Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Interfaces  —

Displaying Configurations

The navigation frame displays configuration information specific to your local environment. This information is displayed in nodes that can be expanded or collapsed as required.

This document lists the options provided by SMH graphical user interface for displaying the local configuration information. The information is organized under the following headings:

System Management View

In the navigation frame, choose System Management View at the bottom of the frame to display the contents of the frame according to your settings. The system management view can be displayed at any time.

Select System Management at the top of the navigation frame to return to the default display.

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Add to View

Any node displayed in the default view can be added to (or removed from) the System Management View.

Start of instruction setTo add a node to the System Management View

  1. Return to the default view and highlight the node you wish to add to the system management view.

  2. Open that node's context menu.

    common context menu options

  3. Choose Add to View from the node's context menu.

    Log on the managed host to connect to one of its nodes that you have added to the System Management View. Otherwise, you get an error message.

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Remove from View

Start of instruction setTo remove a node from the System Management View

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Add to Browser Favorites

Similarly, any node in the navigation frame can be added to your list of browser favorites.

Start of instruction setTo add a node to your browser favorites

  1. Open that node's context menu.

    common context menu options

  2. Choose Add to Browser Favorites from the node's context menu.

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Start of instruction setTo update the contents of the display of a node

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Managed Hosts

Depending on your configuration and requirements, managed hosts can be added, modified, and deleted.

Start of instruction setTo log on to a host:

  1. In the navigation frame, choose the host you wish to log on.

  2. The screen Login to Managed Host is displayed in the content frame. Enter the user name and password as with any other logging on.

    login to managed host

    Remember that if your logon host is a Windows machine (that is part of a Windows domain), then your logon Username must also include your logon domain as:

     for example, : sag\myself

    Please contact your system administrator for further details.

  3. Press the Login button or the Enter key to complete the logon.

Start of instruction setTo log out:

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Add a Managed Host

Each managed host must be defined by the system administrator using the Add Host option.

Start of instruction setTo add a host:

  1. Connect as a system administrator, using the entry URL.

  2. From the context menu of the Managed Hosts node, choose the option Add Host.


  3. A screen similar to the one illustrated below is displayed in the content frame. Enter the full host name of the host you wish to add. This can be either the complete host (domain) name or the IP address (for example, of the respective host. This field is required.

  4. Enter the name you wish to be displayed in the list of managed hosts. This field is optional. If you do not wish to enter a name, the new host's name as you entered it in the previous field (either domain name or IP address) are displayed.

  5. Enter the TCP/IP port number for the CSLayer server on the managed host. The default value is 10012. This field is required.

  6. Press the OK button to confirm your entries or the Cancel button to make any changes.

  7. Any failure to provide the correct credentials results in an error message screen:


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Modify a Managed Host

Start of instruction setTo modify a host:

  1. From the context menu of the host you wish to modify, choose Modify Host.

    modify host (context menu)

  2. A screen similar to the one illustrated below is displayed in the content frame.

    You can do either of the following:

  3. Press the OK button to confirm the modifications or the Cancel button to make any changes.

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Delete a Managed Host

Start of instruction setTo delete a host:

  1. From the context menu of the host you wish to delete, choose Delete Host.

    delete host (context menu)

  2. A screen similar to the one illustrated below is displayed in the content frame.

    Press the OK button to confirm that you wish to delete the host or press the Cancel button to terminate the process.

The host you have selected is permanently deleted from the list of managed hosts.

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