Version 9.6
 —  Access via UDDI  —

Overview of the UDDI Standard

UDDI (Universal Description Discovery & Integration) is a platform-independent standard, maintained by the OASIS consortium (, that describes a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) registry and its interfaces. UDDI allows clients to discover registered businesses (organizations or providers) and the web services they provide. UDDI also provides programming interfaces to create and update the stored registry information.

The UDDI data model defines the following entity types:

Entity Type Description
businessEntity Represents a business.
businessService Represents one or more web services provided by a business.
bindingTemplate Describes how to use a web service.
tModel Categorizes a web service type.
publisherAssertion Represents a relationship between two business entities.

UDDI defines a set of APIs for accessing and modifying the data stored in the registry.

These APIs include:

In addition, the UDDI specification defines the following client API set:

For full information, the specification of the current UDDI version and of previous versions is available at

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