Version 9.6
 —  Importing/Exporting Registry Objects  —

Exporting and Importing Objects from the Command Line

Registry objects can be exported from and imported into CentraSite by using a command line interface. This section describes the calls and the parameters. In either case (exporting and importing), you must include the CentraSite JAR files in your Java classpath. It is usually convenient to include all the JAR files that are in the CentraSite redist folder (typically C:\SoftwareAG\CentraSite\redist).

Exporting Objects from the Command Line

The syntax of the export call is as follows:

com.centrasite.importexport.ExportOperation [-noinstances]
                                            { <concept> | <guid> }...

The meanings of the parameters are as follows:


When exporting a CentraSite asset type (represented by a Concept object) or a taxonomy (represented by a Classification Scheme object), no instances of them are exported.

For other objects, this option is ignored.


When exporting an organization, related registry objects, that is users, groups, roles and permissions, will not be exported.


When exporting an organization, its related policies and lifecycles will also be exported.


When exporting an organization, its child organizations will not be exported.


The URL of the CentraSite registry/repository; typically http://localhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite.


The name of the export archive file (ZIP file).


The user-ID of the CentraSite user to be used for the import operation.


The user's password.


The name of a JAXR-based concept to be exported.


The GUID of a CentraSite registry object to be exported, prefixed by "uddi:", for example: "uddi:207ff1cc-25c5-544c-415c-5d98ea91060c".

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Importing Objects from an Archive using the Command Line

The syntax of the import call is as follows:

com.centrasite.importexport.ImportOperation [-setreplace] 
                                            [-importorg <org_key>]

The meanings of the parameters are as follows:


When an object is to be imported, the timestamp of the object in the import archive file is compared with the timestamp of the corresponding object with the same GUID in the registry, if the latter exists. If the timestamps are equal, the object is not imported. If the archive timestamp is older than the registry timestamp, the object is only imported if this optional parameter is present; otherwise, it is skipped.

-importorg <org_key>

By default, objects are imported into the current user's organization. Use this optional parameter if you want to specify a different organization into which the objects should be imported. The keyword is followed by the organization's GUID, prefixed by "uddi:", for example: "uddi:207ff1cc-25c5-544c-415c-5d98ea91060c". Note that this parameter has no effect if the -keeporganization parameter is set.


This option will maintain the original owner of the importing objects. This requires the original owner to exist with the same UUID on the target machine.

If this parameter is not set, the importing user will be owner of the objects.


This option will maintain the original organization of the importing objects. This requires the original organization to exist with the same UUID on the target machine.

If an organization is imported with its assets, this option is activated automatically.


The URL of the CentraSite registry/repository; typically http://localhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite.


The name of the export archive file. The archive file can contain an organization with its assets or can contain a set of objects that were exported from one or more organizations.


The user-ID of the CentraSite user to be used for the import operation.


The user's password.

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