Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Interfaces  —

Working with the Registry

The Registry package allows access to the Software AG registry, which is used to maintain configuration information for all Software AG products on the selected host.

The Registry

Start of instruction setTo display the Registry Keys

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Display Sub-Keys

Start of instruction setTo display any sub-keys

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Add Sub-Key

Start of instruction setTo add a new sub-key

  1. Expand the Registry Keys node. Choose the desired key in the navigation frame (details of that key are displayed in the content frame).

  2. Open the key's context menu.

  3. Choose Add Key from the context menu. Enter the name of the new key in the space provided in the content frame and press OK to confirm or press Cancel.

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Delete Key

Start of instruction setTo delete a key

  1. From the navigation frame choose the key to be deleted.

  2. From the context menu choose Delete Key. The registry key currently selected and any sub-keys associated with it is deleted.

  3. Press the OK button to confirm or press Cancel.

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Add Value

Start of instruction setTo add a new registry value

  1. Choose the registry value to which a new value is to be added.

  2. Choose Add Value from the context menu.

  3. Enter the new value and value name in the spaces provided in the content frame.

  4. Press OK to confirm or press Cancel.

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Modify Value

Start of instruction setTo modify or delete a value

  1. Choose the value to be modified.

  2. Choose Modify Value from the context menu.

  3. Make the desired modifications in the spaces provided or delete a value by checking Delete next to the value to be deleted.

  4. Press OK to confirm or press Cancel.

For a detailed list of registry settings and the customizable keys, see Registry Settings.

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