Version 9.6


This document provides information about how to create and modify taxonomies (classification schemes).

The content is organized under the following sections:

../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Introduction Gives an overview of the taxonomy support in CentraSite.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Who Can Create and Manage Taxonomies? Describes the permissions needed to create, edit, or delete a taxonomy.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Visibility of Taxonomies in CentraSite Control Describes properties that determine whether a taxonomy is visible to users in CentraSite Control.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Creating a Taxonomy Describes how to create a taxonomy.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Associating Taxonomy to an Object Type Describes how to associate a taxonomy with one or multiple object type(s).
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Setting Permissions on a Taxonomy Describes how to set instance-level permissions on a taxonomy.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Viewing the Taxonomy List Describes how to view the list of taxonomies in CentraSite.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Viewing or Editing the Properties of a Taxonomy Describes how to modify a taxonomy.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Deleting a Taxonomy Describes how to delete a taxonomy.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Adding a Category Describes how to add a category to a taxonomy.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Viewing or Editing the Properties of a Category Describes how to modify a category in a taxonomy.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Deleting a Category Describes how to delete a category from a taxonomy.

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