Version 9.6
 —  Access via UDDI  —

Using Third-Party IDE Tools with CentraSite


An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) tool for Web services is a user interface provided by any vendor that enables you to publish (submit data) and inquire (search data) in any UDDI registry. CentraSite supports any IDE tool that complies with WSDL and UDDIV3 or UDDIV2 inquiry and publish semantics. Using IDE tools with CentraSite, you can publish, inquire and delete Web services.

Supported IDE Tools

The following IDE tools can be used with CentraSite Version 8.0.

Specifying the Inquiry, Publish and Security URLs

When using any IDE tool, you need to obtain a user account in CentraSite, and also provide an inquiry URL for inquiring a Web service and a publish URL for publishing a Web service. You also need to provide the security URL for those tools that require it (for example, ALSB uses the security URL to get the AuthToken).

The UDDI Publish, Inquiry and Security services are hosted at the following URLs on the CentraSite host machine:

Inquiry URL:


Publish URL:


Security URL:


where <hostName> is the host name or IP address of the machine on which CentraSite is installed and <port> is the port on which CentraSite is listening for http requests.

The save_binding call in UDDI sends the access point but does not send the WSDL URL. Therefore, the WSDL URL shows only the access point.

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WTP Eclipse 1.5.2 Plug-In

This section describes how to search for a business and publish a service from that business, using the WTP Eclipse client. For more information about using the WTP Eclipse client, see

Start of instruction setTo download the plug-in and access the Web Services Explorer

  1. Download the Eclipse Web Tools version 1.5.2 from This version contains Eclipse 3.2.1.

  2. Run your virus scan product to ensure the Eclipse Web Services Explorer opens properly.

  3. On the Eclipse SDK screen, click Window > Open Perspective.

  4. On the Open Perspective dialog box, select J2EE and then click OK.

  5. Click Run > Launch the Web Services Explorer.

    The Web Services Explorer portlet displays.

  6. In the Navigator pane, click UDDI Main.

  7. On the Open Registry screen, type the following URL in the Inquiry URL box:


    where <hostName> is the host name or IP address of the machine on which CentraSite is installed and <port> is the port on which CentraSite is listening for http requests.

  8. Click Go.

    If the registry is active, Eclipse displays its details. On this page, you can find and publish services, businesses and service interfaces (tModels). For more information, refer to the WTP Eclipse product documentation.

  9. Click Go.

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IBM Rational Application Developer 6.0

For more information about the IBM Rational Application Developer 6.0, see

Start of instruction setTo connect to CentraSite

  1. From the Window menu of the tool, click Open Perspective > J2EE.

  2. Click Run > Launch the Web Services Explorer.

  3. In the navigation window, click UDDI Main.

  4. In the Registry Name box, type CentraSite.

  5. In the Inquiry URL box, type http://<host>:<port>/UDDIRregistry/inquiry, where <host> and <port> reflect the target CentraSite registry.

Start of instruction setTo publish entities

  1. In the Publish URL box, type http://<host>:<port>/UDDIRegistry/publish, where <host> and <port> reflect the target CentraSite registry.

  2. Supply your user name and password.

  3. Identify the registry to which you want to publish the entity.

  4. Provide entity details.

    When you attempt to find services and publish a new service, double authentication is required. But when you attempt to publish a service directly, authentication is involved once.

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