Each JAXR-based object instance may be supplied with arbitrary additional information. JAXR uses the "slot" mechanism to provide this kind of extensibility.
JAXR allows arbitrary strings as slot names. The CentraSite
implementation stores a slot by creating an XML element whose tag name is the
slot name. Consequently, a slot name should be a valid XML QName. If a QName
has a non-null URI, the lexical representation of the slotname is the URI
enclosed in curly braces, followed by the local-name, for example
The following code snippet shows how to add a slot to a service object:
Service service = ...; Slot slot = lcManager.createSlot("{myUri}mySlotName", "slotValue", null); service.addSlot(slot); ArrayList serviceList = new ArrayList(); serviceList.add(service); lcManager.saveServices(serviceList);