Version 9.6
 —  CentraSite Control Pluggable Architecture  —

Customizing the Welcome Page

The Welcome page that you see when you start CentraSite Control can be customized to suit your own requirements. You can change aspects such as icons used, colors, text, fonts and layouts. You can also define links that will take you straight to the pages of CentraSite Control that you use the most, and links to external web sites.

The information contained in the following sections describes how to customize your Welcome page.


The standard Welcome page gives you quick links to the pages of CentraSite Control that you will probably use frequently during your day-to-day work with CentraSite. It also provides links to external web sites that provide useful information related to CentraSite. In the Welcome page you can specify the language you wish to use for your further work with CentraSite Control, and you can specify the date format to be used in the various displays.

A search box allows you perform a keyword search for registry assets and objects whose name or description contains the given keyword.

The Welcome page has the following schematic layout:


The header section at the top contains a title text and a subtitle text. You can change the texts, the fonts and colors used to display the texts. An icon can be displayed adjacent to the title and subtitle. A search box is displayed by default, which allows you to perform a keyword search for an asset. You can hide the search box as part of the page customization. You can change the background color for the whole header section, and you can change the background color of the search box.

Below the header section, there can be one or more so-called widgets. Each widget contains a title, with an icon adjacent to the text. Under the title, you can have a list of entries, each representing some executable action. Typically, an action contains a URL to either a page of your choice within CentraSite Control, or to an external web page that you regularly visit within the context of your work with CentraSite.

There are several kinds of widget:

The Welcome page can contain up to 10 widgets. The widgets are displayed side by side in a single row.

In general, you can use CSS stylesheet statements to customize the appearance of text and colors in the Welcome page.

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Technical Implementation of the Welcome Page

The Welcome page is implemented as a plug-in module within the CentraSite pluggable UI architecture. This means that all of the development aspects that are relevant for implementing CentraSite plug-in modules apply also to the Welcome page.

The following sections describe the technical implementation of the Welcome page.

Overview of Java Methods used

The layout and contents of the Welcome page are implemented as Java code.

Each customizable part of the Welcome page requires a corresponding Java class. The Welcome screen can be defined as a combination of the following hierarchical structures:

Screen Component: Welcome Page

The Welcome page is composed of a header and a body. The header contains a title, subtitle, icon, search box and background image. The body contains one or more widgets.

The content and appearance of these components are determined by the Java methods shown in the following diagram.


The following table describes the purpose of these Java methods:

Name of Java interface Java Method Description
IWelcomePage getTitle(); Defines the header text to be used.
IWelcomePage getTitleStyle(); Defines the CSS style information for the header.
IWelcomePage getSubTitle(); Defines the header subtitle text to be used.
IWelcomePage getSubTitleStyle(); Defines the CSS style information for the header subtitle.
IWelcomePage getImage(); Defines the icon to be used in the header.
IWelcomePage isSearchVisible(); Defines whether the search box in the header part is visible or invisible.
IWelcomePage getSearchBackgroundImage(); Defines a background image to be used for the search box.
IWelcomePage getHeaderBackgroundImage(); Defines a background image to be used for the header part.
IWelcomePage getBottomBackgroundImage(); Defines a background image to be used for the body part.
IWelcomePage getWidgets(); Defines the widgets that will be used in the body part.

Screen Component: Widget

The body part of the Welcome page is composed of one or more widgets. A widget can define just HTML code (an HTML-style widget) or can define content and layout, similar to the header part of the Welcome page. The content/layout components are: a background image, a header text, the definition of a single-column table of items, the definition of a multi-column table of items.

The content and appearance of these components are determined by the Java methods shown in the following diagram.


The following table describes the purpose of these Java methods:

Name of Java interface Java Method Description
IWidget getWidth(); Defines the screen width of the widget.
IHtmlWidget getHtml(); Defines HTML code for an HTML-style widget.
IColumnWidget getBackgroundImage(); Defines the background image to be used for a column of a widget.
IColumnWidget getTitle(); Defines the header text of a column of a widget.
IColumnWidget getTitleStyle(); Defines the CSS style for the header text of a column of a widget.
IColumnWidget getImage(); Defines the background image to be used for the header part of the widget.
ISingleColumnWidget getSubTitle(); Defines the subtitle text of a single-column widget.
ISingleColumnWidget getSubTitleStyle(); Defines the CSS style for the subtitle header text of a single-column widget.
ISingleColumnWidget getItems(); Defines the items contained in a single-column widget.
IMultiColumnWidget getColumns(); Defines the columns used in a multi-column widget.
IColumn getSubTitle(); Defines the subtitle text of a column of a multi-column widget.
IColumn getSubTitleStyle(); Defines the CSS style for the subtitle text of a column of a multi-column widget.
IColumn getItems(); Defines the items contained in a column of a multi-column widget.

Screen Component: Item

Each widget in the body part of the Welcome page can contain one or more items, arranged in one or more table columns. An item represents an executable action, which you can define freely; for example, the action could be the activation of a URL in order to reach a particular page within CentraSite Control or an external web site.

The content and appearance of these components are determined by the Java methods shown in the following diagram.


The following table describes the purpose of these Java methods:

Name of Java interface Java Method Description
IItem getStyle();

Defines the CSS style for the item.

IActionItem getTitle(); Defines the text to be displayed for the item.
IActionItem getImage();

Defines the icon to be displayed adjacent to the descriptive text.

ISeparatorItem getHeight();

Defines the height in pixels of the area that contains the separator image.

ISeparatorItem getImage();

Defines the image be displayed as the separator item.

Methods Not Related To Screen Components

The following list shows the Java methods that are not related to a screen component, but which are required for the pluggable UI architecture of CentraSite Control.

Name of Java interface Java Method Description
(all interfaces) setLocale();

This informs the widget or item about the CentraSite Control locale that is required to localize texts for the display.

This method is called automatically before any other method that might depend on the locale.

(all interfaces) setActionContext();

This informs the widget or item about the CentraSite Control context that is required for the processing to be done subsequently by the execute() method.

This method is called automatically before any other method that might depend on the action context.

IWidget invalidate(); This sets the status that the display of the current item must be refreshed (true) or does not need to be refreshed (false).
IWidget isInvalidated(); This returns whether or not the display of the item needs to be refreshed.
IItem getWidget(); This method gets the widget to which the current item belongs.
IItem setWidget(); This method sets the widget to which the current item belongs.
IActionItem execute(); This activates the action to be performed when you click on the current item.

Java interface hierarchy

The interface hierarchy is as follows:


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Installing the Customized Welcome page

The Welcome page is implemented as a CentraSite Control extension point in the context of CentraSite's pluggable UI architecture. To install your customized Welcome page, you need to modify CentraSite Control's pluggable UI configuration in the Software AG Runtime environment.

The required deployment steps are describe in the following sections:

Stop Software AG Runtime

Before you make any changes to the Software AG Runtime environment, stop the Software AG Runtime process.

Updating the plugin.xml configuration file

The standard plugin.xml configuration file delivered with the CentraSite kit contains all of the names of the CentraSite Control extension points, including the extension point for the Welcome page. You must update this file to contain the definition of the customized Welcome page. The configuration file is located in the folder <RuntimeDir>\workspace\webapps\PluggableUI\CentraSiteControl .

There are two elements in the standard plugin.xml file that refer to the Welcome page. The first part defines the name of the extension point to be used for the Welcome page, and looks like this:

  <extension-point id="welcomePage">

The second part defines the Java class that implements the Welcome page, and looks like this:

   <!-- Welcome Page -->

The point attribute of the extension element in the second part must match the name given by the id attribute of the plugin element (usually in the first line in the plugin.xml file) concatenated with a dot and the id attribute of the extension-point element in the first part. For example, if the id attribute of the plugin element is "com.centrasite.control" and the id attribute of the extension-point element is "welcomePage", then the value of point attribute of the extension element must be "com.centrasite.control.welcomePage".

The Java class identified by the class attribute of the extension element must implement the interface IWelcomePage.

To use your customized Welcome page instead of the standard Welcome page, set the class attribute to your customized Java class that implements the interface IWelcomePage.

For general information about plugin.xml, see the section Installing and Uninstalling Plug-ins.

The changes that you make in plugin.xml take effect the next time Software AG Runtime is started.

Instead of overwriting the standard element in plugin.xml, you might want to retain a copy of the original element and comment it out. This means that you can revert easily to the original Welcome page if required, by commenting out your customized element and uncommenting the original element.

Deploying the new Java classes to the PluggableUI environment

In addition to modifying the plugin.xml file, as described above, you need to copy the Java classes for your customized Welcome page to the CentraSite Control location in Software AG Runtime.

There are two ways of doing this:

You can also combine these methods, and define some classes via a jar file in the lib folder and some classes as class files in the appropriate subfolder of the classes folder. If you have defined a class in both lib and a subfolder of classes, the class in the CentraSiteControl\classes subfolder will be used.

If you have defined new icons for the customized Welcome page, you need to copy the icons to the appropriate location under the CentraSiteControl folder. If, for example, your code contains the definition public String getImage() { return "images/my_welcome_icon.png"; }, ensure that the icon my_welcome_icon.png is copied to CentraSiteControl\images.

Start Software AG Runtime

After you have made the changes to the Software AG Runtime environment, restart the Software AG Runtime process. The changes you have made should now be visible when you view the Welcome Page.

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Example of a customized Welcome Page

This section describes the customized welcome page that is provided as a demo in the product distribution.

Location of demo files

All of the required files for the demo are contained in the folder demos\WelcomePage under the CentraSite installation location. The following files are available at this location:

The following sections describe how to use these files to build and deploy the demo Welcome page.

Differences between standard Welcome Page and demo Welcome Page

This section shows the differences between the standard welcome page and the demo welcome page. Based on this you should be able to quickly evaluate the usefulness of this feature for your own business requirements.

The standard welcome page has the following appearance:


The demo welcome page used as an example in this section has the following appearance:


The main changes between the standard welcome page and the customized welcome page that Software AG supplies as a demo can be summarized as follows:

Implementation of Welcome Page layout

This section lists the layout possibilities of the welcome page and specifies the Java methods where the layout is defined.

If any background image that is defined for an area of the display is not as wide as the area, the image is repeated horizontally until the whole width of the area is covered.

Header area

Layout component Source file Java Method
Icon getImage();
Background image getHeaderBackgroundImage();
Title text getTitle();
CSS style of title text getTitleStyle();
Subtitle text getSubTitle();
CSS style of subtitle text getSubTitleStyle();
Background image of the Search box getSearchBackgroundImage();
Make the Search box visible/invisible isSearchVisible();

Separator between header part and widget part

Layout component Source file Java Method
Image getImage();
Height in pixels getHeight();

Widget CentraSite

Layout component Source file Java Method
Width of widget getWidth();
Title text getTitle();
CSS style of title text getTitleStyle();
Subtitle text getSubTitle();
CSS style of subtitle text getSubTitleStyle();
Header icon getImage();
Background image getBackgroundImage();
CentraSite widget: define the items to be included in the bullet list getItems();
Icon for item "Asset Catalog" getImage();
Text for item "Asset Catalog" getTitle();
Icon for item "Advanced Search" getImage();
Text for item "Advanced Search" getTitle();
Icon for item "Inbox" getImage();
Text for item "Inbox" getTitle();
Icon for item "My Favorites" getImage();
Text for item "My Favorites" getTitle();

Widget Useful Links

Layout component Source file Java Method Comment
Header icon getImage();  
Width of widget getWidth();  
Title text getTitle();  
CSS style of title text getTitleStyle();  
Subtitle text getSubTitle();  
CSS style of subtitle text getSubTitleStyle();  
Background image getBackgroundImage();  
Text for item "CentraSite Developers Community" getTitle();  
URL for item "CentraSite Developers Community" execute(); The creation of a hyperlink that opens a new browser page is implemented by a call of the openPageInNewWindow method of the getDisplayAdapter() class that is available in the CentraSiteControlUI.jar file in Software AG Runtime.
Text for item "CentraSite Community" getTitle();  
URL for item "CentraSite Community" execute(); See the comment for "CentraSite Developers Community".
Text for item "CentraSite Online Documentation" getTitle();  
URL for item "CentraSite Online Documentation" execute(); See the comment for "CentraSite Developers Community".
Define the items to be included in the bullet list getItems();  

Widget User Preferences

Layout component Source file Java Method
Header icon getImage();
Width of widget getWidth();
Title text getTitle();
CSS style of title text getTitleStyle();
Background image getBackgroundImage();
Text of the "Languages" subtitle getSubTitle();
CSS style of the "Languages" subtitle getSubTitleStyle();
Width of "Languages" column in pixels getWidth();
Text of the "Date Formats" subtitle getSubTitle();
CSS style of the "Date Formats" subtitle getSubTitleStyle();
Width of "Date Formats" column in pixels getWidth();
Languages column: define the items to be included in the bullet list getItems();
Date Formats column: define the items to be included in the bullet list getItems();

Default Settings for Widgets

Layout component Source file Constant
Widgets: default "blue circle" icon to mark individual entries in a widget BLUE_CIRCLE_ICON
Widgets: default "orange circle" icon to mark individual entries in a widget ORANGE_CIRCLE_ICON
Widgets: default CSS style of the title text of a widget WIDGET_TITLE_STYLE
Widgets: default CSS style of the subtitle text of a widget WIDGET_SUBTITLE_STYLE
Widgets: default CSS style of the text for each item of a widget ACTION_ITEM_STYLE

Implementing the Demo as an Eclipse Java Project

If you wish to use Eclipse as your development environment for updating the Java sources of the customized welcome page, the demos\WelcomePage folder contains the Eclipse project files .classpath and .project. You can use these files to create an Eclipse Java project for managing your Java sources. To create and use the Eclipse Java project, proceed as follows:

Start of instruction setTo create and use the Eclipse Java project

  1. Start Eclipse.

  2. Select File > New > Project > Java Project.

    This opens the wizard for creating a new Java project.

  3. Select Create project from existing source.

  4. Specify the path demos\WelcomePage as the location of the existing project files.

When you build the project in Eclipse (using for example Project > Build Project), there should be no errors reported.

Building the deployment files for Software AG Runtime

To deploy the demo welcome page to Software AG Runtime, you need to create a jar file containing the Java classes of your Java sources, then copy the jar file and any required graphic icons to the Software AG Runtime environment.

You can build the jar file by using Apache Ant with the build file build.xml provided in the demos\WelcomePage folder. The file build.xml uses a properties file to define some customer-specific files names and folder locations.

The build file build.xml also builds a zip file that contains the jar file and all required graphical icons. To deploy the demo welcome page, you can unzip the contents of the zip file directly into your Software AG Runtime location, as described below.

The file

The file contains the following properties that you should tailor to your working environment before you run build.xml.

Property Description

This is the name that will be used for the jar file and zip file that are created by the Ant task.

The jar file will be copied to the CentraSite\lib folder in the Software AG Runtime environment, so choose a name that will easily distinguish the jar file from other jar files at the Software AG Runtime location.

pluggableLocation This is the location of the folderPluggableUI in the <RuntimeDir>/workspace/webapps/ directory. In a Windows environment, you should use forward slashes instead of backward slashes in the path name.
centraSiteLocation This is the path where your CentraSite installation is located. In a Windows environment, you should use forward slashes instead of backward slashes in the path name.

Building the deployment files

The build.xml file contains the definition of the tasks to be performed by Ant. The tasks defined in the delivered demo version are:

The build.xml file is an XML file that contains element definitions such as:

<zipfileset dir="resources" prefix="images">
   <include name="*.png" />

In such cases, the dir attribute indicates the name of the folder in the build environment where Ant can locate the required files, and the prefix attribute indicates the folder in the Software AG Runtime environment where the files will be copied to. In the extract shown above, Ant will search for all PNG graphics files ("*.png") in the resources folder in the build environment and add them to the zip file so that they can be unzipped into the images folder in the Software AG Runtime environment.

To build the deployment files, you can use either of the following methods:

Start of instruction setTo build the deployment files (method 1)

  1. In Eclipse, select the build.xml file in the Package Explorer view.

  2. In the context menu, click Run As > Ant Build....

  3. Ensure that the options are set for "Clear Environment", "Compile Sources", "Create JAR file", "Create ZIP file".

  4. Click Run.

Start of instruction setTo build the deployment files (method 2)

This method assumes that you have Apache Ant installed as an executable program on your computer.

  1. Open a command prompt window.

  2. Go to the demos\WelcomePage folder.

  3. Enter the command ant clean.

  4. Enter the command ant.

In both methods, the Ant tasks defined in build.xml are processed. Ant builds a new jar file demos\WelcomePage\lib\SagBlueWelcomePage.jar, containing all of the Java classes required for the Software AG Runtime environment. It also build a zip file demos\WelcomePage\lib\, containing the jar file and all required PNG graphics. The name "SagBlueWelcomePage" comes from the definition of the property projectName in the file

Deploying the demo to Software AG Runtime

To deploy the demo Welcome page to Software AG Runtime, you need to copy the Java classes and icons of the demo Welcome page to the Software AG Runtimet environment, and update the Software AG Runtime plugin.xml file. To do this, proceed as follows:

Start of instruction setTo deploy the demo Welcome page to Software AG Runtime

  1. Stop Software AG Runtime.

  2. Unzip the zip file created by the Ant build into <RuntimeDir>\workspace\webapps\PluggableUI\CentraSiteControl directory.

    This will copy the jar file created by Ant into the folder <RuntimeDir>\workspace\webapps\PluggableUI\CentraSiteControl\lib and the PNG files into the folder <RuntimeDir>\workspace\webapps\PluggableUI\CentraSiteControl\images.

    As an alternative to using the zip file, you can just copy the jar file from the Ant build into <RuntimeDir>\workspace\webapps\PluggableUI\CentraSiteControl\lib and the PNG files into <RuntimeDir>\workspace\webapps\PluggableUI\CentraSiteControl\images.

  3. As indicated in the section Updating the plugin.xml configuration file, the plugin.xml file in the Software AG Runtime environment must be updated to point to the Java classes of the customized Welcome page. The file plugin.xml in the folder demos\WelcomePage\resources contains the elements that must be updated in the plugin.xml file for Software AG Runtime.

    Copy the entries manually from demos\WelcomePage\resources\plugin.xml to the plugin.xml file under Software AG Runtime. Remember to comment out the original entries for the standard Welcome page when you copy in the new entries.

  4. Restart Software AG Runtime.

Displaying the demo Welcome page

After you have deployed the demo to the Software AG Runtime environment, as described in the previous section Deploying the demo to Software AG Runtime, and restarted Software AG Runtime, the demo Welcome page will be visible when you start CentraSite Control.

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Special Programming Techniques

This section summarizes some of the techniques you might find useful when creating your own customized welcome page. You can find code examples of the techniques in the demos\WelcomePage folder.

Technique Code Example in demos\WelcomePage folder
Activate the "Advanced Search" page.
Activate the "Keyword Search" page.
Start the "My Account" dialog.
Start the "Add Asset" dialog.
Start the "Import" dialog.
Activate "My CentraSite" and show "Assets I Provide".
Open the external website "".
Open the external website " ".
Open the external website "".
Create an empty line in a widget.
Create a dotted dividing line.
Create a column (list) with all available date formats.
Select a specific date format from a list.
Create a column (list) with all available languages.
Select a specific language from a list.

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