Integration Server assets can be published at the package level to CentraSite from the Package Navigator view of the Designer. For publishing assets to CentraSite, the publisher uses CentraSite connection information provided in the Integration Server administration console.
The CentraSite connection information must specify a valid CentraSite URL and a user name which the publisher uses for authentication purposes to communicate with CentraSite.
If you change the CentraSite connection information in any way, for example, if you delete the user from CentraSite, it will not be possible to publish any assets from the Integration Server to CentraSite.
Connecting remotely to CentraSite from Designer may result in time-outs depending on the individual environment and due to subsequent changes of the IP address (TCP/IP stack, VPN, etc.).
In such cases it may be necessary to restart/reconnect the following components:
Software AG Runtime
CentraSite Registry Repository
Any client involved