INMAFE0001 | The registry object must not be null. |
Explanation |
The constructor CSAppFixedRegistryObject() is trying to create a new instance so the registry object passed can't be null. |
Action |
Pass valid registry object. |
INMAFE0002 | A fixed registry object's name cannot be changed. |
Explanation |
This is a fixed Registry Object. It's name must not be changed. |
Action |
Don't change a fixed registry object's name. |
INMAFE0003 | Different object with duplicate key already registered: {0} |
Explanation |
Two different objects that have the same keys are being registered. |
Action |
Check for any reasons why the duplicate keys exist or change one of the object's keys. |
INMAFE0004 | Different association type with duplicate name already registered {0} |
Explanation |
Two different associations that have the same names are being registered. |
Action |
Change one of the association's names. |
INMAFE0005 | Different object type with duplicate name already registered {0} |
Explanation |
Object types have to have unique names. |
Action |
Change the object type name to a unique one. |
INMAFE0006 | Different child list already registered for parent path: {0} |
Explanation |
for this path there is already a defined child list. |
Action |
Create another parent path to add the new child list. |
INMAFE0007 | Unknown taxonomy: {0} |
Explanation |
The desired taxonomy does not exist. |
Action |
Use an existing Taxonomy. |
INMAFE0008 | Multiple taxonomies named {0} found. |
Explanation |
Taxonomies must have unique names. |
Action |
Find a way to make the used taxonomies have a unique name. |
INMAFE0010 | Different object with duplicate name already registered: {0} |
Explanation |
The objects are classification schemes, their names must be unique. |
Action |
Find a way to change the object names to unique ones. |
INMAFE0011 | No such concept: {0} |
Explanation |
This Concept does not exist in the database. |
Action |
Create such a Concept or change to an existing one. |
INMAFE0012 | No such classification scheme: {0} |
Explanation |
This classification scheme does not exist in the database. |
Action |
Create a new one or change to an existing classification scheme. |
INMAFE0013 | No such association type: {0} |
Explanation |
This association type does not exist in the database. |
Action |
Create a new one or change to an existing association type. |
INMAFE0014 | No such object type: {0} |
Explanation |
This object type does not exist in the database. |
Action |
Create a new one or change to an exisitng object type. |
INMAFE0015 | Child list not available for parent {0}, did you set the cache strategy 'childs'? |
Explanation |
The cache strategy "childs" needs to be set in order to access child concepts. |
Action |
Set the cache strategy 'childs'. |
INMAFE0017 | Child list not available for taxonomy {0}, did you set the cache strategy 'childs'? |
Explanation |
The cache strategy "childs" needs to be set in order to access child concepts. |
Action |
Set the cache strategy 'childs'. |
INMAFE0018 | Child list not available for parent concept {0}, did you set the cache strategy 'childs'? |
Explanation |
The cache strategy "childs" needs to be set in order to access child concepts. |
Action |
Set the cache strategy childs. |
INMAFE0019 | No object with key {0} is known by the pool. |
Explanation |
No fixed RegistryObject was found in the bean pool. |
Action |
The fixed registry object must be added to the bean pool. |
INMAFE0021 | Invalid element {0}, expected either of {1} |
Explanation |
The specified element is not contained in the list of expected elements. |
Action |
Use or change the element to one of the expected types. |
INMAFE0023 | Missing attribute: {0} |
Explanation |
The searched attribute is mandatory and must be provided. |
Action |
Provide the missing attribute or change it so it is not mandatory any more. |
INMAFE0024 | Empty attribute: {0} |
Explanation |
The attribute is empty. |
Action |
Provide data for the attribute. |
INMAFE0025 | Duplicate objectType name: {0} |
Explanation |
Object Types must have unique names. |
Action |
Provide a unique name for the object type, delete or rename the existing one. |
INMAFE0026 | Duplicate associationType name: {0} |
Explanation |
The assoiation type name must be unique. |
Action |
Provide a unique association type name, delete or rename the exisitng one. |
INMAFE0027 | Duplicate taxonomy name: {0} |
Explanation |
Taxonomy name must be unique. |
Action |
Provide unique name for the Taxonomy, rename or delete the existing one. |
INMAFE0028 | Invalid value for {0} |
Explanation |
The specified value is invalid. |
Action |
Provide valid value. |
INMAFE0029 | Invalid element {0}, expected {1} |
Explanation |
The specified element does not match the expected element. |
Action |
The element must be changed accordingly to the expected item. |
INMAFE0031 | Duplicate concept value for taxonomy {0} |
Explanation |
Taxonomy must have a unique concept value. |
Action |
Provide a unique concept value for the taxonomy. |
INMAFE0032 | Duplicate concept value for concept {0} |
Explanation |
Concept must have a unique concept value. |
Action |
Provide a unique concept value for the concept. |
INMAFE0033 | Invalid argument: {0} |
Explanation |
The specified argument is invalid. |
Action |
Provide a valid argument. |
INMAFE0034 | The class {0} has no annotation of type {1} or has an empty 'implementation' attribute. |
Explanation |
The given class does not have the expected annotation, or the annotation's "implementation" attribute is empty. |
Action |
Provide an annotation of the given type or fill in the 'implementation' attribute. |
INMAFE0037 | The object type's qualified name must not be null. |
Explanation |
One of the arguments has a null value. |
Action |
Provide arguments with a valid value. |
INMAFE0038 | A classification's scheme must not be null. |
Explanation |
The classification has a null value. |
Action |
Provide a valid value for classification. |
INMAFE0039 | A classification's value must not be null. |
Explanation |
The classification has a null value. |
Action |
Provide a valid value for classification. |
INMAFE0040 | The object type's qualified name must not be null. |
Explanation |
The object type's qualified name has null value. |
Action |
Provide a valid value for object type's qualified name. |
INMAFE0041 | The classification schemes must not be null. |
Explanation |
The classification schemes have a null value. |
Action |
Provida a valid value for the classification schemes. |
INMAFE0042 | This object is unmodifiable. |
Explanation |
The object cannot be modified. |
Action |
Do not try to modify the object. |
INMAFE0043 | Unknown property {0} |
Explanation |
The property has unknown value. |
Action |
Provide a valid value for the property. |
INMAFE0044 | The IOC annotation of the field {0} has no ID or an empty ID. |
Explanation |
Some annotation has an empty ID or no ID. |
Action |
Provide a valid ID for the annotation. |
INMAFE0045 | The object to initialize must not be null. |
Explanation |
The initializer has a null value. |
Action |
Provide a valid value for the initializer. |
INMAFE0046 | The document must not be null. |
Explanation |
The document is null. |
Action |
Provide a valid value for the document. |
INMAFE0047 | The QName {0} is invalid, because it contains no terminating '}' character. |
Explanation |
The value argument has no enclosing '}' character. |
Action |
Make sure the value argument has an enclosing '}' character. |
INMAFE0049 | Expected {0} element, got {1} |
Explanation |
The element is different than expected. |
Action |
Make sure the element type is as expected. |
INMAFE0051 | Missing attribute for {0} |
Explanation |
The attribute has a null value. |
Action |
Provide a valid value for the attribute. |
INMAFE0052 | Invalid attribute {0} for element {1} |
Explanation |
The attribute has an invalid value. |
Action |
Provide a valid value for the attribute. |
INMAFE0054 | The attribute {0} for element {1} is using an invalid prefix: {2} |
Explanation |
Some of the attributes have an invalid prefix. |
Action |
Make sure the attribute has a valid prefix. |
INMAFE0056 | Missing attribute: {0} |
Explanation |
Attribute is missing. |
Action |
Provide attribute. |
INMAFE0057 | Empty attribute: {0} |
Explanation |
Attribute is missing. |
Action |
Provide attribute. |
INMAFE0058 | The class {0} doesn't implement {1} |
Explanation |
Wrong class provided. |
Action |
Provide a valid class. |
INMAFE0116 | Missing @RegistryObject annotation on persistent class {0} |
Explanation |
The processed class has no @RegistryObject annotation. As long as there is no such annotation the persistent class cannot be considered a RegistryBean and cannot be processed. |
Action |
Add a @RegistryObject annotation to the persistent class interface or use different RegistryBean. |
INMAFE0119 | The given registry bean is managed by another pool: {0} |
Explanation |
A registry bean instance can be managed by one bean pool only. For example it is not allowed to read a bean with one bean pool instance and update it with another. |
Action |
Check for multiple beanPool instances managing your registry beans. For a single thread, make one bean pool instance to handle the registry beans. |
INMAFE0121 | The given registry bean is not managed by the pool: {0} |
Explanation |
The registry bean is being used by a bean pool it does not belong to. |
Action |
Find and use the bean pool instance that this registry bean belongs to. For exmaple if a registry bean is read or created by one bean pool instance, this is the instance it belongs to and it cannot be managed by another one. |
INMAFE0123 | Missing information for attribute with name {0} of type {1} |
Explanation |
This attribute should have an attribute description but it does not. For example, attribute description is required for @Relationship , @DateAttribute and other attributes. |
Action |
When using @Relationship, @DateAttribute etc. an attributeName property must be specified, which corresponds to the name of an existing AttributeDescription. Either create new attribute description, or change the name of the attributeName property to an existing one. |
INMAFE0128 | The RegistryObject must be an association, but is a {0} |
Explanation |
The RegistryObject to be processed must be a javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Association. The method is trying to create a RegistryBean instance from a javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Association instance. |
Action |
Check the mapping of theRegistryBean that is being created for any inconsistencies. |
INMAFE0129 | AssociationTarget property of {0} is null. Association target cannot be null. |
Explanation |
While creating a javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Association instance from a registry bean Association instance. The target of the association must be present in order to create a javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Association. |
Action |
Set target for the association. |
INMAFE0130 | Unable to determine object type. Missing RegistryObject annotation for class {0}. |
Explanation |
Either the processed registry bean is not a registry bean at all, or it is missing its RegistryObject annotation. Without it the registry bean cannot be created and it is not considered a registry bean. |
Action |
Either use a different registry bean that has a RegistryObject annotation, or add the annotation in the used registry bean interface. |
INMAFE0131 | Missing concept with key {0}. |
Explanation |
The key that is specified is either wrong or does not belong to a concept instance. |
Action |
Use a different object type key for this annotation. |
INMAFE0132 | Missing concept with name {0} |
Explanation |
The name that is specified is either wrong or does not belong to a concept instance. |
Action |
Use a different object type name for this annotation. |
INMAFE0133 | The RegistryObject must be a classification. |
Explanation |
The registry object to be processed must be a javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Classification instance. |
Action |
Use a registry object that is an instance of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Classification. |
INMAFE0134 | ClassificationConcept property of {0} is null. The concept for internal classification cannot be null. |
Explanation |
The classification's concept property is not specified. |
Action |
Specify a concept for this classification. |
INMAFE0135 | Missing {0} annotation. {1} must be classified instance. |
Explanation |
The ClassifiedInstances annotation is missing. It must be present in order to create a ClassifiedInstances property. |
Action |
Add the ClassifiedInstances annotation to the registry bean. |
INMAFE0136 | {0} is not specified as ClassifiedInstance |
Explanation |
None of the bean interfaces is a classified instance in the ClassifiedInstances annotation's instances. |
Action |
Specify a bean interface as ClassifiedInstance. |
INMAFE0137 | Cannot find the required classification on {0} |
Explanation |
There is no corresponding classification for the given registry object. |
Action |
Provide the classification. |
INMAFE0138 | BeanInfo {0} for {1} must be instance of {2} |
Explanation |
The BeanInfo instance is not of type BackedBeanInfo. |
Action |
Make the BeanInfo an instance of BackedBeanInfo. |
INMAFE0139 | No setter found for property {0} in class {1} |
Explanation |
The name of the setter is different and a corresponding setter cannot be found in the jaxr representation of this registry bean. |
Action |
Change the name of the setter in the registry bean interface. |
INMAFE0140 | Missing type information for {0} |
Explanation |
The BeanType for this jaxr registry object cannot be found in the registry object model. It is not supported by CSAF. |
Action |
Add BeanType for the required jaxr registry object type in the registry object model. |
INMAFE0141 | Getter returns unexpected value type: {0} . Expected: Collection. For property: {1} in class: {2} |
Explanation |
The value returned by the getter method does not match the return type specified in the bean interface. |
Action |
Change the return type to collection or change the annotation used for this property. |
INMAFE0142 | No instance of SlotHandler registered for the type {0} |
Explanation |
None of the existing slot handlers handles the given property type. |
Action |
Add a slot handler or change the property type. |
INMAFE0143 | Expected RegistryObject of type javax.xml.registry.infomodel.User or javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization {0} |
Explanation |
The javax.xml.registry.infomodel.TelephoneNumbers support type can only be found in a javax.xml.registry.infomodel.User or javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization instance. |
Action |
Use a javax.xml.registry.infomodel.User or javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization instance for operations with javax.xml.registry.infomodel.TelephoneNumbers. |
INMAFE0144 | A Collection is expected {0} |
Explanation |
TelephoneNumbers is always a collection. Single property is not allowed. |
Action |
Use a collection of TelephoneNumbers. |
INMAFE0145 | Expected RegistryObject of type User or Organization RegistryBeans {0} |
Explanation |
The CSAF support type TelephoneNumbers can only be found in a User or Organization RegistryBean instance. |
Action |
Use a User or Organization RegistryBean instance for operations with CSAF TelephoneNumbers. |
INMAFE0146 | Beans to restore must be of BackedBeanInfo instance |
Explanation |
Only BackedBeanInfo instances can provide access to the underlying RegistryObject. |
Action |
Use BackedBeanInfo to provide access to the RegistryObject that is standing behind the RegistryBean. |
INMAFE0147 | Invalid bean mode |
Explanation |
The bean mode of a configuration can be BACKED or SIMPLE (has been deprecated). Any other bean mode set to the configuration will result in this exception. |
Action |
Set the bean mode of the configuration to BACKED. The BACKED constant is located under |
INMAFE0148 | The object to be read must be a RegistryObject instance: {0} |
Explanation |
The object to be read must be an instance of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.RegistryObject but is not. |
Action |
Read a different object that is of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.RegistryObject instance. |
INMAFE0149 | Unsupported value type passed: {0} |
Explanation |
The value type passed is not supported by this method and cannot be processed. |
Action |
Change the value Type or change the method you are using to process this value. For example, the toJaxrValue() method expects one of the support types defined in CSAF (EmailAddress, TelephoneNumbers etc.) and processes it to a JAXR support type , while the toBeanValue method does the opposite. |
INMAFE0150 | Missing type information for {0} |
Explanation |
No BeanType found in the registry object model for the given registry object. It is not supported by CSAF. |
Action |
Create a BeanType and add it to the registry object model for the given registry object type. |
INMAFE0151 | The BulkResponse collection must currently be java.util.List {0} |
Explanation |
The result method of the Search class always has to return a java.util.List object. |
Action |
Change the Search's BulkResponse collection to java.util.List. |
INMAFE0152 | Missing type information for {0} |
Explanation |
No BeanType found in the registry object model for the given registry object. It is not supported by CSAF. |
Action |
Create a BeanType and add it to the registry object model for the given registry object type. |
INMAFE0153 | Property is null, this kind of predicate is not allowed |
Explanation |
A predicate has bean created for a property that does not exist. |
Action |
Check the search criteria for wrong property names. |
INMAFE0154 | The given class: {0} is not supported |
Explanation |
No BeanType found for the given class in the registry object model. |
Action |
Add BeanType in the registry object model for the desired class. |
INMAFE0159 | Invalid attribute name. Attribute name must not contain a space or special characters. |
Explanation |
Creating a slot attribute with spaces or special characters in it's name is not allowed. |
Action |
Use camel case (example: SlotAttribute) or '_' (example: Slot_Attribute) in the name instead of space, or change the name in a different way that it does not contain spaces. |
INMAFE0160 | Invalid slot attribute data type. |
Explanation |
The data type passed when creating slot attribute is not supported. |
Action |
Change the data type to one that is supported. Constants with supported data types can be found in AttributeDescription class. |
INMAFE0161 | Unknown Error |
Explanation |
The error that has been thrown has unknown reasons. |
Action |
Contact your software supplier. |
INMAFE0162 | The parent concept must not be null. |
Explanation |
The Concept must have a parent. |
Action |
Add parent to the concept. |
INMAFE0163 | Invalid namespace prefix: {0} |
Explanation |
The namespace prefix is invalid. |
Action |
Change the namespace to a valid one. |
INMAFE0164 | Don't know how to handle skipped entity: {0} |
Explanation |
The Parser has encountered a skipped entity. CSAF does not support skipped entities. |
Action |
Exclude the skipped entities from the entity list. |
INMAFE0165 | Expected empty stack. |
Explanation |
The Parser has reached the end of the file, and its stack should be empty. |
Action |
Check the file for any inconsistencies or errors. |
INMAFE0166 | No getter for property {0} found in class {1} |
Explanation |
In order to access a RegistryBean property it must have a getter method. |
Action |
Provide a getter method for this RegistryBean property. In some cases the getter methods are not provided for a purpose. These RegistryBeans should be documented. |
INMAFE0167 | The method {0} in class {1} must be public, and neither static, nor abstract. |
Explanation |
There is a restriction that must be followed. |
Action |
Change the method to public and remove any static or abstract modifiers. |
INMAFE0168 | Failed to parse getter name: {0} |
Explanation |
A getter method follows a rule when created. It must begin with either get or is. Any other case will result in this exception. |
Action |
Rename the getter method so it follows the described rule. |
INMAFE0169 | The setter {0} in class {1} has return type {2} , not void. |
Explanation |
A setter method must have a void return type. |
Action |
Change the setter return type to void. |
INMAFE0170 | The method {0} in class {1} must be public, and not static. |
Explanation |
There is a restriction to this method, namely it must be public and not static. |
Action |
Follow the restriction. |
INMAFE0171 | Failed to parse method name: {0} |
Explanation |
The method must start with either get, set, has or is. This is necessary in order to be recognized by the parser so a property name can be extracted. |
Action |
Change the method name accordingly. |
INMAFE0172 | Illegal access to default constructor of class {0} : {1} |
Explanation |
Nested exception is thrown here. The constructor has to be called with an empty expression list, or check {1} for more information. |
Action |
Change the constructor accordingly. |
INMAFE0173 | Failed to instantiate class {0} : {1} |
Explanation |
Nested exception is thrown here. More details are found in {1} |
Action |
Handle according to the nested exception message. |
INMAFE0174 | Illegal access to default constructor of class {0} : {1} |
Explanation |
Nested exception is thrown here. The constructor has to be called with an empty expression list, or check {1} for more information. |
Action |
Change the constructor accordingly. |
INMAFE0175 | Failed to instantiate class {0} : {1} |
Explanation |
Nested exception is thrown here. More details are found in {1} |
Action |
Handle according to the nested exception message. |
INMAFE0176 | Failed to invoke constructor of class {0} : {1} |
Explanation |
Nested Exception. See {1} for more information. |
Action |
Handle the case according to information in {1}. |
INMAFE0177 | No field named {0} found in class {1} or any of its superclasses. |
Explanation |
The desired field is not present in the class, nor in any of the superclasses. |
Action |
Provide the missing field, or change the field name being searched. |
INMAFE0178 | Illegal access to field {0} in class {1} : {2} |
Explanation |
Nested Exception thrown, see {2} for more details. |
Action |
Handle according to the information in {2}. |
INMAFE0179 | Failed to load the class named {0}. |
Explanation |
The class with the given name was not found. |
Action |
Provide the missing class. |
INMAFE0180 | Invalid property specification: {0} |
Explanation |
The property has opening bracket [ but no closing bracket ]. |
Action |
Provide the closing bracket ] . |
INMAFE0181 | Invalid property specification: {0} |
Explanation |
The property was not specified correctly. |
Action |
Make sure that the property follows all rules. |
INMAFE0182 | No list was returned for property specification {0} |
Explanation |
This property is expected to return a list. |
Action |
Check the property for any inconsistencies. |
INMAFE0183 | No add method found for property {0} in class {1} |
Explanation |
The property must correspond to an add method, but it doesn't. |
Action |
Provide an add method, change the property or check the property for inconsistencies. |
INMAFE0184 | No remove method found for property {0} in class {1} |
Explanation |
The property must correspond to a remove method, but it doesn't. |
Action |
Provide a remove method, change the property or check the property for inconsistencies. |
INMAFE0185 | A fixed registry object's description cannot be changed. |
Explanation |
This registry object description cannot be changed. |
Action |
Don't attempt to change a fixed registry object's description. |
INMAFE0186 | The interface {0} doesn't have its implementation attribute set in the {1} annotation. |
Explanation |
Each interface bean needs to specify its implementation class. |
Action |
Please use correct value for the annotation attribute. |
INMAFE0187 | The key must not be null. |
Explanation |
Each key must have a non-null id value. |
Action |
Provide non-empty, unique key value. |
INMAFE0188 | The concept key must point to a Concept: {0} |
Explanation |
Classifications can only ne based on concepts. |
Action |
Make sure that the Classification's concept key is actually pointing to a Concept registry object. |
INMAFE0189 | The registry object type key must point to a Concept from the ObjectType taxonomy: {0} |
Explanation |
The required object needs to be a child of the "ObjectType" taxonomy. |
Action |
Make sure that object type key points to a Concept from the ObjectType taxonomy (Classification Scheme). |
INMAFE0190 | The association type key must point to a Concept from the AssociationType taxonomy: {0} |
Explanation |
The required object needs to be a child of the "AssociationType" taxonomy. |
Action |
Make sure that association type key points to a Concept from the AssociationType taxonomy (Classification Scheme). |
INMAFE0191 | The property is null. |
Explanation |
The getMapper() method requires a non-null property argument. |
Action |
Make sure the property is available. |
INMAFE0192 | No property mapper found for Property {0} |
Explanation |
The property mapper for the desired property does not exist. |
Action |
Make sure that a suitable property mapper is available for this property. |
INMAFE0193 | Wrong value type passed. Expected Collection<com.softwareag.centrasite.appl.framework.beans.standard.TelephoneNumber> |
Explanation |
The method requires an argument of type "Collection". |
Action |
Make sure the correct value type is used. |
INMAFE0194 | Cannot parse string to long(timestamp) {0} |
Explanation |
The given value does not match the syntax rules for long numeric values. |
Action |
Expected long numeric value. |
INMAFE0195 | Cannot parse date string {0} |
Explanation |
The given value does not match the syntax rules for dates. |
Action |
Make sure the string is in the proper date format. |
INMAFE0196 | Unsupported value passed: {0}. String value expected: either {namespace}localPart or localPart only. |
Explanation |
The method expects a vlue of type "String". |
Action |
Please provide the correct value. |
INMAFE0197 | Unsupported value type {0} |
Explanation |
The KeyPredicate value type must be one of "String", "Key", or "RegistryBean". |
Action |
Please provide a valid value. |
INMAFE0198 | Unable to create predicate for : {0}. Check the passed sequence and try again. |
Explanation |
The values specified for the predicate cannot be properly converted to a query criterion. |
Action |
Please provide a valid predicate. |
INMAFE0199 | The given object is not a RegistryObject. |
Explanation |
The method requires a RegistryObject parameter. |
Action |
Please provide the correct object. |
INMAFE0200 | Given object is not Classification: {0} |
Explanation |
The method requires a Classification object. |
Action |
Please provide a valid Classification object. |
INMAFE0201 | Unsupported collection. Should be java.util.List or java.util.Set. |
Explanation |
The method requires a parameter of type List or Set. |
Action |
Please provide a collection of valid type. |
INMAFE0202 | Only attributes of type Slot can be indexed. |
Explanation |
Index definitions are only possible for Slot attributes. |
Action |
Use an attribute of valid type. |
INMAFE0203 | Value and forward label must not be null. |
Explanation |
When creating a new association type it is mandatory to specify a value and a forward label. |
Action |
Correct the application program. |
INMAFE0204 | Object type to be generated not found: {0} |
Explanation |
The object type name specified when calling the RegistryBeanGenerator does not exist. |
Action |
Specify an existing type name. |
INMAFE0205 | Invalid object ({0}) passed to delete operation |
Explanation |
The delete operation only accepts RegistryBean instances. In particular, NULL pointers are rejected. |
Action |
Call the delete operation with correct RegistryBean instances. |