E_assertionNotFound30000 – Signifies that a particular publisher assertion (consisting of two businessKey values, and a keyed reference with three components) cannot be identified in a save or delete operation. | |
Explanation |
The specified publisher assertion does not exist in the registry. |
Action |
Please make sure the publisher assertion exists before deleting or updating it. |
E_authTokenRequired10120AUTH – The authentication token value is missing in the authInfo argument of the UDDI request. | |
Explanation |
The authInfo element is not present in the UDDI request. CentraSite requires the authInfo element to be present in the request with a valid authToken. |
Action |
Please make sure that authInfo is present in UDDI request. |
E_authTokenRequired10120DEF – Signifies that an invalid authentication token was passed to an API call that requires authentication. | |
Explanation |
The authentication token passed is not valid. |
Action |
Please fetch the authentication token using get_authToken API and use it in the API. |
E_authTokenRequired10120INVAUTH – The authentication token value {0} passed in the authInfo argument of the UDDI request is not valid. | |
Explanation |
The authentication token passed is not valid. |
Action |
Please fetch the authentication token again using get_authToken API and use it in the API. |
E_fatalError10500 – {0} | |
Explanation |
Fatal error occurred while processing the request. |
Action |
Please retry and make sure the UDDI request is valid. |
E_fatalError10500APPDOWN – UDDI application not properly initialized. Please try restarting the CentraSite server. | |
Explanation |
UDDI application received UDDI API calls before the UDDI web application initialized properly. |
Action |
Restart the CentraSite server. |
E_fatalError10500CUSTOWN – Custody and Ownership Transfer API calls are not supported when security policy is Deactivated | |
Explanation |
CentraSite needs a security policy to be activated for processing the Custody and Ownership Transfer API. |
Action |
Please activate a security policy. |
E_fatalError10500INFOSEL – Attribute infoSelection is not present in request. | |
Explanation |
The get_registeredInfo API requires the infoSelection attribute. If it is not present in the request then this error will occur. |
Action |
Please make sure the infoSelection attribute is present in the get_registeredInfo request. |
E_fatalError10500INVFINDGET – Invalid find_xx or get_xx api specified in the subscriptionFilter | |
Explanation |
The subscriptionFilter does not contain the valid UDDI v3 subscription filter. |
Action |
Please make sure the subscription filter in the save_subscription request is valid. |
E_fatalError10500KREFNATB – KeyedReference does not contain required attribute. | |
Explanation |
The KeyedReference should contain the keyValue attribute. |
Action |
Please make sure the keyedReference in the request has attribute keyValue. |
E_fatalError10500MISCFAT – Saving subscription failed due to internal registry error. | |
Explanation |
Internal registry error. |
Action |
Please retry the request. |
E_fatalError10500MSE – Search limit exceeded, maximum allowed is {0}. Contact node operator to increase the search limit. | |
Explanation |
Maximum search limit reached. |
Action |
Please reduce the number of search keys in the inquiry request or increase the search limit via the System Management Hub. |
E_fatalError10500PERF – Performance metrics with key {0} cannot be saved. Please make sure Performance Log is enabled in SMH. | |
Explanation |
The user is trying to save performance metrics, but the performance log is disabled in SMH. Performance metrics will be saved only if the performance log is enabled in SMH. |
Action |
Please make sure the performance log is enabled in SMH. |
E_fatalError10500SUBKEXP – The subscription with subscriptionKey {0} has expired. Please renew this subscription. | |
Explanation |
The subscription has expired as the specified expiration date has been reached. |
Action |
Please renew the subscription by saving it with a new expiration date. |
E_invalidCombination40500QUA – The combination of Qualifiers is not allowed | |
Explanation |
Invalid find qualifier combinations were found in the request. |
Action |
Please make sure the combination of find qualifiers present in the inquiry request is valid. The invalid combinations are: andAllKeys, orAllKeys and orLikeKeys are mutually exclusive; sortByNameAsc and sortByNameDesc are mutually exclusive; sortByDateAsc and sortByDateDesc are mutually exclusive; combineCategoryBags, serviceSubset and bindingSubset are mutually exclusive; exactMatch and approximateMatch are mutually exclusive; exactMatch and caseInsensitiveMatch are mutually exclusive; binarySort and UTS-10 are mutually exclusive, as are all collation algorithm tModels with each other; diacriticSensitiveMatch and diacriticInsensitiveMatch are mutually exclusive; exactMatch and diacriticInsensitiveMatch are mutually exclusive; caseSensitiveSort and caseInsensitiveSort are mutually exclusive; caseSensitiveMatch and caseInsensitiveMatch are mutually exclusive. |
E_invalidCompletionStatus30100 – {0} is not a valid completion status. | |
Explanation |
An invalid value was passed for completion status argument. Valid completion status are status:complete, status:fromKey_incomplete, status:toKey_incomplete and status:both_incomplete. |
Action |
Please provide a proper completion status. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210 – No matching key found in the registry for {0}. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain any UDDI entity with the key specified in the UDDI request. |
Action |
Please make sure the key specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210BEBEK – Could not find the business entity corresponding to the business key. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain any business entity with the key specified in the UDDI request. |
Action |
Please make sure the business key specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210BEBK – Could not find the business service corresponding to the binding key {0}. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain a business service corresponding to the service key specified in the binding template. |
Action |
Please make sure the service key specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210BEMAT – No businessEntity in the UDDI registry matched the key {0}. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain any business entity with the key specified in the UDDI request. |
Action |
Please make sure the business key specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210BKBE – Tried to get a businessEntity with key {0}, but key did not match with any existing businessEntities. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain any business entity with the business key specified in the UDDI request. |
Action |
Please make sure the business entity with the specified business key exists in CentraSite. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210BKINV – BusinessKey invalid. | |
Explanation |
The BusinessKey specified in the request is invalid. |
Action |
Please make sure the specified businessKey is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210BKMAT – No bindingTemplate in the UDDI registry matched the key {0}. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain a binding template with the key specified in the UDDI request. |
Action |
Please make sure the binding key specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210BSMAT – No businessService in the UDDI registry matched the key {0}. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain a business service with the key specified in the UDDI request. |
Action |
Please make sure the service key specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210BSNE – A businessService with key {0} does not exist. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain a business service with the key specified in the UDDI request. |
Action |
Please make sure the service key specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210BSNF – Could not find the businessService corresponding to the service key {0} | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain a business service corresponding to the service key specified in the binding template. |
Action |
Please make sure the service key specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210BT – The bindingKey of the bindingTemplate to save does not match any existing bindingTemplate in the UDDI registry. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain a binding template with the key specified in the UDDI request. |
Action |
Please make sure the binding key specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210BTNF – Could not find the binding Template corresponding to the binding key {0} | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain a binding template with the key specified in the UDDI request. |
Action |
Please make sure the binding key specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210BTSK – The bindingTemplate to save does not contain a serviceKey. | |
Explanation |
The binding template to be saved does not contain the service key required for this binding template. The service key has to be specified when saving a binding template. |
Action |
Please specify a valid service key in the UDDI request. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210CAT – Invalid tModelKey in categoryBag. | |
Explanation |
The category bag should contain keyedReference/KeyedReferenceGroups with valid values for tModelKey and KeyValue. |
Action |
Please specify valid values for tModelKey/KeyValue in the category bag. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210DBE – Tried to delete a businessEntity with key {0}, but key did not match with any existing businessEntities. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain any business entity with the business key specified in the delete request. |
Action |
Please make sure the business key specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210DEF – Signifies that the uuid_key value passed did not match with any known key values. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain any UDDI entity with the key specified in the UDDI request. |
Action |
Please make sure the key specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210DELSUB – Tried to delete a subscription with key {0}, but key did not match with any existing subscriptions. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain any subscription with the key specified in the delete request. |
Action |
Please make sure the key specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210EMTTMBAG – Tmodel bag is empty | |
Explanation |
TModelBag cannot be empty, but the UDDI request contains an empty tModelBag. |
Action |
Please make sure tModelBag contains the required values. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210FRMK – No businessEntity in the UDDI registry matched the fromKey {0} | |
Explanation |
The fromKey specified in the add_publisherAssertion request is either invalid, or no business entity matched the fromKey. |
Action |
Please make sure the fromKey specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210HIDTM – Tried to delete a tModel with key {0} which is not hidden. | |
Explanation |
Hidden Tmodels cannot be deleted. |
Action |
Hidden tModels cannot be deleted. Please update the tModel and delete it. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210IBAG – Invalid tModelKey in identifierBag. | |
Explanation |
The identifier bag should contain keyedReference/KeyedReferenceGroups with valid values for tModelKey and KeyValue. |
Action |
Please specify valid values for tModelKey/KeyValue in the identifier bag. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210INVKEY – The Key {0} is invalid. | |
Explanation |
The specified key is not valid. |
Action |
Please make sure the key is valid according to the UDDI standard. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210INVTMK – Invalid tModelKey {0}. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain a TModel with the key specified in the UDDI request. |
Action |
Please specify a valid tModelKey in the UDDI request. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210KBAGK – key {0} passed in the key bag does not match any businessEntity or tModel. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain a business entity or tModel with the key specified in key bag of the discard_transferToken request. |
Action |
Please specify a valid business key or tModel key in the key bag. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210KREF – KeyedReference should be passed ! | |
Explanation |
The publisher assertion should contain a keyedReference and it is missing in the UDDI request. |
Action |
Please specify a KeyedReference for the publisher assertion. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210MITS – Multiple instances of the same {0} {1} were passed. | |
Explanation |
Keys should be unique for all UDDI entities. The UDDI request contains an existing UDDI entity key. |
Action |
Please provide a unique key for the UDDI entity. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210MREF – The tModelKey cannot have multiple references to be deleted. | |
Explanation |
Multiple references of a tModelKey were specified in the UDDI request. |
Action |
Please make sure that a single reference exists for a single tModelKey in the request. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210NBE – Tried to update a businessEntity with key {0}, but no businessEntity in the UDDI registry matched the key. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain any business entity with the business key specified in the save request. |
Action |
Please make sure the business key specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210NULTM – Tried to delete a tModel with key, but the key did not match with any existing tModel or it is null. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain any TModel with the key specified in the delete request. |
Action |
Please make sure the key specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210OPINFMAT – No OperationalInfo in the UDDI registry matched the key {0}. | |
Explanation |
The operational info cannot be found for the given key. |
Action |
Please make sure the key specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210PAINV – The Publisher Assigned Key {0} is not a valid key. | |
Explanation |
The key provided for the UDDI entity by the publisher is not valid. |
Action |
Please specify the key according to the UDDI standard |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210PANAL – The Publisher Assigned Key is not allowed. | |
Explanation |
The user is not allowed to assign keys for the UDDI entity (CentraSite object). |
Action |
Save the UDDI entity without assigning a key to it. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210SUBMAT – No subscription in the UDDI registry matched the key {0}. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain any subscription with the key specified in the delete request. |
Action |
Please make sure the key specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210SUBNE – The subscription having subscriptionKey as {0} does not exist. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain any subscription with the key specified in the delete request. |
Action |
Please make sure the key specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210TMIBK – Invalid tModelKey in tModelInstanceInfo for BindingKey {0}. | |
Explanation |
The specified binding template does not contain a valid tModelKey in tModelInstanceInfo. |
Action |
Please make sure the tModelKey specified in tModelInstanceInfo of the binding template is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210TMKN – TModelvalue should not be null ! | |
Explanation |
The key value of KeyedReference does not contain a valid value. |
Action |
Please specify a valid key value for the KeyedReference. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210TMKNF – No matching tmodelkey was found. Please check that the tModelKey is of relationship type. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain a tModel with the key specified in the UDDI request. |
Action |
The tModelKey of the keyedReference in the publisher assertion must be the key of the uddi-org:relationships tModel. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210TMKREF – tModelKey not specified in one of the keyedReferenceGroup. | |
Explanation |
The tModel key has to be specified for all KeyedReferenceGroups. |
Action |
Please specify a valid tModel key for all KeyedReferenceGroups. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210TMMAT – No tModel in the UDDI registry matched the key {0}. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain a tModel with the key specified in the UDDI request. |
Action |
Please specify a valid tModel key in the UDDI request. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210TMNF – The specified tModelkey {0} cannot be found. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain a TModel with the key specified in the UDDI request. |
Action |
Please specify a valid tModelKey in the UDDI request. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210TOK – No businessEntity in the UDDI registry matched the toKey {0} | |
Explanation |
The toKey specified in the add_publisherAssertion request is either invalid or no business entity matched the toKey. |
Action |
Please make sure the toKey specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210USUBK – Tried to update a subscription with key {0}, but no subscription in the UDDI registry matched the key. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain any subscription with the key specified in the delete request. |
Action |
Please make sure the key specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidKeyPassed10210UTM – Tried to update a TModel with key {0}, but no TModel in the UDDI registry matched the key. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain a TModel with the key specified in the UDDI request. |
Action |
Please specify a valid tModelKey in the UDDI request. |
E_invalidProjection20230 – No businessService with service key {0} exists in the UDDI registry. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain a business service with the key specified in the UDDI request. |
Action |
Please make sure the service key specified in the request is valid. |
E_invalidTime40030 – Invalid time period specified or the date/time pair is invalid. | |
Explanation |
The date/time provided in the UDDI request is not valid. |
Action |
Please provide the date/time in the format specified in UDDI specification. |
E_invalidValue20200EXPAFTDAT – The specified expiresAfter date value is incorrect | |
Explanation |
The specified expiresAfter value for the subscription is not in the proper format. |
Action |
Please provide expiresAfter in the proper format. |
E_invalidValue20200EXPAFTVAL – expiresAfter has a value older than the current date/time. | |
Explanation |
The expiresAfter element of the subscription denotes when the subscription will expire. However, the value specified in the expiresAfter element is older than the current time. |
Action |
Please provide a newer date/time value than the current time for the expiresAfter attribute. |
E_invalidValue20200INV – {0} is not a valid value | |
Explanation |
The specified attribute does not contain a valid value in the UDDI request. |
Action |
Please provide a valid value. |
E_invalidValue20200INVVAL – Invalid Value: {0} | |
Explanation |
The key value of the relationship KeyedReference is invalid. |
Action |
Please provide a valid key value. |
E_invalidValue20200KNAMNUL – keyName and keyValue should be specified for {0} keyedReference | |
Explanation |
In UDDI, the keyedReference with tModelKey “uddi:uddi.org:categorization:general_keywords or uuid:A035A07C-F362-44dd-8F95-E2B134BF43B4” has different behavior. Unchecked value sets can be specified using this KeyedReference. Since this is unchecked, the value sets keyName and KeyValue are mandatory. |
Action |
Please provide a value for KeyName and the KeyValue attribute of the uddi-org:general_keywords KeyedReference. |
E_invalidValue20200KVALINV – The attribute keyValue {0} for keyedReference {1} failed validation. | |
Explanation |
Validation failed for the KeyedReference as it does not contain a proper key value. |
Action |
Please provide valid key value. |
E_invalidValue20200KVALNUL – The attribute keyValue should not be null for a keyedReference. | |
Explanation |
KeyValue is a mandatory attribute and it should contain a valid value. |
Action |
Please provide a value for the KeyValue attribute of KeyedReference. |
E_invalidValue20200MAXENT – maxEntities has a negative value. | |
Explanation |
The maxEntities attribute of the subscription should contain a positive number. |
Action |
Please provide a positive value for the maxEntities attribute. |
E_invalidValue20200NOVAL – For asynchronous subscription, both the bindingKey and notificationInterval values should be specified | |
Explanation |
To identify whether a subscription is asynchronous or synchronous, the elements bindingKey and notificationInterval are used. Element bindingKey is used to identify to which web service/email address the notification has to be sent. Element notificationInterval is used to identify how often the notification has to be sent. Both elements are required for asynchronous subscription. |
Action |
Please provide values for the bindingKey and notificationInterval attributes for asynchronous subscription. |
E_invalidValue20200NTFINT – {0} is not a valid value for notification interval. | |
Explanation |
The notificationInterval attribute has to be specified in xsd:duration format. |
Action |
Please provide notificationInterval attribute in xsd:duration format. |
E_tokenAlreadyExists40070 – Token Generated for key {0} has expired or the token is already occupied for the specified entities. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite already generated a transfer token for the specified entities. |
Action |
Please re-generate the token or use the existing token for the specified entities. |
E_transferNotAllowed40600DEF – Transfer Not Allowed!! | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not allow this transfer. The specified transfer token is not present in CentraSite. It might be discarded. |
Action |
Transfer of the entities are not allowed |
E_transferNotAllowed40600DNE – TransferToken does not exist. | |
Explanation |
The specified transfer token does not exist in CentraSite. It might be invalid or discarded. |
Action |
Please generate new transfer token. |
E_transferNotAllowed40600INV – Transfer not allowed. Custody (Operator) or ownership are not same. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not allow the entities to be transferred if the owners or operator are not the same. |
Action |
Operator and ownership must be the same to transfer entities. |
E_transferNotAllowed40600TCBE – Transfer the custody of this businessEntity {0} to the node {1} on which it is modified. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not support transferring the node businessEntity. |
Action |
The transfer is not allowed for this business entity. |
E_transferNotAllowed40600TCBS – Transfer the custody of this businessService {0} to the node {1} on which it is modified. | |
Explanation |
The node of the businessService does not match the CentraSite node businessEntity. |
Action |
Transfer is not allowed for this businessService. |
E_transferNotAllowed40600TCBT – Transfer the custody of this bindingTemplate {0} to the node {1} on which it is modified. | |
Explanation |
The node of the bindingTemplate does not match the CentraSite node businessEntity. |
Action |
Transfer is not allowed for this bindingTemplate. |
E_transferNotAllowed40600TCTM – Transfer the custody of this tModel {0} to the node {1} on which it is modified. | |
Explanation |
The node of the tModel does not match the CentraSite node businessEntity. |
Action |
Transfer is not allowed for this tModel. |
E_transferNotAllowed40600TTNEX – This TransferToken does not exist. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain the specified transfer token. |
Action |
Please fetch a new transfer token. |
E_unknownUser10150ID – User ID {0} and password pair passed in a get_authToken API is unknown to the UDDI node or is not valid. | |
Explanation |
A user ID in the get_authToken request is mandatory, but the userId element in the get_authTokenRequest request is null. |
Action |
Please provide a valid user ID and password in the get_authToken request. |
E_unknownUser10150PASS – User ID and password {0} pair passed in a get_authToken API is unknown to the UDDI node or is not valid. | |
Explanation |
The cred element in the get_authToken request is mandatory, but the cred element in the get_authTokenRequest request is null. |
Action |
Please provide a valid user ID and password in the get_authToken request. |
E_unrecognizedVersion10040 – Namespace {0} is unsupported by the node being queried. | |
Explanation |
The request is not a valid UDDI request or the request cannot be processed by CentraSite. |
Action |
Please provide a valid UDDI request as defined in the UDDI specification. |
E_unsupported10050 – Feature {0} is not supported. | |
Explanation |
The request is not a valid UDDI request or the request cannot be processed by CentraSite. |
Action |
Please provide a valid UDDI request as defined in the UDDI specification. |
E_unsupported10050AUTH – authInfo element present in get_assertionStatusReport element is required. | |
Explanation |
Authorization is required to process the get_assertionStatusReport call. |
Action |
Please provide an authInfo element with a proper authToken in the get_assertionStatusReport call. Please fetch the authToken using a get_authToken call. |
E_unsupported10050INVFINDGET – Invalid find_xx or get_xx api specified in the subscriptionFilter or some part of the subscription to be saved is invalid. | |
Explanation |
The subscription filter for the subscription is not valid. |
Action |
Please provide the subscription filter for the subscription according to the UDDI specification. |
E_unsupported10050INVFQ – {0} is not a valid find qualifier value in version {1}. | |
Explanation |
The provided find qualifier is not valid. The valid qualifiers can be found in UDDI specification. |
Action |
Please provide find qualifiers compliant with the UDDI specification. |
E_unsupported10050NINV – The notification interval specified is less than {0}. Please increase the notification interval. | |
Explanation |
UDDI configuration parameter UDDIMinimalNotificationInterval specified the minimal notification interval that the UDDI engine can handle. If the given value is less than the UDDIMinimalNotification interval then this error will occur. |
Action |
Please increase the notification interval |
E_unsupported10050QUA – This Qualifier is not allowed with FindBinding Inquiry API. | |
Explanation |
The find qualifiers binarySort, bindingSubset, caseInsensitiveSort, caseSensitiveSort, combineCategoryBags, sortByNameAsc, sortByNameDesc, serviceSubset and suppressProjectedServices are not supported in the find_binding call. |
Action |
Please specify find qualifiers other than binarySort, bindingSubset, caseInsensitiveSort, caseSensitiveSort, combineCategoryBags, sortByNameAsc, sortByNameDesc, serviceSubset and suppressProjectedServices for the find_binding call. |
E_unsupported10050QUARELB – This Qualifier is not allowed with FindRelatedBusinesses Inquiry API. | |
Explanation |
The find qualifiers andAllKeys, bindingSubset, combineCategoryBags, orAllKeys, orLikeKeys, serviceSubset and suppressProjectedServices are not supported in the find_relatedBusinesses call. |
Action |
Please specify find qualifiers other than andAllKeys, bindingSubset, combineCategoryBags, orAllKeys, orLikeKeys, serviceSubset and suppressProjectedServices for the find_relatedBusinesses call. |
E_unsupported10050QUARSER – This Qualifier is not allowed with FindService Inquiry API. | |
Explanation |
The serviceSubset find qualifier is not supported in the find_service call. |
Action |
Please remove the serviceSubset find qualifier from the find_service request. |
E_unsupported10050QUARTM – This Qualifier is not allowed with FindTModel Inquiry API. | |
Explanation |
The find qualifiers bindingSubset, combineCategoryBags, serviceSubset and suppressProjectedServices are not supported in the find_tModel call. |
Action |
Please specify find qualifiers other than bindingSubset, combineCategoryBags, serviceSubset and suppressProjectedServices for the find_tModel call. |
E_unvalidatable20220UNVALID – The referenced tModel has been marked unvalidatable. | |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not allow an unvalidatable KeyedReference to be present in the UDDI request. |
Action |
The specified tModel cannot be used in the keyedReference. |
E_userMismatch10140 – Signifies that an attempt was made to use the publishing API to change data that is controlled by another party. | |
Explanation |
An access violation exception occurred as the user tried to modify a UDDI entity owner by another user. |
Action |
Please make sure proper permissions are assigned to the user to update the entity. |
E_userMismatch10140DELSUBUSR – Tried to delete a subscription that is controlled by another individual. | |
Explanation |
An access violation exception occurred as the user tried to delete the subscription owned by another user. |
Action |
Please provide the authToken of the user who owns the subscription. |
E_userMismatch10140DIFSUB – The owner of the subscription is different. | |
Explanation |
The subscription is not owned by the specified user. |
Action |
Please provide the authToken of the user who owns the subscription. |
E_userMismatch10140FRMTOK – USER-MISMATCH for publisherAssertion fromKey {0} and toKey {1}. | |
Explanation |
The user should own the business specified in fromKey or toKey. |
Action |
Please provide the business key owned by the user either in fromKey or in toKey. |
E_userMismatch10140PBE – You are not authorized to publish a businessEntity. | |
Explanation |
The user does not have permission to create a business in CentraSite. |
Action |
Please make sure the user has permission to create a business in CentraSite. |
E_userMismatch10140TT – You are not authorized to get the TransferToken for the key {0} which is owned by another publisher. | |
Explanation |
The transfer token for an entity can be fetched by the user who owns the entity. Transfer token for the entities which the user does not own cannot be fetched. |
Action |
Please provide the key of the owned UDDI entity. |
E_userMismatch10140UEK – Tried to update the {0} {1} that is controlled by another individual. | |
Explanation |
The user does not own or does not have permission to update the UDDI entity. |
Action |
Make sure the user has permission to update the UDDI entity, or make sure the user owns the UDDI entity. |
E_userMismatch10140USUBUSR – Tried to update the subscription with key {0}, that is controlled by another individual. | |
Explanation |
The subscription is not owned by the specified user. |
Action |
Please provide the authToken of the user who owns the subscription. |
E_valueNotAllowed20210NODE – This checked category system is only permitted to be used by the node itself. | |
Explanation |
The node business cannot be updated by the user. |
Action |
The node business cannot be updated by the user. |
UDDIE00002 | No businessKey was defined |
Explanation |
Keys have to be specified to fetch the details. |
Action |
Please provide keys in the UDDI request to fetch the details. |
UDDIE00005 | At least keyBag or transferToken should be specified |
Explanation |
The discard_transferToken request is not valid. It has to be according to the UDDI v3 specification. |
Action |
Please specify transferToken to discard it. |
UDDIE00006 | The value of the attribute maxRows is not a valid number. |
Explanation |
The value for the maxRows attribute in the UDDI request should be a number. |
Action |
Please specify an integer value for the maxRows attribute in the UDDI request. |
UDDIE00007 | {0} is not a valid find qualifier value in version {1}. |
Explanation |
The find qualifier is not supported in the specified version. |
Action |
Please specify find qualifiers corresponding to the UDDI version. |
UDDIE00008 | No entityKey was defined |
Explanation |
Keys have to be specified to fetch the operationa info. |
Action |
Please provide keys in the get_operationalInfo request to fetch the operational information. |
UDDIE00011 | Publisher assertions are null |
Explanation |
The add_publisherAssertions, delete_publisherAssertions and set_publisherAssertions requests should have publisher assertions in them. |
Action |
Please add the publisherAssertions element in add_publisherAssertions, delete_publisherAssertions and set_publisherAssertions requests. |
UDDIE00012 | Exactly one BusinessKey must be defined. |
Explanation |
Either fromKey, toKey or businessKey should be specified. |
Action |
Please specify a value for the toKey or fromKey or businessKey attribute of the find_relatedBusiness call. |
UDDIE00013 | Only one keyedReference element may be defined in a find_relatedBusinesses message. |
Explanation |
The publisher assertion should contain only one keyedReference element. |
Action |
Please provide one KeyedReference in the find_relatedBusiness call. |
UDDIE00014 | {0} is not a valid UUID. |
Explanation |
The specified key is not valid. |
Action |
Please make sure the key is valid according to the UDDI standard. |
UDDIE00015 | The specified names are not valid for version |
Explanation |
The names are not specified according to the UDDI specification. |
Action |
Please specify valid names. |
UDDIE00016 | Only one key may be defined |
Explanation |
Multiple keys are defined for the UDDI entity. |
Action |
Please specify a single key for the UDDI entity. |
UDDIE00017 | The fromKey element is mandatory in a publisherAssertion document |
Explanation |
The fromKey element does not contain a valid value. |
Action |
Please provide values for the fromKey element in the publisherAssertion element. |
UDDIE00018 | The toKey element is mandatory in a publisherAssertion document |
Explanation |
The toKey element does not contain valid value. |
Action |
Please provide values for the toKey element in the publisherAssertion element. |
UDDIE00019 | The keyedReference element is mandatory in a publisherAssertion document |
Explanation |
The keyedReference element does not contain valid value. |
Action |
Please provide values for the keyedReference element in the publisher assertion element. |
UDDIE00020 | The keyedReference element in a publisherAssertion must be defined exactly one time |
Explanation |
The publisher assertion should contain only one keyedReference element. |
Action |
Please provide one KeyedReference in the publisher assertion element. |
UDDIE00022 | {0} is not a valid findQualifier value |
Explanation |
Provided findQualifier is not valid. The valid qualifiers can be found in UDDI specification. |
Action |
Please provide findQualifiers according to the UDDI specification |
UDDIE00024 | The string representation may not be empty. |
Explanation |
A value for the element in the UDDI request is not according to the UDDI specification. |
Action |
Please make sure the UDDI request is valid according to UDDI specification. |
UDDIE00025 | A tag of the language code must have at least one character and no more than eight characters. |
Explanation |
A value for the language code in the UDDI request does not comply with the UDDI specification. |
Action |
Please make sure the UDDI request is valid according to UDDI specification. |
UDDIE00026 | A language code may only contain ASCII alphanumerics. |
Explanation |
A value for the language code in the UDDI request does not comply with the UDDI specification. |
Action |
Please make sure the UDDI request is valid according to UDDI specification. |
UDDIE00027 | Could not authenticate the user {0} |
Explanation |
The user specified in the UDDI request is not valid. |
Action |
Please specify a valid CentraSite user. |
UDDIE00042 | {0} does not represent a businessKey. |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain any business entity with the specified key. |
Action |
Please make sure the business key specified in the request is valid. |
UDDIE00043 | No businessKey in the registry matches the key {0}. |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain any business entity with the specified key. |
Action |
Please make sure the business key specified in the request is valid. |
UDDIE00045 | No entity in the registry matches the key {0}. |
Explanation |
CentraSite does not contain any UDDI entity with the specified key. |
Action |
Please make sure the key specified in the request is valid. |
UDDIE00047 | The value of maxRows parameter is not a valid number. |
Explanation |
The value for the maxRows attribute in the UDDI request should be a number. |
Action |
Please specify an integer value for the maxRows attribute in the UDDI request. |
UDDIE00049 | The contact {0} already exists. Please specify a different contact. |
Explanation |
The specified contact already exists in the CentraSite. A contact cannot be present in multiple businesses |
Action |
Please make sure the contact is not present in any other business |
UDDIE00050 | The value of maxEntities parameter is not valid |
Explanation |
The maxEntities attribute of the subscription should contain an valid non-negative number. |
Action |
Please provide valid non-negative number for the maxEntities attribute. |