept ({0}) |
Explanation |
The taxonomy "ObjectType" contains concepts that represent object types. It is not allowed to delete these concepts. |
Action |
Do not delete ObjectType concepts. |
INMJRE0125 | The user "{0}" ({1}) is the owner of, or modified the "{2}" object "{3}" ({4}) |
Explanation |
A user who still owns an object cannot be deleted. Also, if the user modified some object, and the corresponding audit trail entry is still present, deletion is rejected. However, the audit trail can be purged, and after all modification audit trail entries are purged, user deletion will be allowed. |
Action |
Delete all of the user's objects before deleting the user. |
INMJRE0126 | Attempt to modify a readonly privilege |
Explanation |
Readonly privileges must not be modified. |
Action |
Do not modify a readonly privilege. |
INMJRE0127 | Unsupported data type '{0}' |
Explanation |
The requested datatype is not supported. |
Action |
This is an internal error. Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0128 | Illegal usage of deny ACE |
Explanation |
An ACE with deny can only be used with principal ALL and privilege ALL. |
Action |
Correct the ACE. |
INMJRE0129 | Not a valid revision object |
Explanation |
The object specified is not a object from the revision part. |
Action |
Check objects for the revision restore. |
INMJRE0130 | Expected revision object not present |
Explanation |
Unexpectedly a revision object could not be located. Obviously there is no version present of the actual object. |
Action |
Contact your software supplier because there is a structural problem with the revision part. |
INMJRE0131 | Revision object must not be modified ("{0}") |
Explanation |
Revision object must not be modified, these objects are readonly. |
Action |
Check your objects. |
INMJRE0132 | Invalid revision object encountered ("{0}") |
Explanation |
Invalid revision object encountered. The keys must be the same but are different. |
Action |
Check registry objects. |
INMJRE0133 | The "{0}" to be deleted ({1}) is an intermediate version object |
Explanation |
The object to be deleted is a target of a version association and must not be explicitly deleted. |
Action |
To delete objects of old versions use the purge() methods of the VersionManager interface. |
INMJRE0134 | Login rejected, user "{0}" not active |
Explanation |
Deactivated users cannot log in. |
Action |
Activate the user. |
INMJRE0135 | Association type "{0}" already used in this asset type |
Explanation |
There can be only one association of type "Implements" per asset type. You attempted to create such an attribute, but one exists already. |
Action |
Use a different association type. |
INMJRE0136 | Uploaded computed profile zip does't contain computed implementation |
Explanation |
the zip does not the class which implements the interfaces like {0} |
Action |
Make sure the computed profile implementation bundled in zip |
INMJRE0138 | User "{0}" is still the primary contact of organization "{1}" |
Explanation |
A user cannot be deleted if this user is still the primary contact of an organization. |
Action |
Do not delete primary contact users. |
INMJRE0139 | Taxonomy "{0}" still used to classify object "{1}" |
Explanation |
An external taxonomy cannot be deleted as long as it is referenced by classifications. |
Action |
Remove the classifications before deleting the taxonomy. |
INMJRE0140 | The association type to be deleted ({0}) is used by an association ({1}). The association belongs to the {2} object "{3}". |
Explanation |
An association type cannot be deleted if there are still associations of that type. |
Action |
Delete all associations of that type before deleting the association type. |
INMJRE0141 | Untyped RegistryEntry "{0}" must not be saved |
Explanation |
Java RegistryEntry objects are used to represent instances of user-defined types. In order to make a RegistryEntry an instance of a type, it has to be classified with the corresponding type concept. |
Action |
Save only typed RegistryEntries. |
INMJRE0142 | must not replace existing type concept |
Explanation |
This is an internal error. |
Action |
Please contact your software supplier. |
INMJRE0143 | duplicate target type "{0}" |
Explanation |
For a RelationShip attribute the same target type was specified twice. |
Action |
Specify each target type only once. |
INMJRE0144 | invalid maxOccurs value "{0}" |
Explanation |
Allowed values for maxOccurs are "1" and "unbounded". |
Action |
Specify a valid value. |
INMJRE0145 | invalid minOccurs value "{0}" |
Explanation |
Allowed values for minOccurs are "0" and "1". |
Action |
Specify a valid value. |
INMJRE0146 | Missing taxonomy for classification attribute "{0}" |
Explanation |
Each classification attribute needs a taxonomy. |
Action |
Specify a taxonomy. |
INMJRE0147 | For the classification attribute "{0}", the default value "{1}" does not belong to the taxonomy "{2}". |
Explanation |
The default value needs to belong to the taxonomy. |
Action |
Select a concept from the taxonomy as the default value. |
INMJRE0148 | Missing association type for relationship attribute "{0}" |
Explanation |
Each relationship attribute needs an association type. |
Action |
Specify an association type. |
INMJRE0149 | duplicate attribute name "{0}" |
Explanation |
Attribute names have to be unique within classification, relationship, and file attributes. |
Action |
Choose a unique attribute name. |
INMJRE0150 | trying to access a deleted type |
Explanation |
After a type was deleted, the corresponding Java instance must no longer be used. |
Action |
Correct the client program. |
INMJRE0151 | must not rename existing type's schema name |
Explanation |
The schema name uniquely identifies a type, it must not be modified. |
Action |
Do not rename an existing schema name. |
INMJRE0152 | Cannot save object due to missing lifecycle state. The object "{0}" is classified with lifecycle state "{1}" which does not exist. |
Explanation |
A call to saveObjects fails, when a saved object contains a lifecycle state classification which does not exist. This can occur after importing objects, when the lifecycle model data has not been imported beforehand. |
Action |
Make sure that any referenced lifecycle models are available in the registry before importing objects that refer to them. |
INMJRE0153 | Invalid attribute "{0}" applied to object of type "{1}" |
Explanation |
A setAttributeValue() or getAttributeValue() operation was issued against a registry object whose type does not contain the specified attribute. |
Action |
Correct the application. |
INMJRE0154 | Conflicting aggregation settings |
Explanation |
A relationship attribute can be aggregating, or reversely aggregating, but not both. |
Action |
Choose a correct aggregation setting. |
INMJRE0155 | "{0}" is not a virtual type |
Explanation |
The given type concept is not a virtual type. |
Action |
Please supply a virtual type. |
INMJRE0156 | The delete operation failed due to a hidden association. |
Explanation |
The object to be deleted is still the target of an association. However, the user that tries to delete the object does not have view permissions on the association and its source object. Probably a CentraSite administrator with full permissions is required to perform the delete operation. |
Action |
Please contact your CentraSite administrator. |
INMJRE0158 | The locale {0} is not contained in the set of restricted locales. |
Explanation |
The set of restricted locales defines which locales may be used when creating a value for an InternationalString. |
Action |
Choose a different locale. |
INMJRE0159 | Invalid or missing default locale |
Explanation |
When defining the set of restricted locales, exactly one locale needs to be marked as the default locale. |
Action |
Specify a proper default locale. |
INMJRE0160 | The "{0}" package to be deleted ({1}) still has members, e.g. the {2} object "{3}" with key "{4}". |
Explanation |
A registry package cannot be deleted if it still has members. |
Action |
Delete the members before deleting the registry package. |
INMJRE0161 | no value provided for required attribute {0} of {1} "{2}" |
Explanation |
The attribute is defined with the "required" option, but the attribute value was not supplied when storing the object. |
Action |
Provide a value for the attribute. |
INMJRE0162 | too many values provided for single-value attribute {0} of {1} "{2}" |
Explanation |
For single-value attributes, at most one value may be provided. |
Action |
Provide a correct attribute value. |
INMJRE0163 | Internal error: cannot construct a RegistryObject from {0}. |
Explanation |
This is an internal error. |
Action |
Contact your software provider. |
INMJRE0164 | Internal error: missing object id for {0} |
Explanation |
This is an internal error. |
Action |
Contact your software provider. |
INMJRE0165 | Cannot modify attribute {0} of type {1} to be required, because it does not exist in the object with key "{2}" |
Explanation |
While updating a type description, an attribute was modified to be a required attribute. This modification however can only be done when the attribute is already present in all existing objects of the type (which is trivially true if there are no existing objects), or it has been equipped at the same time with a default value. |
Action |
Define a default value for the attribute, or refrain from setting the attribute to "required", then retry the modification only after the attribute has been added to all existing objects of the given type. |
INMJRE0166 | Failed to check that the given profile is a computed profile |
Explanation |
While parsing the uploaded zip file, an unexpected exception occurred. |
Action |
Please make sure the uploaded zip file is not corrupted. |
INMJRE0167 | Uploaded computed profile implementation zip file does not contain profile implementation class, which implements the interface like {0} |
Explanation |
The uploaded computed profile implementation zip file does not contain the class that implements the interface like {0}. |
Action |
Please make sure the zip file contains the computed profile implementation. |
INMJRE0168 | Default value should be given for all required attributes when the types have instances. Please provide the default value for the required attribute "{0}". |
Explanation |
When updating an asset type which already has instances, all the required attributes of that type should be provided with default values. |
Action |
Ensure that all the required attributes of the edited asset type have default values. |
INMJRE0169 | The predefined attribute cannot be deleted |
Explanation |
You cannot delete the predefined attributes. |
Action |
You cannot delete the predefined attribute. |